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引用本文:杨兴旺. 319例352眼眼外伤疗效观察[J]. 眼外伤职业眼病杂志, 1994, 16(3): 202-204
作者单位:解放军第3医院眼科 721004
摘    要:采用综合治疗,抗炎,散瞳,局部治疗与全身应用免疫抑制疗法,治疗319例352眼外伤获得了满意的疗效,眼球挫伤104例,眼球穿孔伤93例,化学烧伤71例,眼炸伤46例。眼热烧伤5例,治疗包括及时清创胶粘或缝合,清除前房出血合理用皮质类固醇和免疫抑制剂等。眼球挫伤治愈率97.12%,穿透伤93.18%,热烧伤66.67%。319例眼外伤治愈率94.67%好转5.33%,并对各种治疗方法进行了讨论。

关 键 词:眼球穿孔伤 碱烧伤 眼外伤 治疗

Curative effect observation for 319 cases of 352 eyes surgical traumas.
Yang Xingwang,De-of Ophthalmology of PL A rd Hospital. Curative effect observation for 319 cases of 352 eyes surgical traumas.[J]. Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries, 1994, 16(3): 202-204
Authors:Yang Xingwang  De-of Ophthalmology of PL A rd Hospital
Affiliation:Yang Xingwang,De-of Ophthalmology of PL A 3rd Hospital 721004
Abstract:Adopting medical treatment of comprehensive cure, antiinflammation, mydriasis , local cure and immunity inhibition on the whole body on curing 319 cases of 352 eyes surgical traumas, satisfactory curative effects had beenachieved. Among these cases, 104 were contusions, 93 were perforating injuries of eyeball, 71 were chemical injuries, 46 were explosion injuries and 5 were hyperthermal injuries. During cure, following medical treatment had been taken promptly, such as debriding the wound, glueing or sewing up the wound, debriding hyphema, and rationally applying steroids and immuno-suppressive agents, etc. The cure rate for the cases above mentioned were 97.12% for eyehall contusion, 93.18% for perforating injury of eyeball, 93.75% for explosion injuries and 66.67% for hyperthermal injuries. The cure rate for 319 cases of eye traumas is 94.67%. The paper also discusse about different medical treatment.
Keywords:Perforating injury of eyeball  Immuno-suppressive agents   Alkaline injury  Vitamic C
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