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Atypical ductal hyperplasia on core needle biopsy: Surgical outcomes of 200 consecutive cases from a high-volume breast program
Authors:Pawel Karwowski BS  Dean Lumley DO  Deidre Stokes DO  Matthew Pavlica BS  Bonnie Edsall RN  Sophia Fu MD  MS  John Francfort MD  Bradley Cohen MD  Anthony Capizzi MD  Zhi-Wei Ma MD  Anne Green MD  Johnny Kao MD
Affiliation:1. Department of Radiation Oncology, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, West Islip, New York, USA;2. College of Osteopathic Medicine, New York Institute of Technology, Glen Head, New York, USA;3. Department of Radiation Oncology, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, West Islip, New York, USA

Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, Charles E. DeClerk Department of Imaging Services, West Islip, New York, USA;4. Department of Surgery, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, West Islip, New York, USA;5. Department of Pathology, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, West Islip, New York, USA;6. Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, Charles E. DeClerk Department of Imaging Services, West Islip, New York, USA

Abstract:Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) is an indication for excisional biopsy to rule out occult breast cancer. We analyzed pathological findings on excisional biopsy for ADH diagnosed in a high volume breast center equipped with digital tomosynthesis. Two hundred consecutive patients were diagnosed with ADH on core biopsy with radiographic concordance followed by excisional biopsy. On excisional biopsy, 33 patients (16.5%) were diagnosed with DCIS or invasive breast cancer. Patients with a concurrent diagnosis of papilloma had a higher risk of upstaging on both univariate and multivariate analysis (41.7% vs. 14.9%, p=0.015). No other statistically significant predictors of upgrading were identified (p>0.05).
Keywords:atypical ductal hyperplasia  core needle biopsy  digital tomosynthesis  upgrading
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