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摘    要:
<正> 关于针刺产生镇痛效应,究竟是一种生理现象,还是由心理因素所引起,国外曾有不同的看法。在心理因素中,暗示或催眠暗示的作用曾引起特殊的注意。此外,还有工作发现,针刺主要对痛的情绪成分有较大的抑制作用。我们过去工作已经表明,针刺能使痛刺激引起的大脑诱发电位的晚成分(潜伏期为200毫秒左右的正相波)受到抑制。根据药物试验,也观察诱发电位的这一成分与痛

The experiment was a further study to evaluate the role of suggestive factor in acupuncture anal-gesia, using cerebral potentials evokad by pain stimulation as the index of pain. It was also for theexploration of the effect of SDT method applied to pain study. Among 38 normal healthy volunteer adults, 30 in experimental group were evenly divided intopositive and negative suggestive subgroups, and 8 served as the control. Word induction suggestionmethod was employed. The results indicated: 1) After acupuncture, significantly inhibited were theP_(200) amplitude of the evoked potential (P<.02 ), verbal report of heavy pain (P<.10), uncomfort-able feeling of the pain (P<.005); significatly elevated were the pain threshold and pain toleranceto spring pinch (both P<.001). The change of verbal report of heavy pain tolerance to spring pinchwere both signifcantly correlated with the change of the P_(200) amplitude. After rest, the control groupbad no clear change in above mentioned indices. 2) On any of the above indexes, there was no signi-ficant difference between the positive and negative suggestive groups. It suggests that the suggestionfactor plays no significant role in acupuncture analgesia. The Sensory Decision Theory (SDT) analysis indicated that, after acupuncture, the sensual discha-mination (d') of most Ss (21/30) decreased, though not significantly (P>.10), but the criterion ofpain teport was not changed. The change of d' was somewhat correlated with the P_(200) eamplitude ofevoked potential (P<.10), with the d' decreased Ss being most of the P_(200) amplitude inhibited. Theproblem with regard to the application of SDT method to pain research was discussed.
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