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引用本文:杨丽莉,范健文,余毅,杨翠辉,曾祥越. 广州市荔湾区步滘村2006年登革热暴发疫情流行病学特征分析[J]. 医学动物防制, 2008, 24(8)
作者姓名:杨丽莉  范健文  余毅  杨翠辉  曾祥越
摘    要:目的分析广州市荔湾区海龙街步涪村2006年登革热暴发疫情流行病学特征,探讨预防控制措施。方法对各医院报告的病例进行流行病学个案调查;采集病例血样作血清学或病原学检测;对疫点进行蚊媒调查,在疫点周围开展病例搜索。结果步涪村2006年共报告登革热病例74例,罹患率为2.65%,无死亡病例;疫情流行历时14天,高峰在8月26日至8月31日期间;病毒为登革I型;男女性别比1.47:1;发病年龄最大为78岁,最小为3岁,以青壮年为主,20~39岁33例,占44.59%。疫情发生时布雷图指数93.4,经采取综合防治措施后,疫情很快得到控制。结论快速杀灭成蚊和清除蚊媒孳生地是控制疫情的有效措施。今后要加强疫情预测预报,加快城中村的改造。

关 键 词:登革热  暴发  流行病学

The epidemic situation analysis of the outbreak of dengue fever in Bujiao Village of Liwan district of Guangzhou city in 2006
YANG Li-li FAN Jian-wen YU Yi etal.Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Liwan district of Guangzhou city,Guangzhou ,China. The epidemic situation analysis of the outbreak of dengue fever in Bujiao Village of Liwan district of Guangzhou city in 2006[J]. Chinese Journal of Pest Control, 2008, 24(8)
Authors:YANG Li-li FAN Jian-wen YU Yi etal.Center for Disease Control  Prevention of Liwan district of Guangzhou city  Guangzhou   China
Affiliation:YANG Li-li FAN Jian-wen YU Yi etal.Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Liwan district of Guangzhou city,Guangzhou 510176,China
Abstract:Objective To analyze the epidemic characters of the outbreak of Dengue fever in Bujiao village, Hailong street,Liwan district of Guangzhou city in 2006 and explore the measures for prevention and control Methods The reported cases using the investigation method.The serum samples were collected from the reported cases for the detec- tion of anti-dengue virus antibodies and dengue virus.The mosquito vector at epidemic spot was investigated and the cases around epidemic spot were searched.Results There was 74 native eases of dengue fever in Bujiaoin village of Liwan district of Guangzhou city in 2006.The incidence rate was 2.65% and no death case was reported.And the peak of epidemic was from the last third of August to the first ten days of Septmher.There was type I dengue virus that caused this outbreak.The male/female ration was 1.47:1.The eldest case was 78 years old and the youngest was 3,and most of the patients were the middle age and 33 patients were from 20 to 39 years old accounting 44.59%.The BI in epidemic district was 93.4 dur- ing the epidemic period,after adopted synthesizing measures of prevention and control,the epidemic situation got a control very quickly.Conclusion Preventing the mosquito propagation and cleaning the environment are the effective methods to control and prevent dengue fever.In future,it is necessary to strengthen the prediction of dengue fever and speed up the re- construction of the villages in the city.
Keywords:Dengue fever  Outbreak  Epidemiology
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