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引用本文:张军民,曾凡钦,席丽艳,鲁长明. O.25%盐酸阿莫洛芬霜治疗体股癣多中心的临床试验[J]. 岭南皮肤性病科杂志, 2003, 10(3): 156-158
作者姓名:张军民  曾凡钦  席丽艳  鲁长明
摘    要:目的评价0.25%盐酸阿莫罗芬霜治疗体股癣临床非劣效性及安全性.方法101例患者入选,采用随机单盲、阳性药(1%联苯苄唑霜)平行对照临床试验,根据临床症状改善及病原学检查、不良反应发生情况评价治愈率及安全性.结果试验组和对照组治愈率分别为80.0%、73.3%(P>0.05,RR 1.09,C10.87-1.37);直接显微镜检查真菌阴转率分别为82.2%和73.3%(P>0.05);真菌培养清除率分别为80.0%和73.3%(P>0.05).个别患者发生与研究药物有关的不良反应,主要表现为红斑、瘙痒、灼热感、脱屑,不影响治疗,均自行缓解.ITT分析结果相似.结论0.25%盐酸阿莫罗芬霜治疗体股癣高效安全,且临床疗效、真菌学疗效和安全性均与1%联苯苄唑霜相似.

关 键 词:盐酸阿莫洛芬霜 治疗 体癣 临床试验 股癣

A Randomized, Controlled, Clinical Single- blind Parallel Trial Comparing Amorolfine Cream (0.25%) with Mycospor Cream(1% ) in Treatment of Tinea Corporis/Curuis
Zhang Junmin Zeng Fanqin Xi Liyan et al. A Randomized, Controlled, Clinical Single- blind Parallel Trial Comparing Amorolfine Cream (0.25%) with Mycospor Cream(1% ) in Treatment of Tinea Corporis/Curuis[J]. Southern China Journal of Dermato-Venereology, 2003, 10(3): 156-158
Authors:Zhang Junmin Zeng Fanqin Xi Liyan et al
Affiliation:Zhang Junmin Zeng Fanqin Xi Liyan et al. Department of Dermatology,Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hostipal of Sun Yat-san University of Medical Science,Guangzhou 510120,P. R. of Chian.
Abstract:Objective:To demonstrate the non-inferiority of clinical efficacy and to assess the safety of amorolfine cream versus mycospor cream in treatment of tinea corporis/cruris. Methods:In a clinical single-blind parallel trial, 101 patients with corporis/ cruris were treated topically with amorolfine cream (0.25%) or mycospor cream (1%). They were randomly allocated to 2 groups. Assesment of the results was based on both clinical and mycological tests. Results:The clinical cured rate in amorolfine and mycospor group were 80.0% and 73.3% respectively (P>0.005, RR 1.09, CI 0.87-1.37). Negative rates by microscopic examination were 82.2%, 73.3% respectively (P>0.005), and negative rates by culture were 80.0% and 73.3%(P>0.005). The most common local adverse events were burning and itching, erythema or scaling.Conclusion:There was no significant difference between the two creams in clinical and mycological cure rates.
Keywords:Tinea  Corporis/Cruris  Amorolfine
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