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Transmission of bancroftian filariasis in tea agro-ecosystem of Assam, India
Authors:Mahanta B  Handique R  Narain K  Dutta P  Mahanta J
Affiliation:Department of Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India.
Abstract:Tea industry is a labor intensive agro-industry and filariasis is mostly localized among the tea garden workers in Assam. The workers live inside the gardens in colonies. Studies conducted in two cosecutive years revealed that among the host seeking Culex quinquefasciatus average infection rate was 4.6% and with 2.1 larvae per mosquito. The overall prevalence of infective mosquitos was 0.8% with average L3 load of 2.0 per mosquito. The probability of infected mosquitos surviving to have complete development of filarial larvae (13 days) was 0.17. The expectation of infective life was 1.416 days for man biting Cx. quinquefasciatus and the estimated adult survival rate of was 87.6%. It has been estimated that a total of 22,569 mosquito bites were received/man/year in tea garden environment out of which 182 bites/man/year were infective (0.806%). The monthly biting rate varied from 310-4,758.5 bites per man (mean 1,846 +/- 1,389.7 SD). Monthly transmission index of W. bancrofti filaria showed two periods of transmission. In both the year no infection was detected during February and March and infection rate remained low up to May (average infection in April 0.72% and in May 0.48%).
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