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A prediction equation for indirect assessment of anaerobic threshold in male distance runners
Authors:Kiyoji Tanaka  Takashi Nakagawa  Toshio Hazama  Yoshiyuki Matsuura  Katsumi Asano  Toshiyuki Iseki
Affiliation:(1) Division of Exercise Physiology, School of Liberal Arts, Osaka City University, 3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi, 558 Osaka;(2) Institute of Health and Sport Science, University of Tsukuba, 305 Ibaraki;(3) Division of Sports Medicine, Osaka College of Physical Education, 567 Ibaraki, Japan
Abstract:Summary The predictability of anaerobic threshold (AT) from maximal aerobic power, distance running performance, chronological age, and total running distance achieved on the treadmill (TRD) was investigated in a sample of 53 male distance runners, 17–23 years of age. The dependent variable was oxygen uptake ( 
$$dot V_{O_2 } $$
) at which AT was detected (i. e., 
$$dot V_{O_2 } $$
@AT). A regression analysis of the data indicated 
$$dot V_{O_2 } $$
@AT could be predicted from the following four measurements with a multipleR=0.831 and a standard error of the estimate of 2.66 ml · min−1 · kg−1: 
$$dot V_{O_{2max} } $$
(67.9±5.7 ml · min−1 · kg−1), 1,500-m running performance (254.5±14.2 s), TRD (6.82±1.13 km), and age (19.4±2.2 years). When independent variables were limited to 
$$dot V_{O_{2max} } $$
(X 1) and 1,500-m running performance (X 2) for simpler assessment, a multipleR=0.806 and a standard error of the estimate of 2.76 ml · min−1 · kg−1 were computed. A useful prediction equation with this predictive accuracy was considered to be 
$$dot V_{O_2 } $$
@AT= 0.386X1−0.128X2+57.11. To determine if the prediction equation developed for the 53 male distance runners could be generalized to other samples, cross-validation of the equation was tested, using 21 different distance runners, 17–22 years of age. A high correlation (R=0.927) was obtained between 
$$dot V_{O_2 } $$
@AT predicted from the above equation and directly measured 
$$dot V_{O_2 } $$
@AT. It is concluded that the generalized equation may be applicable to young distance runners for indirect assessment of 
$$dot V_{O_2 } $$
@AT. This study was supported by grants from The Descente Foundation for the Promotion of Sports Science, awarded to K. Tanaka
Keywords:Prediction of anaerobic threshold  Linear multiple regression analysis  Maximal oxygen uptake  Endurance running performance
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