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Ro60-0175 has been described as a selective agonist at the 5-HT(2C) receptor, yet it has only 10- fold higher affinity at the 5-HT(2C) compared to the 5-HT(2A) subtype, and equivalent affinity for the 5-HT(2B) receptor. The selective 5-HT(2C) receptor antagonist SB242,084 (0.5 mg kg(-1) i.p.), blocked the hypoactivity and penile grooming induced by Ro60-0175 (1 mg kg(-1) s.c.). The combination of SB242,084 (0.5 mg kg(-1) i.p.) and Ro60-0175 (3 - 10 mg kg(-1)) produced a completely different pattern of behaviours including wet-dog shakes, hyperactivity and back muscle contractions. These latter effects were blocked by the selective 5-HT(2A) receptor antagonist MDL100,907 (0.5 mg kg(-1) i.p.), but not the 5-HT(2B) receptor antagonist SB215,505 (3 mg kg(-1) p.o.). The indirect 5-HT releaser/reuptake inhibitor dexfenfluramine (1 - 10 mg kg(-1) i.p.) produced a mild increase in locomotor activity, penile grooming, and occasional back muscle contractions and wet-dog shakes. Pre-treatment with SB242,084 (0.5 mg kg(-1)), blocked the incidence of penile grooming, and markedly potentiated both the dexfenfluramine-induced hyperactivity, the incidence of back muscle contractions, and to a lesser extent wet-dog shakes. Some toxicity was also evident in animals treated with dexfenfluramine (10 mg kg(-1))/SB242,084 (0.5 mg kg(-1)), but not in any other treatment groups. The hyperactivity and toxicity produced by the dexfenfluramine (10 mg kg(-1))/SB242,084 (0.5 mg kg(-1)) combination was replicated in a further study, and hyperthermia was also recorded. Both hyperthermia and toxicity were blocked by MDL100,907 (0.5 mg kg(-1)) but not SB215,505 (3 mg kg(-1)). An attenuation of the hyperlocomotor response was also observed following MDL100,907. These findings suggest that 5-HT(2C) receptor activation can inhibit the expression of behaviours mediated through other 5-HT receptor subtypes.  相似文献   
The present study investigated whether PD 128907 and 7-OH-DPAT, described as preferential dopamine (DA) D(3) receptor agonists, produce hypolocomotion by acting at postsynaptic dopaminergic receptors within the nucleus accumbens. Bilateral infusion of PD 128907 (1.5 and 3 microg/0.5 microl) induced a dose-dependent hypolocomotion, whereas its enantiomer, PD 128908, was inactive. Local infusion of 7-OH-DPAT and the preferential DA autoreceptor agonist, B-HT 920, at the same dose range also decreased spontaneous locomotion. In addition, both drugs induced yawning with B-HT 920 producing the greatest effect. In the second experiment, the ability of these agonists to reduce the locomotor activity induced by intra-accumbens injection of DA (10 microg/0.5 microl) was studied. Pretreatment with either PD 128907 or 7-OH-DPAT (3 microg) reduced DA-induced hyperactivity. Local infusion of B-HT 920 (3 microg) failed to antagonise the locomotor effects of DA. Altogether these findings suggest that PD 128907 and 7-OH-DPAT induce hypolocomotion by acting in part at postsynaptic DA receptors. The possible role of D(2) and/or D(3) receptors in the mediation of these effects is discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of pharmacological challenges to the benzodiazepine receptors in the dorsal hippocampus and median raphé nucleus were investigated in the social interaction and the elevated plus-maze tests of anxiety in rats. In the social interaction test, bilateral administration of midazolam (1 and 2 μg), into the dorsal hippocampus had anxiolytic effects; flumazenil (500 ng) was silent, but was able to antagonize the anxiolytic effects of midazolam (2 μg). In the social interaction test, midazolam was also anxiolytic when infused into the median raphé nucleus; flumazenil (100 and 500 ng) increased locomotor activity, but did not change anxiety measures. As an anatomical control, midazolam (1 and 2 μg) was infused into the adjacent pontine reticular nucleus, and was without effect. In contrast to the social interaction test, local infusion of midazolam (1 and 2 μg) and flumazenil (100 and 500 ng) into either the dorsal hippocampus or the median raphé nucleus failed to change anxiety measures in the elevated plus-maze (trials 1 and 2). These results show that stimulation of the benzodiazepine receptors in the hippocampus or the median raphé nucleus leads to anxiolytic effects in the social interaction test, but not in the elevated plus-maze. It would therefore appear that the two tests detect different types of anxiety that are differentially modulated by GABAA-benzodiazepine receptors in the dorsal hippocampus and the median raphé nucleus.  相似文献   
In both scotopic and photopic conditions, the rotation of a grating was found to elicit head movements in mice. The highest spatial frequency eliciting this optomotor response provided an estimate of visual acuity. In male C57BL/6J mice, visual acuity increased from 0.26cpd in scotopic conditions to 0.52cpd in photopic conditions whereas it was 0.52 cpd in both sets of conditions in 129/SvPas mice. No optomotor response was detected in albino CD1 mice and rd1 retinal degeneration mice although light sensitivity in CD1 mice was attested by photophobia and normal electroretinograms. This rapid and cheap method could provide a powerful test of visual performance in genetically modified and pharmacologically treated mice.  相似文献   
The present study examined the developmental course of the age-related hearing loss and its consequences on the expression of acoustic startle reflex (ASR) and prepulse inhibition (PPI) generated by white-noise bursts in 129S2/SvPas (129) and C57BL/6J (C57) mouse strains and their F(1) hybrids. Auditory brainstem responses (ABR), ASR and PPI were assessed at various time points: 6, 28, 41 and 94 weeks. Both parental strains showed marked ABR threshold shifts with age, with C57 mice having the most pronounced deficits. By contrast, the hybrids displayed only minor hearing loss with age. The time courses of ASR and PPI varied considerably between the mouse strains. From 6 to 41 weeks of age, ASR and PPI elicited by weak stimuli (70-90dB) increased in C57 mice, whereas the startle responses to intense stimuli (95-120dB) declined progressively. In 129 and hybrid mice, PPI levels remained relatively stable during the first year, but a progressive increase of ASR was observed in the hybrids for intense stimuli (95-120dB). When animals reached 94 weeks of age, marked deterioration of ASR was observed in all strains, while deficits in PPI were only seen in 129 and C57 mice. These findings show that the time course and the severity of the hearing loss vary considerably between 129, C57 strains and their hybrids, thus suggesting a marked heterogeneity in the genetic mechanisms underlying deafness in mice. They also demonstrate that the age-related hearing loss may have complex consequences on auditory behavioral performances depending of the severity of the deficits, the genetic background as well as the stimuli parameters.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to clarify the role of nociceptin system in pain modulation. The effects of the synthetic nociceptin (NOP) receptor agonist, Ro64-6198 ((1S,3aS)-8-(2,3,3a,4,5,6-hexahydro-1H-phenalen-1-yl)-1-phenyl-1,3,8-triaza-spiro[4.5]decan-4-one), on reactivity to acute noxious stimuli were assessed in C57BL/6N (B6) mice in tail-flick, hot-plate and shock threshold tests. The mu receptor agonist, morphine, was used in each study for comparison. In the tail-flick test, morphine (4 and 8 mg/kg, i.p.) produced analgesia, while Ro64-6198 (0.3, 1 and 3 mg/kg, i.p.) increased pain sensitivity. The effects of Ro64-6198 were seen in na?ve but not in mice previously habituated to testing conditions, indicating that increased pain sensitivity may be due to inhibition of stress-induced analgesia. In the hot-plate and the shock threshold tests, Ro64-6198 produced analgesia in B6 mice, like morphine. These effects were reproduced in wild-type but not in NOP receptor knockout mice. Finally, when injected conjointly at subthreshold doses, Ro64-6198 (1 mg/kg) and morphine (1 mg/kg) acted in additive manner to reduce pain sensitivity in the hot-plate test. Together these results show that systemic activation of NOP receptors produced bidirectional changes in pain sensitivity depending on the experimental conditions. They also suggest that central NOP and mu receptors may inhibit reactivity to acute noxious stimuli via independent neural mechanisms.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the role of nicotinic receptors in the lateral septum in the modulation of anxiety. The effects of direct injections of nicotine into the lateral septum were first investigated in two tests of anxiety, social interaction and elevated plus-maze tests. Intra-septal injection of nicotine (1 and 4 microgram) induced consistent anxiogenic effects in both tests. The reversal of nicotinic effects with mecamylamine was then studied in the social interaction test. Intra-septal injection of mecamylamine at a low dose (15 ng) induced an anxiolytic effect, suggesting the presence of intrinsic cholinergic tone increasing anxiety. At higher doses (30-50 ng), mecamylamine was without effect in the social interaction test, but blocked the anxiogenic effects of nicotine (4 microgram). These findings provide further evidence for the role of the lateral septum in the modulation of anxiety and suggest that cholinergic projections to this brain area facilitate anxiety through nicotinic receptors.  相似文献   
The stressful situations lived by the healthcare professionals in particular the physician, are described in the literature. Few French studies focus on the professional stress of the residents who have a double status: student and physician. By this status, the residents are often badly identified by the patients and badly recognized by the healthcare professionals. During the Residency, they face many professional and personal stress factors. Many studies have shown that the combination of these factors resulted the psychoactive substance use (alcohol, tobacco and cannabis).

Aim and hypothesis

Our research deal with (1) the risks situations lived by the residents and (2) the strategies for to cope with it.


One hundred and two residents of Faculties of Medicine in Universities of West participated in this study. The resident sample includes 44 men and 58 women aged between 25 and 35 years. Residents are divided from 1st to 10th semester, and they all participated voluntarily and they were not paid in this study. We interviewed them within the framework of a standardized clinical research interview. For the recruitment of resident, we sent an e-mail to the resident through the both syndicates of resident of general medicine and the both offices of the residents further to the agreement of the secretaries of the faculties. We make an individual appointments with the resident for to carry out the interview. We retranscribed the interviews and we produced an analysis of content with the software Iramuteq, who uses the Alceste method. The Alceste method is a technique that consist a modeling of the distribution of words in a speech and language patterns to identify the most words used by the subjects.


Results demonstrated, (a) that the situations at risks are the met situations with the patients, and this situations have a repercussions on their professional life and their personal life (33,6 % of the corpus), and (b) that among the strategies for to cope with it, the evocation of the recourse to a psychoactive substance appears clearly in the speech of residents, and is represented in a specific class corresponding to 12,5 % of the corpus.


We identified a professional stress factors in three categories: the clinical situations encountered, but the term “patient” doesn’t appear in the speech of residents, the organizational difficulties and the working conditions, and questioning about their professional future. These professional stress factors can have repercussions on the physical and mental health of residents. They could lead a risk of burnout in this population. Substance use take place in a festive context, is one of the ways used by residents to cope with pressure. We described that psychoactive substance use disorder has a hedonic value and auto-therapeutic value to cope with professional stress.


Residents mentionned a large number of stressful situations during the period of residency. They are the consequence of a time constraint or a feeling can’t to accomplish patient's care in better conditions. To cope with stress professional, the residents have recourse to psychoactives substances as an outlet. It can have harmful consequences as the health of the residents and the patients. It seems to us therefore pertinent to think about the valuation of devices allowing the residents to verbalize their real-life experience of their professional situations.  相似文献   
Zinc is abundant in the central nervous system and regulates pain, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. In vitro studies have shown that extracellular zinc modulates a plethora of signaling membrane proteins, including NMDA receptors containing the NR2A subunit, which display exquisite zinc sensitivity. We created NR2A-H128S knock-in mice to investigate whether Zn2+-NR2A interaction influences pain control. In these mice, high-affinity (nanomolar) zinc inhibition of NMDA currents was lost in the hippocampus and spinal cord. Knock-in mice showed hypersensitivity to radiant heat and capsaicin, and developed enhanced allodynia in inflammatory and neuropathic pain models. Furthermore, zinc-induced analgesia was completely abolished under both acute and chronic pain conditions. Our data establish that zinc is an endogenous modulator of excitatory neurotransmission in vivo and identify a new mechanism in pain processing that relies on NR2A NMDA receptors. The study also potentially provides a molecular basis for the pain-relieving effects of dietary zinc supplementation.  相似文献   
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