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引用本文:赵敏,许亮,王蓓,包凌云,方建华. 超声对原发性肠系膜肿瘤的诊断价值[J]. 中国超声诊断杂志, 2005, 6(7): 508-509
作者姓名:赵敏  许亮  王蓓  包凌云  方建华
摘    要:目的通过对6例经手术、病理等证实的原发性肠系膜肿瘤分析,回顾其超声表现,以期加深认识,提高诊断符合率。方法使用SSA-240A、SI-450GE Vivi S超声检查仪对6例腹部包块患进行超声检查观察其形态大小、部内回声及活动度。结果6例原发性肠系膜肿瘤中,5例发生于小肠系膜,1例发生于横结肠系膜。其中良性肿瘤2例,恶性肿瘤4例。超声有3例诊断符合,有3例误诊。结论原发性肠系膜肿瘤类型较多,超声对其有较大的诊断价值。和其他影像学检查比较具有实时性,可观察肿瘤活动度及活动范围。能判断肿瘤囊实性,对肿瘤血供进行评价。但超声检查易受肠气干扰。需结合病史,结合超声图像综合分析,并需与肠道肿瘤、卵巢肿瘤,腹膜后肿瘤等相鉴别。

关 键 词:原发性肠系膜肿瘤 诊断价值 超声检查 诊断符合率 横结肠系膜 影像学检查 肿瘤活动度 腹膜后肿瘤 超声表现 腹部包块 小肠系膜 良性肿瘤 恶性肿瘤 肿瘤类型 活动范围 肿瘤血供 综合分析 超声图像 肠道肿瘤 卵巢肿瘤 检查仪

Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Primary Mesenteric Tumors
Zhao Min,Xu Liang,Wang Bei,et al. Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Primary Mesenteric Tumors[J]. Chinese Journal of Ultrasound Diagnosis, 2005, 6(7): 508-509
Authors:Zhao Min  Xu Liang  Wang Bei  et al
Affiliation:Zhao Min,Xu Liang,Wang Bei,et al Department of Ultrasound,Hangzhou Frist Hospital,Hangzhou 310006 Ch ina
Abstract:Objective Based on the analysis of six patients with primary mesenteric tumors proved by surgery and pathology,we revie wed the ultrasonographic diagnosis retrospectively in order to improve the diagn ostic accurasy of the tumors, Methods All sonograms were retrospectively analysed. Results In the six cases,5 cases occurred in the small in testinal mesentary and 1 in the transverse colonic mesentary.Two cases had beni gh tumors and 4 had malignant.Ultrasound diagnosis was correct in 3 cases and m isdiagnosed in other 3 cases. Conclusions Ultrasound has great diagnositic value in the different types of Mesenteric tumors.Comparing with other image evaluations,ul trasound is real-time to observe the activity scope of the mesenteric tumors wh ich are solid or solid-cystic.However,ultrasound is easy to be disturbed by ab dominal gases.A history analysis combined with ultrasonograthic images is essen tial to distinguish the mesenteric tumors' sites such as from intestine,colon,ov ary,retroperitoneum and etc,and to differentiate benigh from malignant.
Keywords:Mesentaric tumor  Ultrasound
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