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The Genome Analysis Toolkit: A MapReduce framework for analyzing next-generation DNA sequencing data
Authors:Aaron McKenna  Matthew Hanna  Eric Banks  Andrey Sivachenko  Kristian Cibulskis  Andrew Kernytsky  Kiran Garimella  David Altshuler  Stacey Gabriel  Mark Daly  Mark A. DePristo
Affiliation:1. Program in Medical and Population Genetics, The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA;;2. Center for Human Genetic Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Richard B. Simches Research Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA
Next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project, are already revolutionizing our understanding of genetic variation among individuals. However, the massive data sets generated by NGS—the 1000 Genome pilot alone includes nearly five terabases—make writing feature-rich, efficient, and robust analysis tools difficult for even computationally sophisticated individuals. Indeed, many professionals are limited in the scope and the ease with which they can answer scientific questions by the complexity of accessing and manipulating the data produced by these machines. Here, we discuss our Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), a structured programming framework designed to ease the development of efficient and robust analysis tools for next-generation DNA sequencers using the functional programming philosophy of MapReduce. The GATK provides a small but rich set of data access patterns that encompass the majority of analysis tool needs. Separating specific analysis calculations from common data management infrastructure enables us to optimize the GATK framework for correctness, stability, and CPU and memory efficiency and to enable distributed and shared memory parallelization. We highlight the capabilities of the GATK by describing the implementation and application of robust, scale-tolerant tools like coverage calculators and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calling. We conclude that the GATK programming framework enables developers and analysts to quickly and easily write efficient and robust NGS tools, many of which have already been incorporated into large-scale sequencing projects like the 1000 Genomes Project and The Cancer Genome Atlas.In recent years, there has been a rapid expansion in the number of next-generation sequencing platforms, including Illumina (Bentley et al. 2008), the Applied Biosystems SOLiD System (McKernan et al. 2009), 454 Life Sciences (Roche) (Margulies et al. 2005), Helicos HeliScope (Shendure and Ji 2008), and most recently Complete Genomics (Drmanac et al. 2010). Many tools have been created to work with next-generation sequencer data, from read based aligners like MAQ (Li et al. 2008a), BWA (Li and Durbin 2009), and SOAP (Li et al. 2008b), to single nucleotide polymorphism and structural variation detection tools like BreakDancer (Chen et al. 2009), VarScan (Koboldt et al. 2009), and MAQ. Although these tools are highly effective in their problem domains, there still exists a large development gap between sequencing output and analysis results, in part because tailoring these analysis tools to answer specific scientific questions can be laborious and difficult. General frameworks are available for processing next-generation sequencing data but tend to focus on specific classes of analysis problems—like quality assessment of sequencing data, as in PIQA (Martinez-Alcantara et al. 2009)—or require specialized knowledge of an existing framework, as in BioConductor in the ShortRead toolset (Morgan et al. 2009). The lack of sophisticated and flexible programming frameworks that enable downstream analysts to access and manipulate the massive sequencing data sets in a programmatic way has been a hindrance to the rapid development of new tools and methods.With the emergence of the SAM file specification (Li et al. 2009) as the standard format for storage of platform-independent next-generation sequencing data, we saw the opportunity to implement an analysis programming framework which takes advantage of this common input format to simplify the up-front coding costs for end users. Here, we present the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), a structured programming framework designed to ease the development of efficient and robust analysis tools for next-generation DNA sequencers using the functional programming philosophy of MapReduce (Dean and Ghemawat 2008). By separating specific analysis calculations from common data management infrastructure, tools are easy to write while benefiting from ongoing improvements to the core GATK. The GATK engine is constantly being refined and optimized for correctness, stability, and CPU and memory efficiency; this well-structured software core allows the GATK to support advanced features such as distributed and automatic shared-memory parallelization. Here, we highlight the capabilities of the GATK, which has been used to implement a range of analysis methods for projects like The Cancer Genome Atlas (http://cancergenome.nih.gov) and the 1000 Genomes Project (http://www.1000genomes.org), by describing the implementation of depth of coverage analysis tools and a Bayesian single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyper, and show the application of these tools to the 1000 Genomes Project pilot data.
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