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引用本文:丁盛,俞永康,刘宝玉,姜建青,周凯. 高原胸部火器伤后肺组织Gq及Gs异常表达的意义[J]. 西南国防医药, 2010, 20(3): 243-245. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-0188.2010.03.004
作者姓名:丁盛  俞永康  刘宝玉  姜建青  周凯
摘    要:目的探讨高原胸部火器伤早期肺组织G蛋白(Gq、Gs)变化及其意义。方法12只体重相近(10~15kg)的健康杂种犬,随机分成2组(每组6只):平原对照组和高原移居组,另外6只高原杂种犬作为高原世居组。平原对照组实验海拔高度为500m,高原组实验海拔高度为3700m。实验动物用3%戊巴比妥钠静脉麻醉(30mg/kg)后,用0.44g钢珠以(350±50)m/s的初速度从右第6肋间射入,造成右胸贯通伤,伤后立即封闭伤口,安放胸腔闭式引流。伤后12h,取双侧肺组织,检测G蛋白2个亚型(Gq、Gs)的表达情况。结果伤后12h各组右肺(伤侧)Gq、Gs的总表达量均明显增高,与左肺(健侧)比较差异有统计学意义,各组左肺之间差异无统计学意义。高原移居组右肺Gq、Gs的表达增高,与平原对照组及高原世居组比较,其差异有统计学意义。结论高原胸部火器伤后,伤侧肺Gq、Gs表达均异常增高,以高原移居组最为明显,这可能是高原胸部火器伤后肺水肿发生的重要环节之一。

关 键 词:高原  火器伤  G蛋白  胸部火器伤  肺水肿

Significance of abnormal expressions of Gq and Gs in lung tissues after chest firearm injury at high altitude
Ding Sheng,Yu Yongkang,Liu Baoyu,Jiang Jianqing,Zhou Kai. Significance of abnormal expressions of Gq and Gs in lung tissues after chest firearm injury at high altitude[J]. Medical Journal of National Defending forces in Southwest China, 2010, 20(3): 243-245. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-0188.2010.03.004
Authors:Ding Sheng  Yu Yongkang  Liu Baoyu  Jiang Jianqing  Zhou Kai
Affiliation:( Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, General Hospital of Chengdu Military Command,Chengdu,Sichuan,610083, China)
Abstract:Objective To study the changes of Gq and Gs expression in dogs after chest firearm injury at high altitude. Methods Twelve mongrel dogs (10 - 15 kg) were divided into two groups (n = 6) :plain control group and high altitude immigrant group. Another six high altitude native mongrel dogs were selected as high altitude native group. The experiments were conducted at 500 m( plain group) and 3700 m( high altitude groups) above sea level, respectively. Having been anesthetized with 3% butaylone(30 mg/kg) ,the dogs were shot from the 6th right intercostal space with steel balls of 0.44 g at an initial velocity of (350 + 50) m/s. The wounds were closed instantly and the dogs were given thoracic closed drainage. Twelve hours after injury,the right and left lungs were taken out for the measurement of G - protein (Gq and Gs) expression. Results Both Gq and Gs expression in right lung ( injured side) were significantly higher than those in left lung,but no significant differences were found in the left lung among three groups. In immigrant group, Gq and Gs expression increased significantly in the right lung compared with other two groups. Conclusion Gq and Gs expression in injured lung appear to increase after chest firearm injury at high altitude, especially in immigrant group. These changes may be one of important component elements of lung edema after firearm injury at high altitude.
Keywords:high altitude  G - protein  chest firearm injury  lung edema
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