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引用本文:吕淑荣, 苏健, 向全永, 张永青, 周金意, 武鸣. 成年人身高、体重、腰围知晓率与自报数据准确性及其影响因素分析[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2017, 33(4): 552-555. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2017-33-04-10
作者姓名:吕淑荣  苏健  向全永  张永青  周金意  武鸣
作者单位:1.江苏省疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病防制所, 南京 210009
摘    要:目的 了解成年居民中身高、体重、腰围的知晓率与自报数据准确性及其影响因素,为评价干预效果和采取有针对性的防治策略提供依据。方法 利用2013年江苏省慢性病及其危险因素监测调查数据,收集≥18岁成年人的人口统计学信息及身高、体重、腰围的知晓信息,采用标准化方法对身高、体重、腰围进行实际测量。结果 2013年江苏省成年居民中身高、体重、腰围知晓率分别为60.0%(95%CI=59.0%~61.1%)、69.9%(95%CI=68.9%~70.9%)和39.0%(95%CI=37.9%~40.0%),身高、体重、腰围自报值与实测值分别相差1.1 cm(95%CI=1.0~1.2)、-0.1 kg(95%CI=-0.2~0.0)和-1.5 cm(95%CI=-1.7~-1.3);多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,女性、农村居民、文化程度偏低或家庭收入水平偏低是影响身高、体重、腰围知晓率的主要因素。结论 江苏省成年人中身高、体重知晓率水平较高且自报数据准确性较好,但是腰围知晓率和自报数据准确性均需提高;女性、农村居民、文化程度或家庭收入水平较低是影响知晓率的主要因素。

关 键 词:身高  体重  腰围  知晓率  准确性  影响因素

Awareness and self-report accuracy of height,weight and waist circumference and their influencing factors among adult residents
LÜ Shu-rong, SU Jian, XIANG Quan-yong.et al, . Awareness and self-report accuracy of height, weight and waist circumference and their influencing factors among adult residents[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2017, 33(4): 552-555. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2017-33-04-10
Authors:   Shu-rong,SU Jian,XIANG Quan-yong.et al
Affiliation:1.Department of Non-Communical Disease Control and Prevetion, Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210009, China
Abstract:Objective To examine the awareness of height,weight and waist circumference (WC),the self-report accuracy of these physical indicators and influencing factors of the awareness and the accuracy among community adults and to provide evidences for evaluating intervention measures and making specific policy.Methods Face-to-face questionnaire survey and anthropometric measurement with standardized methods were carried out among 8 399 residents aged 18 years or over selected with multistage stratified random cluster sampling in Jiangsu province between September and December 2013.Results The awareness rate (95% confidence interval[95% CI]) of height,weight,and WC were 60.0% (59.0%-61.1%),69.9% (68.9%-70.9%),and 39.0% (37.9%-40.0%),respectively.The differences between self-reported value and measured value were 1.1 (95% CI:1.0-1.2) centimeters for height,-0.1 (-0.2-0.0) kilogram for weight,and -1.5 (-1.7-1.3) centimeters for WC.The results of multivariate logistic regression demonstrated that female residents,the residents living in rural areas,with lower education,and with lower household income were more likely to have lower awareness of these physical indicators.Conclusion Awareness rate and self-report accuracy of height and weight are relatively high whilst those of waist circumference need to be improved;and the awareness rate and self-report accuracy of these physical indicators are influenced mainly by gender,living area,education,and household income among adult residents in Jiangsu province.
Keywords:height  weight  waist circumference  awareness rate  accuracy  influence factor
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