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灵芝菌丝体深层培养的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为扩大灵芝药源,筛选生长快,适于深层培养的优良灵芝菌株、选用日本灵芝7号、日本灵芝1号、韩灵芝及G灵芝菌株为材料,比较了不同灵芝菌株丝体的生产能力及其液休深层2条件,结果表明:日本灵芝7号菌株生长最快,菌丝体干重为15.44g/L,G4菌株次之;摇瓶装量500mL,装100 ̄150mL培养液时,菌丝产量最高;培养基适宜的pH以6.0 ̄6.5为好。用匀浆种作为摇瓶种源,菌丝产量高(17.20g/L)  相似文献   
In South Africa, numerous strong policy statements emphasise the importance of involving communities in HIV/AIDS management, yet in practice such involvement tends to be tokenistic and minimal. Social representations in the public sphere constitute the symbolic dimension within which responses to HIV and AIDS are conceptualised and transformed into action. Through an analysis of newspaper articles, we explore the dominant representations of HIV/AIDS management circulating in the South African public sphere and examine how community engagement is depicted. We highlight the way media representations reflect narrow understandings of HIV and AIDS as a predominantly medical problem, while depicting HIV/AIDS management as a top-down activity dominated by prominent individuals, such as national leaders, health professionals and philanthropists, thus marginalising the role played by communities, who are often depicted as passive recipients of interventions by active outsiders. These representations fail to reflect the key role played by members of grassroots communities in responding to the HIV epidemic. Such representations provide flawed conceptual tools for shaping responses to the epidemic, given that HIV-related programmes are unlikely to have optimal outcomes unless they resonate with the perceived needs and interests of their target communities, as we contend that effective HIV/AIDS management is best achieved through active participation by communities in HIV/AIDS management strategies. We discuss the implications of a more 'civic-minded journalism.'  相似文献   
In advocating HIV prevention, organisations such as loveLife in South Africa have increasingly used the media to encourage communication and influence behaviour change in youth. Our study examined youths' understanding and communication habits surrounding loveLife's extensive 'Get Attitude' print campaign. Intrigued by the ambiguous campaign message, we implemented a questionnaire-based study in three urban KwaZulu-Natal schools to investigate how youth are interpreting the images and to determine whether they would connect the personality-aimed message with HIV prevention. As communication is a focal point of loveLife's strategy, we looked at whether the campaign was successful in fostering discussion and examined what factors contributed to or impeded dialogue. One-hundred-and-eighty-seven Grade 11 students completed the questionnaire, responding to both multiple-choice and free-response questions about the 'Get Attitude' campaign images. Our study was largely exploratory, with the data revealing that the youth did interpret the images as intended by loveLife. While the campaign failed to stimulate discussion for many of the youth, those who did talk about the campaign were more likely to speak to their teachers than to parents or friends.  相似文献   
This article describes the effects of a national mass media and community-level stigma-reduction programme in Ghana, in which national and local religious leaders urged their congregations and the general public to have greater compassion for people living with HIV or AIDS (PLHA). Data were collected from men and women living in three regions, first in 2001 (n = 2 746) and again in 2003 (n = 2 926). Attitudes related to a punitive response to PLHA both improved over time and were positively associated with exposure to the programme's campaign, controlling for potential confounding variables. Respondents in the 2003 survey were 20% more likely than respondents in the 2001 survey to be willing to care for an HIV-infected relative in their own household and 40% more likely to believe that an HIV-infected female teacher should be allowed to continue teaching. Overall, respondents exposed to the campaign were 45% more likely than those not exposed to it to be willing to care for a HIV-infected relative, and 43% more likely to believe that an HIV-infected female teacher should be allowed to continue teaching. Respondents exposed to the campaign also had significantly more favourable scores on an attitude scale measuring the belief that HIV-infected individuals should be isolated from others. The results of this evaluation suggest that mass media channels and religious leaders can effectively address HIV-related stigma on a national scale.  相似文献   
本文通过对90例经脊髓造影诊断为腰椎间盘突出症的病人行手术探查,发现符合者82例,符合率为91.1%。造影后产生的副作用少而轻。作者认为采用新一代非离子性碘水造影剂的腰椎造影是诊断腰椎间盘突出症较有效的方法,在术前检查可常规采用。  相似文献   
中国芦荟离体培养和快速繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨用植物组织培养技术进行中国芦荟的快速繁殖,为工厂化育苗提供技术依据。方法 以中国芦荟地下茎发生的幼芽为外植体,诱导丛生芽的产生。结果 基本培养基选择MT(Murashige and Tucker)较好;培养基中附加6-苄基氨基嘌呤(6-Benzylaminopurine,BA)能提高成芽率,并能增加外植体出芽的数量;BA浓度为2mg.L^-1时,有利于芽的诱导与生长,出芽率达100%;根的诱导,以MT+05mg.L^-1萘乙酸(Naphthalene acid,NAA)培养基较好,生根率为100%。结论 通过培养芦荟地下发生的幼芽,既可以迅速建立快速繁殖体系,又能使优良品种的种性得以保持。  相似文献   
The media's role in fighting the AIDS pandemic has come under scrutiny due to the scale of the pandemic, the breadth of its impact and the accompanying stigma and denial. There have been calls for the mobilisation of the media in general, and journalists in particular, in spreading public health messages. Various studies have criticised the representation of the issue in the media. This paper addresses the question of how journalists should cover the pandemic, interrogating how the profession's generally accepted ethics apply in this situation. It considers how the imperatives of truthtelling — including fairness and accuracy, independence and minimising harm — apply in the context of reporting on HIV/AIDS. Finally, the paper presents a set of nine guidelines for journalistic coverage that have been accepted by the Southern African Editors Forum.  相似文献   
Messages conveyed both explicitly and implicitly in the media play an important role in shaping the public's understanding of issues, as well as in shaping associated policy, programmes and popular responses to these issues. This paper applies discourse analysis to a series of articles about children affected by HIV/AIDS published in 2002/2003 in the English-language South African press. The analysis reveals layers of moral messaging present in the reporting, the cumulative effect of which is the communication of a series of moral judgements about who is and who is not performing appropriate roles in relation to children. Discourses of moral transgression, specifically on the part of African parents and 'families' for failing in their moral responsibilities towards their children, coalesce with discourses on anticipated moral decay among (previously innocent) children who lack their due care. A need for moral regeneration among South Africans (but implicitly black South Africans) contrasts with accolades for (usually white), middle-class individuals, who, it is implied, have gone beyond their moral duty to respond. The article argues that in each instance the particular moralism is questionable in light of both empirical evidence and the principles of human dignity that underlie the South African constitution. Children — and particularly 'AIDS orphans' — are often presented in the press as either quintessential, innocent victims of the epidemic or as potential delinquents. While journalists' intentions are likely to be positive when representing children in these ways, the paper argues that this approach is employed at a cost, both to the public's knowledge and attitudes around the impact of HIV/AIDS, and, more importantly, to the lives of children affected by the epidemic.  相似文献   
[目的]探讨影响佛手茎尖微嫁接成活率的因素,为无病苗木的培育奠定基础.[方法]选用黑暗条件下培养的柠檬实生苗为砧木,佛手茎尖为接穗,将茎尖嫁接到砧木上胚轴的倒"T"形切口上,获得茎尖微嫁接苗,并对影响嫁接成活率的一些因素如砧木苗龄、茎尖大小、培养基中不同激素水平及砧木是否带子叶嫁接进行研究.[结果]接穗选择带4个叶原基的茎尖、砧木选择黑暗培养14 d的柠檬实生苗且嫁接时保留子叶,可获得较高的嫁接成活率;培养基中添加0.1mg/L α-萘乙酸,嫁接成活率高,嫁接苗长势好.[结论]优化了佛手茎尖微嫁接条件,显著提高了嫁接成活率和嫁接苗的长势.  相似文献   
The biochemical factors that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation can provide a means of optimizing culture conditions to develop a tissue-engineered osteochondral construct. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine the effects of chondrocyte conditioned medium (CM) on the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) cultured on poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone)/hydroxyapatite (PLA/PCL/HAP) scaffolds and to determine the effect of osteoblast CM on the chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs cultured in alginate. In addition, the biomaterial's effect on MSC differentiation was also investigated. MSCs were grown in two groups: (1) on porous PLA/PCL/HAP scaffolds in osteogenic differentiation medium or (2) encapsulated in alginate in chondrogenic differentiation medium. CM was taken from one group and administered to the 'opposite' group in volumetric concentrations of 25% or 50% at each medium change. The osteogenic group samples that were administered chondrocyte CM showed higher alkaline phosphatase activity than the controls that were not administered CM. Additionally, the cells that were given chondrocyte CM had higher osteocalcin and sialoprotein expression than the controls. Samples in the chondrogenic group that were administered osteoblast CM at a volumetric concentration of 50% produced more sGAG than the controls. The aggrecan and Sox9 expression was significantly higher in the samples given 50% CM as compared to the controls. The study also showed that culturing cells in alginate, without differentiation medium, can produce similar levels of differentiation as cells that were administered differentiation medium.  相似文献   
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