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The Relationship Between Club Drug Use and Other Drug Use: A Survey of New York City Middle School Students
Abstract:In order to explore the relationship between use of club drugs (crystal methamphetamine, ecstasy, GHB, ketamine), and use of other drugs, survey data collected from 23,780 middle school students in New York City during 2002–2003 was examined. Results of HGLM analyses (a generalization of HLM to accomodate nonlinear outcomes), controlling for the effect of school, indicate that Black students are less likely than White students to use club drugs depending on the timeframe of use. The use of alcohol and/or marijuana predict club drug use regardless of the timeframe of use, and lifetime cigarette use predicts lifetime club drug use. Recommendations for future research and prevention efforts are discussed.
Keywords:club drugs  middle school students  school  drug use  survey  hierarchical modeling
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