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Die kongenitale Tibiahemimelie
Authors:Dr. S. Farr  R. Ganger  F. Grill
Affiliation:1. Orthop?disches Spital Wien-Speising, Speisinger Stra?e 109, 1130, Wien, ?sterreich


The congenital tibia hemimelia, also called tibial deficiency, is a rare disorder with unknown cause, showing many associated abnormalities or varying syndromes.


The correct diagnosis can be easily established using radiographs and/or magnetic resonance imaging in the postpartum setting. However, treatment may be difficult and needs to take into consideration the given anatomic situation in the knee and ankle joint.


Prosthetic fitting may be possible in mild cases. Nevertheless, the majority of patients need to undergo surgical reconstruction in order to restore a functional, mobile, and stable knee and ankle joint.
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