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Functional CD4+T cell subsets defined by expression of CD45RC and NTA260 antigens and age-associated polarization in murine lupus
Authors:Nishimura, Hiroyuki   Hattori, Susumu   Ueda, Genjiro   Abe, Masaaki   Yang, Kwangseok   Nozawa, Shingo   Okamoto, Hiroshi   Zhang, Danqing   Tsurui, Hiromichi   Hirose, Sachiko   Shirai, Toshikazu
Affiliation:Department of Pathology, Juntendo University School of Medicine 2-1-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan
1Present address: Toin Human Science and Technology Center, Toin University of Yokohama 225 Japan
Abstract:Using two mAb, one specific to the alternative exon 6-dependentepitope of CD45 molecules(JH6.2) and one a natural thymocytotoxicautoantibody (NTA) with an unknown reactive epitope (NTA260),we subdivided splenic CD4+ T cells from 2-month-old BALB/c miceinto five phenotypically distinct subsets. CD45RC+NTA260(SI) cells were phenotypically analogous to CD4+ T cells predominatingin newborn mice and produced a significant amount of IL-2, butnot so IL-4, IL-10 or IFN-{gamma} when stimulated with immobilizedanti-CD3 mAb in vitro. They appeared to consist mainly of naiveThP cells. The CD45RC+;NTA260+ (S II) subset also produced IL-2,but not other cytokines; however, the IL-2 levels produced weremuch higher than seen with the S I subset, thereby suggestingthe predominance of further maturated ThP cells. The D45RCNTA260+(S III) subset mainly produced IL-4, IL-10, IFN-{gamma} and less IL-2,and contained memory cells that helped the secondary antibodyresponse to a recall antigen, and hence contained Th2 and probablya mixture of Th0 and Th1 cells. The CD45RCNTA260(S IV) subset was a poor responder to the immobilized anti-CD3mAb. The CD45RCbrightNTA260dull(S V) subset consisted of a smallnumber of cells that were phenotypically analogous to activatedCD4+ T cells. While an age-associated decrease in the proportionof S I and less markedly in S II and in turn increase in S IIIsubsets of CD4+ T cells occurred in normal BALB/c mice, autoimmunedisease-prone (NZBxNZW)F1 mice showed a marked age-associateddecrease in the proportion of not only S I, II but also IIIsubsets. As aged (NZBxNZW)F1 mice carry CD4+ T helper cellsfor IgG anti-DNA antibody production, such age-associated polarizationto the S IV subset appears to be critical in the pathogeneslsof autoimmune disease in these mice.
Keywords:autoimmunity   CD4+   CD45RC   T cell   Th1   Th2
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