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A preliminary report of the short-term effect of carbonated beverage consumption on calcium metabolism in normal women
Authors:S Smith  J Swain  E M Brown  G Wyshak  T Albright  V A Ravnikar  I Schiff
Affiliation:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Mass.
Abstract:A variety of nutritional factors influence the bioavailability of calcium and increase a woman's risk of osteoporosis. Eight healthy women completed an 8-week metabolic study designed to investigate the effect of nonalcoholic carbonated beverage consumption on calcium metabolism. Compared with women receiving a control diet, women consuming a diet high in nonalcoholic carbonated beverages demonstrated similar mean serum levels of calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, parathyroid hormone, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, and osteocalcin. Twenty-four-hour urine volume, creatinine clearance, calcium-creatinine ratio, and phosphorus-creatinine ratio were similar during consumption of the diet high in nonalcoholic carbonated beverages and the control diet. Twenty-four-hour cyclic adenosine monophosphate-creatinine ratio was significantly lower in women consuming the diet high in nonalcoholic carbonated beverage compared with women receiving the control diet (342 +/- 27.4 nmol/mmol vs 409 +/- 22.1 nmol/mmol). Consumption of a diet high in nonalcoholic carbonated beverages on a short-term basis does not appear to affect adversely the serum or urinary markers of calcium metabolism.
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