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许占民教授出身于中医世家 ,从事中医临床、教学、科研工作近 40年 ,系全国“老中医药专家学术经验继承”工作的专家 ,尤善治疗慢性胃病 ,而通降胃气是其一大原则。认为胃为水谷之海 ,以通为用 ,以降为顺 ,降则和 ,不降则滞 ,反升则逆 ,通降是胃的生理现象的集中体现 ,故通降胃气是治疗胃病的主要原则 ,临床运用尚应根据病因分别采用不同的通降之法。现将其经验总结如下。1 理气通降此法主要适用于肝气郁结 ,横逆犯胃 ,胃失和降 ,症见胃脘胀痛 ,攻撑胸胁 ,或伴嗳气吞酸者。此时治疗宜疏肝理气 ,和胃通降 ,许教授善用柴胡疏肝散加减治疗 ,药…  相似文献   


To observe the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) of different frequencies on the expression levels of substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the colon of rats with slow transit constipation (STC).


One hundred healthy male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into a normal group, a model group, a low-frequency EA group, a high-frequency EA group and a variable-frequency EA group, with 20 rats in each group. The rats in the normal group were fed with normal diet. The rats in the other groups were fed with phenethylpiperidine in the diet at a dose of 8 mg/(kg·bw) per day, for 120 d, to establish the STC model. Rats in the normal group and the model group did not receive any treatment; rats in the low-frequency EA group were treated with 2 Hz continuous wave EA, rats in the high-frequency EA group were treated with 100 Hz continuous wave EA, and rats in the variable-frequency EA group were treated with 2 Hz/100 Hz sparse-dense EA. The current intensity of the EA was determined by the slight vibration of the rat limbs without painful screaming. The intervention was performed once a day, 15 min/time for continuous 15 d. After treatment, the intestinal transit function and the expression levels of SP and VIP in the colon of the rats in each group were determined.


After treatment, the defecation duration of the first dark stool in the model group was significantly longer than that in the normal group (P<0.05); the defecation durations of the first dark stool in the low-frequency EA group, high-frequency EA group and variable-frequency EA group were significantly shorter than the duration in the model group (all P<0.05); compared with the low-frequency EA group, the first dark stool defecation duration of rats in the variable-frequency EA group was significantly shorter (P<0.05); compared with the normal group, the SP and VIP expression levels in the colon of the model group were significantly decreased (both P<0.01); the SP and VIP expression levels in the colon of the low-frequency EA group, the high-frequency EA group and the variable-frequency EA group were significantly higher than those in the model group (all P<0.05); compared with the high-frequency EA group, the SP expression levels in the colon in the low-frequency EA group and the variable-frequency EA group were significantly increased (both P<0.05); compared with the low-frequency EA group, the VIP expression levels in the colon in the high-frequency EA group and the variable-frequency EA group were significantly increased (both P<0.05).


EA improves the intestinal function of STC model rats by regulating the expression levels of SP and VIP in rat colon. The EA stimulation with 100 Hz continuous wave, 2 Hz/100 Hz sparse-dense wave shows a better improvement in the colonic transit function in STC rats, followed by 2 Hz continuous wave.
目的观察芒针温针灸对慢传输型便秘(STC)的治疗效果。方法将209例STC患者随机分为治疗组(106例)和对照组(103例),治疗组采用芒针温针灸治疗,对照组采用西沙必利口服,分别对两组治疗效果和结肠传输功能进行疗效评估。结果经治疗后,治疗组总有效率为92.45%,明显高于组总有效率(79.61%,P0.05)。与治疗前比较,两组均可加速肠道内标记物清除速度(P0.01),治疗组肠道内标记物的清除速度更快(P0.01)。结论芒针温针灸治疗可明显改善STC患者结肠传输功能。  相似文献   
一、MRI检查 肌肉损伤在进行MRI检查时,一般只做横断面的扫描,因为横断面扫描能更好地显示解剖结构。必要时可加做矢状面及冠状面扫描。扫描时都应加上脂肪抑制序列。横断面扫描应有4个基本的扫描序列,即T1WI、T2WI、T*-FE和STIR—FSE。其中T2WI的参数为长TR(4000ms),中等TE(45ms)。STIR—FSE能更好地显示肌肉和临近结构。  相似文献   
父母代通过生殖细胞把遗传基因传递给下一代,使下一代保持和父母代一些相似的特征,这就是遗传。然而仔细观察,世界上没有一个儿女同父母长得完全一样的。有的某一部分像爸爸,另一部分像妈妈;有的既不像爸爸又不像妈妈,而有点像祖父母或外祖父母,姨或姑、舅。一对身材高大的夫妇可以生出矮小的儿女;一对其貌不扬的夫妇却能生出一个容貌俊秀的宝宝。这是遗传变异所至。由于人类遗传变异的存在,才使人的生命过程中出现与父母、祖先不相同的新性状。[第一段]  相似文献   
带下病是妇科临床常见的病证,主要表现在带下的量、色、质、味的异常,可见于现代医学的多种疾病,如盆腔炎、宫颈炎、阴道炎等。笔者近年来应用耳针治疗,收到了良好的效果。 1.临床资料:经治病人47例,年龄最大49岁,最小24岁,病程最长者3年,最短1个月,其中,官颈糜烂者22例,阴道炎者14例,输卵管炎者11例。 2.治疗方法:主穴:子宫、卵巢、内分泌;配穴:证见带下量多,色白清稀,腹痛腰酸,纳少便溏者,可加脾、肾;证见带下味臭,色黄粘  相似文献   
血管性痴呆(VD)是由于缺血或出血性脑血管病以及全脑缺血、缺氧引起的认知障碍.以记忆、认知功能缺损为主,可伴有语言、运动、视空间技能及人格障碍等,属于中医学"呆病"、"文痴"、"健忘"等范畴.随着人口老龄化的日益加剧,该病患者会进一步增加,给社会、家庭带来沉重的负担.目前尚无确切有效的治疗方法,针灸治疗本病取得了一定疗效.现将有关实验研究综述如下.  相似文献   
育龄妇女避孕知识知晓率调查及影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:了解山东省育龄妇女避孕知识知晓率及其影响因素。方法:采用问卷调查,对4 828名20-49岁育龄妇女的避孕知识得分及其影响因素进行分析。结果:①大部分育龄群众的避孕知识得分在10-30分(满分50分),占65%,及格率只有13.1%。调查对象大多知道IUD、避孕套、输卵管结扎术、输精管结扎术及避孕药。②影响避孕节育知识得分的因素有年龄、文化程度、村分类、是否参加计生宣传培训、读报刊、看电视听广播、上网、个别查询、是否了解现采用避孕措施、技术服务人员是否提供宣传资料、是否知道知情选择的含义、能否自主选择避孕方法等。结论:采取有针对性的干预措施和开展健康教育,促进生殖健康,推动育龄妇女避孕方法知情选择,可提高育龄妇女避孕知识知晓率。  相似文献   
许占民教授治疗慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎临床经验撷要   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张会珍  刘建平 《新中医》2002,34(11):14-16
许占民教授认为慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎是慢性反复发作性疾病,证属本虚标实。急性发作期以标实为主,多由湿热内蕴所致;慢性静止期或慢性持续活动期则多表现为脾肾两虚或虚实夹杂。治当健脾益气固本,祛邪利湿治标,急则治标,缓则治本,或标本兼治,并辅以补肾、疏肝及活血之法。  相似文献   
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