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Acute Neurobehavioural Effects of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in Han/Wistar Rats
Authors:Ulla Sirkka  Raimo Pohjanvirta  Sakari A. Nieminen  Jouko Tuomisto  Pauli Ylitalo
Abstract: The neurobehavioural effects of a single non-lethal dose (1000 μg/kg intraperitonelly) of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodi-benzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) were assessed in young male Han/Wistar rats, highly resistant to acute lethality of TCDD. TCDD decreased body weight significantly compared with ad libitum fed controls. TCDD did not change the behaviour or the motility of rats in the open field test 8 days after the treatment nor did it affect the spontaneous motor activity up to 27 days after the exposure. In the elevated plus-maze test for anxiety, TCDD-treated rats did not differ from either ad libitum fed controls or pair-fed controls. In the 24-hr passive avoidance test, the learning of TCDD-treated rats did not differ significantly from that of ad libitum fed controls or pair-fed controls from 8 hr to 16 days after the treatment. TCDD did not affect the motor coordination or the maintenance of balance on the rotating rod but it impaired them slightly in the elevated horizontal bridge test 16 hr after exposure. It did not affect nociception in the hot plate test 16 hr or 8 days after the injection. The results suggest that a single sublethal dose of TCDD does not alter markedly the general behaviour of Han/Wistar rats, in contrast to its striking effect on feeding behaviour which results in a marked decrease in body weight gain.
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