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Divergent regulation of cell surface protease expression in HL-60 cells differentiated into macrophages with granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor or neutrophils with retinoic acid
Authors:Laouar, Amale   Wietzerbin, Juana   Bauvois, Brigitte
Affiliation:Unité 365 INSERM, Institut Curie, 26 rue d'Ulm, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France
Abstract:Taking advantage of the recently demonstrated presence of N-aminopeptidasesand the serine protease dipeptidyi aminopeptidase IV (DPP IV)at the surface of human myeloblastic HL-60 cells, the regulationof these protease activities in HL-60 cell differentiation hasbeen assessed using combined spectrophotometric and flow cytometricassays. Addition of human recombinant granulocyte macrophagecolony stimulating factor (rHu-GM-CSF) to HL-60 cells to inducedifferentiation into macrophages led to a time and dose-dependentincrease in both cell surface N-aminopeptidase and DPP IV activities.Protease up-regulation was due to an enhancement in cell surfaceprotease number, associated with a slight rise in apparent affinitiesof the enzymes for their substrates. In contrast, in HL-60 cellsinduced to differentiate into neutrophils in the presenceofretinoic acid, expression of cell surface N-amlnopeptidaseswas almost completely abolished in a time-and dose-dependentfashion, and this down-regulation was accompanied by a weakbut significant decrease in affinity. However, no noticeabledifference was seen in serine DPP IV expression between retinoicacid-treated and untreated HL-60 cells. Retinoic acid treatmentalso reduced soluble protease activity in vitro indicating thatdown-regulation of membrane aminopeptldases was not due to theirproteolytic clip. No modulation in the activity of any of theenzymes tested was seen with human recombinant tumor necrosisfactor-{alpha} or retinol which do not induce HL-60 cell differentiation.The up-regulation of cell surface protease expression in HL-60cells differentiated into macrophages was similar to that observedin monocytes isolated from peripheral blood: both DPP IV andN-aminopeptidase activities strictly increased on cells thatundergo macrophage maturation (up to 5-fold) and independentlyof the nature of the differentiation inducer. Thus, the distinctivepatterns of N-aminopeptidase and DPP IV expression that areseen in differentiating neutrophils and macrophages appear tobe relatedto differences in stage of myeloid maturation. Becausecell surface proteases are crucially involved in leukocyte functions,the data presented suggest that alterations in cell surfaceprotease expression are associated with events controlling thedifferentiation of immature cells.
Keywords:differentiation   myeloid cells   protease   retinoic acid   granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor
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