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引用本文:任香梅, 邵继红, 黄水平, 严文君, 周萍. 徐州市妊娠妇女妊娠糖尿病知识及态度调查[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2009, 25(10): 1187-1188. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2009-25-10-19
作者姓名:任香梅  邵继红  黄水平  严文君  周萍
作者单位:1.徐州医学院公共卫生学院, 徐州221002;2.徐州医学院临床医学二系
摘    要:
目的了解江苏省徐州市妊娠妇女妊娠糖尿病(GDM)知识和态度现状,为今后开设孕妇GDM健康教育提供依据。方法随机选择2006-2007年徐州市4所三级医院产科建卡就诊的720名孕妇进行问卷调查和实验室检查。结果孕妇对GDM各项基础知识知晓率均在14%以下;不同孕期、职业、月收入和文化程度孕妇GDM 3项基础知识知晓率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),尤其是农民、商业服务人员、月收入较低、文化程度较低的孕妇知晓基础知识更低,其中初中文化程度孕妇3项基本知识知晓率分别为6.5%,7.6%,2.2%。90%以上孕妇认为有必要预防和愿意接受健康教育以预防GDM。结论孕妇对GDM基础知识了解普遍较低,但对GDM知识的需求比例较高。

关 键 词:孕妇  妊娠糖尿病  知识  态度

Knowledge and attitude on gestational diabetes mellitus among pregnant women in Xuzhou
REN Xiang-mei, SHAO Ji-hong, HUANG Shui-ping, . Knowledge and attitude on gestational diabetes mellitus among pregnant women in Xuzhou[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2009, 25(10): 1187-1188. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2009-25-10-19
Authors:REN Xiang-mei  SHAO Ji-hong  HUANG Shui-ping
Affiliation:1.School of Public Health, Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou 221002, China
ObjectiveTo explore the knowledge and attitude on gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM)in pregnant women and to provide data for health education on GDM in pregnant women.MethodsFrom 2006 to 2007,arandom questionnaire and experimental test was conducted among 720 pregnant women in 4 hospitals.ResultsThe rates of knowing all basic knowledge on GDM were lower than 14%.There were statistical differences in knowledge rates between women with different duration of pregnancy,occupa tion,income and education level(P<0.05).Lower knowledged rate were observed among the women with some occupation(peasant, service workers)and those with lower income or education.The percen tages of knowing three basic knowledge on GDM of the pregnants with junior high school were 615, 7.6,and 2.2%.The percentages of admitting the necessity of GDM prevention and of willing to receive health education on GDM among the pregnant women were higher than 90%.ConclusionMost of pregnant women knew alittle of basic GDM knowledge,but the ratio of the need for GDM knowledge was high.
Keywords:pregnant women  gestational diabetes mellitus  knowledge  attitude
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