Neuropsychiatry Research Unit, Medical Research Building, Department of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan, 103 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5E4
This is a study of the effect of the unilateral administration of dopamine (DA) in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (SN) of the rat on striatal glutamate receptor subunit (GluR1, GluR2 and NMDAR1) gene expression determined by in situ hybridization. The location of the nigral lesion was determined by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry and its extent by the striatal DA and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) concentrations. The DA-induced lesions produce significant bilateral reductions in the expression of GluR1 and NMDAR1 subunit mRNA in the medio-lateral striatum, whereas the expression of striatal GluR2 receptors was not changed. The reduction in GluR1 and NMDAR1 subunit mRNA may be the consequence of glutamatergic hyperactivity developed in the presence of a damaged nigro-striatal system and these may be associated with the genesis of some neurodegenerative diseases.