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A Novel Variant of the Human Blood Group K1 Antigen
Authors:K. Skradski  M. E. Reid PhD    M. Mount  H.F. Polesky  L. Sausais  M. Yacob  and R. Batts
Affiliation:Memorial Blood Center of Minneapolis, Minn.;New York Blood Center, New York, N.Y., USA
A discrepancy in duplicate anti-K1 typing in a parentage case led to the discovery of an unusual K1 blood group antigen. Red blood cells from the propositus (JC) express a rare variant of the K1 antigen that is detectable by only 8 of 72 sera containing anti-K1. Absorption and elution studies using reactive anti-K1 confirmed the presence of a K1 antigen. Nonreactive anti-K1 was not absorbed by or eluted from JC's red blood cells. Red cells from 3 of the propositus's siblings also had the variant K1 antigen. The variant antigen exhibited qualitative as well as quantitative differences as compared to normal K1, and we have named it K1var.
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