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The outbreaks of rabies in humans transmitted by Desmodus rotundus in 2004 and 2005, in the northeast of the Brazilian State of Para, eastern Amazon basin, made this a priority area for studies on this zoonosis. Given this, the present study provides data on this phenomenon in an urban context, in order to assess the possible circulation of the classic rabies virus (RABV) among bat species in Capanema, a town in the Amazon basin. Bats were collected, in 2011, with mist nets during the wet and dry seasons. Samples of brain tissue and blood were collected for virological and serological survey, respectively. None of the 153 brain tissue samples analyzed tested positive for RABV infection, but 50.34% (95% CI: 45.67-55.01%) of the serum samples analyzed were seropositive. Artibeus planirostris was the most common species, with a high percentage of seropositive individuals (52.46%, 95% CI: 52.31 52.60%). Statistically, equal proportions of seropositive results were obtained in the rainy and dry seasons (c2 = 0.057, d.f. = 1, p = 0.88). Significantly higher proportions of males (55.96%, 95% CI: 48.96-62.96%) and adults (52.37%, 95% CI: 47.35-57.39%) were seropositive. While none of the brain tissue samples tested positive for infection, the high proportion of seropositive specimens indicates that RABV may be widespread in this urban area.  相似文献   
110例嗜酸细胞增多性非变应性鼻炎的液氮冷冻治疗山西医学院第二附属医院(030001)牛玉梅,刘学仁按Mggind将常年性鼻炎分为三类:一类常年性变态反应性鼻炎;二类非变态反应性鼻炎伴鼻分泌物嗜酸细胞增多综合征也叫嗜酸细胞增多性非变态反应性鼻炎(Eosinophilicnonalleraicrhinits,ENR);三类自主神经性常年性鼻炎[1]。我们将ENR中找不到致敏物,而与冷热空气有关与情绪无关的110例患者进行了液氮冷冻治疗。临床资料802例常年性鼻炎患者进行皮肤激发试验。437例找出了致敏物,进行特异性过敏诱因脱敏治疗或抗过敏药物治疗。365例试验阳性,其中有135例与冷热空气有关。ll0例行冷冻治疗。1l0例中男50例,女60例;年龄最大65岁,最小16岁。110例均有间歇性的连续喷嚏发作,浆液性或粘液性鼻分泌物增多和鼻粘膜非充血性肿胀引起的堵塞,无因吸入致敏原诱发症状的病史;血清IgE值不升高,特异性皮肤试验结果为阳性;鼻分泌物中嗜酸细胞阳性。方法:先将鼻腔内喷入1%地卡因溶液3次粘膜表面麻醉,用卷好的4厘米长、0.4~0.6厘米粗的棉棒沾上液氮在鼻镜直视下迅速插入鼻腔内。时间约1分钟左右(冷  相似文献   
慢性肾炎并腹泻引发急性心肌梗塞一例报告临汾地区卫校附属医院(041000)马希贤患者男性,23岁。9岁时曾因少尿,浮肿,血尿被诊断为“急性肾炎”,经中西药治疗痊愈。1991年1月因反复浮肿,少尿3个月,加重半月入院。入院后后经临床检查诊断为:慢性肾炎(肾病型),给予强的松(60mg,顿服)、利尿剂及中药治疗,尿量增加,浮肿减轻,治疗一月后尿蛋白明显减轻,超声波检查腹水消失,将强的松量每周减少10mg,至10mg/日时作为维持量长期服用,入院第142天突然出现阵发性腹痛伴腹泻,呈稀水样便,5~6次/日,脐周压痛(+),肠鸣音亢进。便常规:白细胞5~6个/HP,未见巨噬细胞及红细胞。考虑并急性肠炎,2天后病人自诉头晕。口干,血压90/60mmHg,当日中午睡眠时突发胸骨后闷痛,伴大汗、恶心及心悸,持续不缓解,急查心电图示频发室早,V1─3ST段呈弓背向上形抬高0.3~0.5mV,Rv1─3振幅降低,考虑“急性前间壁心肌梗塞”,经吸氧,静脉补液及应用低分子右旋糖酐、吗啡、硝酸甘油、尿激酶及利多卡因治疗疼痛消失。后查心电图V1─3出现QS波,ST─T符合急性心肌梗塞演变过程,心电向量示前间壁梗塞向量。讨论:本例突发  相似文献   
我国狂犬病病原学和病理形态学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报告四例狂犬病病例及对其尸脑组织的病原学和病理形态学观察。4例病人均有被犬咬伤史;发病后临床病状典型,表现为发热、恐水、怕风等;潜伏期和病程分别在20~132天和7~14天;临床诊断明确。死亡后尸检脑组织病理改变为病毒性脑炎病变,在感染神经细胞胞浆内均检到内基氏体。从尸脑组织中分离出狂犬病毒4株。又从4例病人血清中和2例病人脑脊液中分别检测出特异性狂犬病毒抗体各1例。  相似文献   
根据独特型与抗独特型的免疫网络与免疫调节学说,利用狂犬病毒作为免疫原,设计了不同的动物免疫方案,免疫Balb/c小鼠,免疫脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞经一次融合,同时获得了分泌抗狂犬病毒单克隆抗体杂交瘤及分泌狂犬病毒抗独特型单克隆抗体杂交瘤,为抗独特型抗体的制备开辟了一条简捷经济的途径。  相似文献   
BackgroundA serum-free, highly purified Vero rabies vaccine (PVRV-NG) has been developed with no animal or human components and low residual DNA content. A phase II randomized clinical study aimed to demonstrate the non-inferiority of the immune response and assess the safety profile of PVRV-NG versus a licensed human diploid cell culture rabies vaccine (HDCV) in a pre-exposure regimen in healthy children and adolescents in the Philippines.MethodologyChildren aged 2–11 years and adolescents aged 12–17 years were randomized (2:1) to receive three injections of either PVRV-NG or HDCV (on day [D] 0, D7 and D28). Rabies virus-neutralizing antibodies (RVNA) were measured at D0, D42 and 6 months after the first injection (month [M] 6). Safety was assessed during the vaccination period and up to 28 days after the last vaccination. Serious adverse events were followed until 6 months after last vaccination.Principal findings342 healthy participants (171 children and 171 adolescents) were randomized and followed for 6 months after the last dose. All participants in both groups had an RVNA titer ≥ 0.5 IU/ml at D42, demonstrating non-inferiority in seroconversion rate for PVRV-NG versus HDCV. Over 90% of participants had RVNA titer ≥ 0.5 IU/ml at M6. PVRV-NG was well tolerated after each vaccination and up to 6 months following the last dose. There were no major safety concerns during the study, and the type and severity of solicited adverse events was similar for both treatment groups.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated the non-inferior immune profile of PVRV-NG compared with HDCV in a pre-exposure setting within a pediatric population. PVRV-NG was well tolerated with no safety concerns. This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01930357) and EU Clinical Trials Register (2015–003203-30).  相似文献   
上海市2001~2005年狂犬病流行病学特征分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
[目的]分析2001~2005年上海市狂犬病流行病学特征和评价预防、控制策略。[方法]开展病例流行病学调查和间接荧光法测狂犬病毒IgG。[结果]2001~2005年上海市人狂犬病发病仍处于较低水平,共发生内源性病例3例,较前5年(1996~2000年)总计8例下降62.5%,发生外源性病例6例。2001~2005年报告的9例狂犬病病例平均潜伏期84.7 d,平均病程3.6 d,其中88.9%未经任何医疗预防处理。288例可疑犬咬伤者经及时全程医疗预防处理后,均未发病。[结论]严格的犬类管理、及时伤口处理、狂犬病疫苗和抗狂犬病血清注射可以预防狂犬病和降低发病率。  相似文献   
狂犬病毒TaqMan PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的建立检测狂犬病毒(RV)核蛋白(N)基因片段的TaqMan PCR检测方法。方法针对RVN基因保守区域设计特异性引物与探针;优化检测体系中引物与探针的浓度;以体外转录的RV完整的N基因RNA作为定量分析模型;考核检测体系灵敏性、特异性、稳定性;初步用于RV的检测。结果引物和探针具有良好的特异性,使用浓度分别为0.6μmol/L和0.2μmol/L,可检测到2700个RNA拷贝数,较传统RT-PCR检测方法敏感性提高了10倍;同一样品Ct值重复检测5次,变异系数均〈5%,表明检测体系具有较好的稳定性;通过所建立的检测体系,绘制了以模板拷贝数为分析指标的RV定量检测标准曲线,对实验室内保存毒株的检测结果显示TaqMan PCR检测比普通PCR检测更快捷、敏感。结论所建立的RV TaqMan PCR可以用于RV的实验室检测,并且比普通PCR检测方法更灵敏、特异。  相似文献   
ARIMA模型在狂犬病暴露监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索自回归移动平均模型(ARIMA)在狂犬病暴露监测中的应用,为控制狂犬病疫情提供科学依据。方法采用ARIMA模型对珠海市西部地区各级各类医疗机构狂犬病疫苗预防接种点2007-2009年所有狂犬病暴露监测数据进行逐月分析。结果模型ARIMA(0,0,0)(1,1,0)12能很好地拟合珠海市西部地区的狂犬病暴露曲线。根据预测结果,2010年珠海市西部地区狂犬病暴露曲线从5月份开始呈现上升趋势。结论自回归移动平均模型适用于对狂犬病暴露人数的预测,模型参数应随数据量增大而修正。  相似文献   
目的分析成都市52例狂犬病病例的流行病学特征。方法收集成都市2007年52例狂犬病病例的流行病学调查表,进行统计分析,探讨成都市狂犬病病例的流行病学特征。结果成都市狂犬病病例散在分布于全市20个区(市)县中的16个,病例潜伏期4~390 d,中位数为52.5 d,暴露时间多见于天气较炎热的夏季,病例以农村居民占对大多数。结论狂犬病防制必须强调综合防治,完善并落实成都市犬类管理条例,暴露前后及时到正规卫生部门接受临床处置并注射狂犬血清或(和)狂犬疫苗。  相似文献   
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