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Epidemiology and prevention of surgical site infections after cardiac surgery
Authors:D. Lepelletier,C. Bourigault,J.C. Roussel,C. Lasserre,B. Leclè  re,S. Corvec,S. Pattier,T. Lepoivre,O. Baron,P. Despins
Affiliation:1. Service de bactériologie et d’hygiène hospitalière, unité de gestion du risque infectieux, CHU de Nantes, bâtiment Le Tourville, 5, rue du Pr-Yves-Boquien, 44093 Nantes cedex 01, France;2. Service de chirurgie thoracique et cardiovasculaire, CHU de Nantes, 44000 Nantes, France;3. Inserm UMR S 1087, université de Nantes, institut du thorax, 44000 Nantes, France;4. UFR médecine, université de Nantes, EA 3826, Nantes, France;5. Département d’anesthésie-réanimation, 44000 Nantes, France
Deep sternal wound infection is the major infectious complication in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate, and a longer hospital stay. The most common causative pathogen involved is Staphylococcus spp. The management of post sternotomy mediastinitis associates surgical revision and antimicrobial therapy with bactericidal activity in blood, soft tissues, and the sternum. The pre-, per-, and postoperative prevention strategies associate controlling the patient's risk factors (diabetes, obesity, respiratory insufficiency), preparing the patient's skin (body hair, preoperative showering, operating site antiseptic treatment), antimicrobial prophylaxis, environmental control of the operating room and medical devices, indications and adequacy of surgical techniques. Recently published scientific data prove the significant impact of decolonization in patients carrying nasal Staphylococcus aureus, on surgical site infection rate, after cardiac surgery.
Keywords:Cardiac surgery   Surgical site infection   Risk factors   Prevention
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