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郝雷  程杰  王强 《实用骨科杂志》2014,(11):1049-1050
<正>髂前上棘撕脱骨折好发于青少年,临床上较常见。我们自2011—2013年采用可吸收螺钉结合可吸收锚钉治疗髂前上棘撕脱骨折20例,临床上取得满意效果,现报道如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料20例患者均为男性;年龄13~16岁,平均年龄14.7岁;左侧6例,右侧14例。均为在跑步运动时损伤,伤后就诊时间为2~24 h不等。患者就诊时为轻度屈髋体位,查体见髂前上棘处肿胀、压痛,可触及撕脱骨块,主动  相似文献   
Objective: To assess the therapeutic results of open reduction and internal fixation with crossed K-wires via lateral approach for displaced supracondvlar fractures of the humerus in children. Methods: We prospectively followed 52 children who presented with Gartland type 3 displaced supraeondylar fractures of the humerus and were managed by open reduction and internal fixation with crossed K-wires via lateral approach.There were 37 male and 15 female patients; average age was 7.39 years. The most common mechanism of trauma was fall while playing (n=23), followed by fall from height (n=20), road traffic accidents (n-5) and fall from standing height (n=2). In 2 cases, mode of injury was not available. The mean follow-up was 12 months and patients were assessed according to Flynn's criteria. Results: Lateral approach provided an excellent view of the lateral column between two nervous planes and enabled an anatomical reduction in all cases. Immobilizing the elbow at 90 degrees or more of flexion was not needed after cross K-wire fixation. Majority of patients regained full range of motion within 6 weeks of pin removal. Two patients had postoperative ulnar nerve injuries that resolved after pin removal. The common late complication of cubitus varus was not seen in any patient. Delayed presentation to the emergency department, repeated manipulations by bone setters and massage with edible oil were responsible for stiffness in 5 patients. Superficial pin tract infection was noted in 5 patients that resolved with dressings and antibiotics. No deep infection occurred. A detailed clinical examination and radiographic analysis was done at final follow-up. They included measurement of carrying angle and range of movements of both operated and normal sides, and radiographs of both upper limbs for comparison. According to Flynn's criteria, 90.4% patients showed satisfactory results. Conclusion: Lateral approach for open reduction and internal fixation of the widely-displaced supracondylar fract  相似文献   
<正>胃癌是我国的主要恶性肿瘤,任何年龄均可发生,以50~60岁多发,但青年人胃癌并不少见,且有增加趋势。文登市立医院2006年1月—2010年12月经胃镜和病理诊断的年龄≤35岁的青年人胃癌38例,总结报道如下。1临床资料本组38例,其中男13例,女25例;年龄20~35岁,平均年龄28.4岁。主要临床表现是上腹部疼痛21例、餐后腹部饱胀感14例、消瘦及贫血11例、呕血及黑便5例、腹部包块1例,缺乏  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to investigate the functional performance in children with spina bifida, using the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory(PEDI) to look into capacity of twenty-eight children with spina bifida with lesions at different levels in different dimensions of selfcare, mobility and social function. Mean age of the patients was 3.5 ± 2.3(1–10) years. In the muscle test carried out, 13 patients(44.8%) had no movements including pelvic elevation in lower extremity muscles and they were at level 5. Sixteen patients(54%) were non-ambulatory according to the Hoofer ambulation classification. Raw and scale scores in the self-care, mobility and social function domains both in the functional skill scale and in the caregiver scale were found to be lower compared to the data of the normal population. A statistically significant correlation was observed in the self-care values of the Functional Skills Scales and the Caregiver Assistance Scale measurements, which was positive for age and negative for Functional Ambulation Scale and muscle test(P 0.05). A positive relation was found between the Functional Skills Scales-mobility area and age while a negative relation was observed between Functional Ambulation Scale and muscle test(P 0.005). A negative relation was also found between Caregiver Assistance Scale-mobility and Functional Ambulation Scale and muscle test(P 0.005). In our study, the functional performance of the children was found to be low. Low-level lesions, encouraging muscular strength and independence in mobility are all very important factors for functional independence.  相似文献   
1资料与方法1.1一般资料我科从2002年10月—2004年12月(时间有误)以来收治外伤所致脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury,SCI)患者12例,男9例,女3例,年龄18-58岁,平均年龄37±2.7岁;胸段SCI者(T5以下)4例,腰段SCI者8例;12例患者均为外伤致病,根据ASIA残损分级,其中B级2例、C级7例、D级3例。受伤时间最短7天,最长35天,平均16天。12例均经磁共振确诊为SCI,经尿流动力学诊断为神经源性膀胱,合并下尿路感染7例。1.2治疗方法1.2.1呼吸肌、腹肌训练:从卧床期开始腹式呼吸和缩唇呼吸训练。训练腹肌肌力还可采用伸膝屈髋训练(屈髋30°)。1.2.2坐、站…  相似文献   
行为干预方法对老年痴呆患者生存质量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1资料与方法 1.1一般资料 2002年10月-2004年10月因认知功能障碍合并精神病性症状而入院的轻、中度老年痴呆患者36例,均符合CCMD-2-R诊断标准,未合并心、肝、肺、肾等严重躯体疾患.36例患者中男20例,女16例;年龄在68-91岁,平均年龄为78.5岁.  相似文献   
中药熏蒸、外敷综合治疗膝关节骨性关节炎疗效比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1资料与方法 1.1一般资料 102例膝关节骨性关节炎患者,均为2005年8月-2006年10月本院门诊患者.随机分为观察组与对照组。观察组54例,男22例.女32例;平均年龄55.20±7.80岁;左膝18例,右膝16例.双膝20例;病程10个月-6年,平均12.23±6.72个月。对照组48例,男17例,女31例;平均年龄54.26±8.32岁;左膝15例,右膝14例,双膝19例;[第一段]  相似文献   
人性化管理在我院供应室管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵秀萍 《护理研究》2008,22(18):1680-1680
人性化的管理的基于科学的人性观基础上的以人为本的管理,要正视人的需求,肯定人性的合理性,维护人的个体价值[1].我院供应室护士平均年龄大且知识陈旧,为供应室管理带来一定难度.  相似文献   
综合康复措施对精神分裂症患者疗效的对照研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以长期住院的慢性精神分裂症患者为康复训练对象.其他同类疾病为对照组。入组标准:①符合ICD-10国际编码诊断标准,病程持续≥4年;②住院患者日常生活自理能力评定量表总分〉15分的患者为人组对象。两组患者均为男性。康复训练组43例,平均年龄(46.74±5.87)岁;平均病程(17.8±4.64)年。对照组35例,平均年龄(55.34±6.23)岁,平均病程(17±4.93)年。[第一段]  相似文献   
培养青年护士健康成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐筱萍 《上海护理》2002,2(1):55-56
中山医院护理部有护士近 70 0名 ,85 %以上为独生子女 ,平均年龄不满 3 0岁 ,这支年轻化的护士队伍具有新时期青年特有的优点 :有朝气 ,有热情 ,有活力 ,有创新精神。但我们也要意识到优越的客观生活环境带来的某些先天不足如精神生活中缺乏崇高的目标 ,价值观念上追求“实惠”  相似文献   
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