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引用本文:李洁,徐慧灵. 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂降调节对促性腺激素阈值的影响[J]. 生殖医学杂志, 2008, 17(6)
作者姓名:李洁  徐慧灵
摘    要:
1983年Porter等[1]将促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRH-a)引入可控制性诱导排卵方案获得成功,并提出GnRH-a降调节概念.由于GnRH-a较天然GnRH-a具有更高的受体亲和力和抵抗酶降解能力,在注射后短期内先出现垂体激发作用,产生一过性升高(flare up)效应,并促使血清促性腺激素(Gn)水平暂时性升高;随后表现为持续的垂体-卵巢轴抑制效应,即垂体-卵巢轴降调节作用(down regulation).表现为GnRH-a脉冲式分泌节奏消失,Gn合成与释放显著减少,血清卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)水平降低不足以维持卵泡发育,雌、孕激素达到绝经期水平,这是一种可逆的、以LH、雌二醇(E-2)水平为主的垂体降调节作用.

关 键 词:促性腺激素释放激素激动剂  卵泡生成  促卵泡生成素  黄体生成素  阈值

The effect of down-regulation with GnRH-a on the threshold of gonadotrophin for folliculogenesis
LI Jie,XU Hui-ling. The effect of down-regulation with GnRH-a on the threshold of gonadotrophin for folliculogenesis[J]. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 2008, 17(6)
Authors:LI Jie  XU Hui-ling
Affiliation:LI Jie,XU Hui-ling Center of Reproductive Medicine,the First Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangdong Guangzhou 510080
The gonadotrophic hormones,FSH and LH play separating but complementary roles in the regulation of the folliculogenesis and steroidgenesis,leading to follicular recruitment and selection,resulting in growth and maturation in a spontaneous menstrual cycle and during ovulation induction.In assisted reproduction techniques,however,the relative importance of threshold of FSH and LH during the follicular phase is still subject to extensive debate,and questions surrounding the optimal amount of FSH and LH in stim...
Keywords:GnRH-a  Folliculogenesis  Gonadotrophin  Threshold value.  
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