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Factors defining target specificity in antibody-mediated neuropathy: Density-dependent binding of anti-GD1a polyclonal IgG from a neurological patient
Authors:D.M. Kremer,P.H.H. Ló  pez,R.K. Mizutamari,L.J. Kremer,E.A. Bacile,G.A. Nores
IgM and IgG antibodies reacting with components of human brain gangliosides were detected in a patient bearing severe sensory ataxy. Using different chemical and immunological methods, the antigen was identified as the GD1a ganglioside. The antibodies showed antigen “density-dependent” binding, a property only observed in tumor-specific monoclonal antibodies. The relevance of this result in regard with target specificity of neuropathy-associated antibodies directed to ubiquitous glycolipids is discussed. J. Neurosci. Res. 47: 636–641, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Keywords:gangliosides  antiganglioside antibodies  autoimmune neuropathy  density-dependent binding
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