Abstract: | The cytologic findings of juvenile papillomatosis (JP) have been rarely described. The clinical and cytologic findings were suggestive of a fibroadenoma, but due to the presence of 2 cc of clear fluid during the aspiration, fibrocystic change was in the differential diagnosis. Operation and subsequent examination of the mass identified a case of JP (so-called Swiss cheese disease of the breast). Because JP is a marker for breast carcinoma for the patients' families, and the patients may themselves be at increase risk for malignancy, it is important that this entity be considered in the differential diagnosis. The observations in this case indicate that it is difficult to diagnose JP only by cytology, but the combination of clinical findings—a well-circumscribed mass in a young patient with cystic fluid, but with a residual mass after aspiration due to the multicystic nature of JP—with the cytologic findings—sheets of hyperplatic breast epithelium with areas resembling fibroadenoma, macrophages, and apocrine cells—that appear to be sufficiently characteristic to suggest the diagnosis of JP. |