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引用本文:陈建业,梁卫明,彭巧庆. 经皮肝穿刺酒精消融术中的X线导向与X线联合B超导向的对比研究[J]. 实用医学影像杂志, 2013, 14(3): 226-228
作者姓名:陈建业  梁卫明  彭巧庆
摘    要:目的探讨在经皮肝穿酒精消融术(PEI)中单纯使用x线导向与x线联合B超导向技术(简称联合导向组)的临床使用价值,比较两者导向手段的优缺点。方法选取40例肝脏恶性肿瘤的患者随机分为两组:其中单纯X线组20例;联合导向组20例。均进行经皮肝穿酒精消融术,术后第1天均行cT平扫了解病灶的消融药物分布情况。结果单纯x线组中目标病灶穿刺命中率低且病灶消融药物分布欠均匀,非目标区域出现消融药物概率低:联合导向组中目标病灶穿刺命中率高且病灶消融药物分布均匀,非目标区域出现消融药物概率也低。结论经皮肝穿酒精消融介入治疗术中联合导向的优势明显优于单纯X线导向,建议有条件的单位尽量使用联合导向。

关 键 词:超声检查  多普勒  彩色  体层摄影术  X线  导管消融术

A contrastive study of the X-ray guidance and the X-ray combined with B ultrasound guidance in percutaneous ethanol ablation for malignant liver tumors
CHEN Jian-ye , LIANG Wei-ming , PENG Qiao-qing. A contrastive study of the X-ray guidance and the X-ray combined with B ultrasound guidance in percutaneous ethanol ablation for malignant liver tumors[J]. Journal of Practical Medical Imaging, 2013, 14(3): 226-228
Authors:CHEN Jian-ye    LIANG Wei-ming    PENG Qiao-qing
Affiliation:. Department of Radiology, Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College, Zhanjiang 524001, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical value of a X-ray guidance and a X-ray combined with B uhrasound in percutaneous ethanol ablation for malignant liver tumors,and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. Methods Forty cases of patients with malignant liver tumors were randomly divided into two groups, there was 20 cases in each group. Every patient was treated by PEI and scanned by CT in the first postopera- tive day to analysis the drug distribution. Results The positioning accuracy is low in the X-ray .guidance group,while it is higher in the group of X-ray combined with B ultrasound. The drug distribution of the X-ray guidance group is more even than the group of X-ray combined with B uhrasound. The probability of drug distribution in the target area is lower in the group of X-ray combined with B ultrasound. Conclusion The image guidance method of X-ray com- bined with B ultrasound guidance is better than the X-ray guide in percutaneous ethanol ablation(PEI) for malignant liver tumors.
Keywords:Ultrasonography, Doppler, color  Tomography, X-ray  Catheter ablation
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