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Fantasme d’encombrant et problématique sexuelle chez la femme et l’homme alcooliques
Authors:Isabelle Boulze,Sté  phane Deroche,Guy Bruè  re-Dawson
Affiliation:1. Maître de conférences, habilité à diriger des recherches, psychologie clinique et psychopathologie, laboratoire Epsylon EA 4556 « dynamique des capacités humaines et des conduites de santé », université Montpellier III, site Saint-Charles, route de Mende, 34090 Montpellier, France;2. Psychanalyste, psychologue clinicien, docteur en psychopathologie clinique, France;3. Professeur Émérite des universités, psychanalyste, 411, rue de Bosc-de-la-Plaine, 34980 Saint-Gély-du-Fesc, France
Although it seems possible to identify some medical, behavioral, social and cultural differences between male and female alcoholics, the authors develop in this article a metapsychological, gender independent approach. They insist on reality of a precocious phantasm of cumbersome object built by the Other. At this stage, certain children would not have got any guaranty for their existence legitimacy through a nomination allowing the distinction from their reflection in the mirror. Thus, the alcoholic could not think his own symbolic division. He would stay trapped in a sexual link that he identified as dangerous which might conduce to the false links of fraternity between alcoholic men. These metonymic links come from an identity quest or an adhesion to social conventions. Furthermore, in female alcoholics, the hidden consummation would be a mean to avoid any sexual encounter and thus any “taking position”. The drunkenness would allow to male as well as female alcoholics to be temporarily protected from their pain and would give them a false hope that one day they finally could be recognized without being obliged to encumber the Other in order to exist.
Keywords:Psychanalyse   Fantasme   Alcoolisme   Femme   Homme   Sexualité  
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