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色吾乡系这次寄生虫分布调查的中签点,在西藏自治区山南地区曲松县境内。位于东经92°3,北纬29°5。海拔4300m。地形为高原、高山,河谷;高寒草原灌丛植。全乡共1500人口,均为藏族。以农为主半农半牧。畜牧有绵羊、牦牛、黄牛、山羊,少数养猪和鸡。农作物有青棵、萝卜、白菜等。主食糌巴、酥油茶。有生食牛、羊肉和饮青棵酒的习惯。饮用河水,山泉水。  相似文献   
患者女,38岁,藏族,因右上腹痛1小时于1996年6月13日来门诊就诊,患者诉1小时前因感冒出现咽痛、干咳、发烧,自服中成药银翘解毒丸1丸,约10分钟后感觉右上腹隐隐作痛.逐渐加剧,恶心但未呕吐。否认特殊食物史。查体:T38.5℃,P90次/分,R24次/分,BP10/8KPa,一般情况中等,急性病容,痛苦表情,神志清楚,咽充血,双侧扁桃体Ⅰ°肿大,心肺(-),右上腹季肋下明显压痛,无肌卫,莫菲氏征(+),WBC10.1×109/L,多核0.8,淋巴0.2。给予静脉补液及扑尔敏口服,地塞米松肌注,一小时后血压恢复正常,腹痛消失。讨论:…  相似文献   
藏药9味红花丸治疗病毒性乙型肝炎200例疗效观察   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
9味红花丸系藏医经典治肝良方,(甘南州藏医药研究所制药厂)由藏茵陈、藏红花、诃子等纯天然优质植物药配成,具有清热解毒、保肝退黄的功效,自1994年~1996年门诊对200例病毒性肝炎患者进行疗效观察,现报告如下:1临床资料本组200例均为门诊病人,诊...  相似文献   
(一 )我院实施质量控制考评的做法 :我院借创等级医院的机会 ,学习和借鉴内地等级医院的管理经验 ,建立了质量控制 (下简称《质控》)考评机构。设立五大《质控》考评部门 ,并在全院范围实施《质控》考评管理办法。五大《质控》考评部门直接受党委、院部的领导 ,《质控》考评部门具体操作时 ,工作重点放在医疗《质控》考评上。实施《质控》 ,首先必须依靠广大医务人员过硬的医疗业务技术水平 ,优质的医疗服务态度和较强的经济实力作为医疗事业的后盾 ,这是医院实施《质控》考评办法的根本思路 ,围绕这思路 ,制定出一系列《质量控制》考评工作…  相似文献   
Objective To propose prevention and control strategy against iodine deficiency disorders to prevent new cases of endemic cretinism from occurring. Methods In April and August 2007, all the suspected cretinism patients born after the first of January, 1997 were searched for in 16 counties from Lhasa, Shannan, Nyingchi, Qamdo and Xigaze. Meanwhile, 60 children aged 8-10 years were selected in each of the two rural villages of each county chosen. Goiter was examined using palpation and B-ultrasound, urinary iodine was determined, inteligence quotient(IQ) was tested; 30 women of childbearing age from each village chosen underwent urinary iodine test and household salt semi-quantitative detection. Results No new cases of endemic cretinism had been found; Palpation identified goiter at 4.5% (257/5680) in children, B-ultrasound revealed a rate of 4.7% (258/5433). Median of urinary iodine was 159.4 μg/L, the averaged IQ was 78.3±14.5; women of childbearing age had a median urinary iodine of 70.2 μg/L. The coverage rate of iodized salt was 52.8%. Conclusions Goiter rate in children, urinary iodine level meet the standard set for the elimination of iodine deficiency disorders; however, the low IQ children, low coverage of iodized salt and the level of urinary iodine in women of childbearing age are less than desirable. Iodine deficiency disorders prevention and control need to be strengthened.  相似文献   
Objective To propose prevention and control strategy against iodine deficiency disorders to prevent new cases of endemic cretinism from occurring. Methods In April and August 2007, all the suspected cretinism patients born after the first of January, 1997 were searched for in 16 counties from Lhasa, Shannan, Nyingchi, Qamdo and Xigaze. Meanwhile, 60 children aged 8-10 years were selected in each of the two rural villages of each county chosen. Goiter was examined using palpation and B-ultrasound, urinary iodine was determined, inteligence quotient(IQ) was tested; 30 women of childbearing age from each village chosen underwent urinary iodine test and household salt semi-quantitative detection. Results No new cases of endemic cretinism had been found; Palpation identified goiter at 4.5% (257/5680) in children, B-ultrasound revealed a rate of 4.7% (258/5433). Median of urinary iodine was 159.4 μg/L, the averaged IQ was 78.3±14.5; women of childbearing age had a median urinary iodine of 70.2 μg/L. The coverage rate of iodized salt was 52.8%. Conclusions Goiter rate in children, urinary iodine level meet the standard set for the elimination of iodine deficiency disorders; however, the low IQ children, low coverage of iodized salt and the level of urinary iodine in women of childbearing age are less than desirable. Iodine deficiency disorders prevention and control need to be strengthened.  相似文献   
藏式菜肴,均选用纯天然绿色原料(牦牛肉、羊肉、青稞、雪莲花、冬虫夏草、人参果、藏红花、野生蘑菇),产自青藏高原高海拔区,无污染无添加剂,不仅体现出藏民族饮食文化返璞归真的特色,而且与现代人追求的健康养生理念不谋而合。  相似文献   
目的 掌握西藏自治区碘缺乏病防治工作现况,提出有针对性的防治对策,杜绝新发地方性克汀病(简称地克病)的发生.方法 2007年4-8月在拉萨、山南、林芝、昌都、日喀则5个地区的16个县,搜索所有1997年1月1日以后出生的疑似克汀病患者,在每个乡选择2个村,每个村选取60名8~10岁儿童,采用触诊法和B超法进行甲状腺检查、尿碘测定、智商测查;每个村选择30户育龄妇女进行尿碘测定,并对其家中食盐进行半定量检测.结果 调查未发现新发克汀病患者.触诊法检查,8~10岁儿童甲状腺肿大(简称甲肿)率为4.5%(257/5680);B超法检查,甲肿率为4.7%(258/5433).8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数为159.4μg/L,智商为78.3±14.5;育龄妇女的尿碘中位数为70.2μg/L;碘盐覆盖率为52.8%.结论 儿童甲肿率、尿碘水平达到了消除碘缺乏病标准;但是儿童智商偏低,育龄妇女尿碘水平较低,碘盐覆盖率较低,碘缺乏病的防治工作需要加强.  相似文献   
从伦琴发现X线到CT出现使我们能够清晰的看到人体内部的解剖结构,大大方便了疾病的诊断,提高了疾病诊断的准确性,被誉为放射医学的里程碑。而螺旋CT和多层螺旋CT的出现使得CT的检查更加方便、快捷,应用更加广泛,成为放射医学的又一个里程碑。它的快速、薄层、大面积扫描不仅使CT真正意义上实现了对人体任何器官和部位进行有效的检查,  相似文献   
藏医药学有一千七百多年的悠久历史,是祖国医学宝库中的重要组成部分。公元前几个世纪,藏族人民在与疾病作斗争的过程中,就已认识到一些动、植、矿物有解除病痛的作用。随着人们对自然界的认识和生产的发展,逐步积累了丰富的藏医药经验。公元六世纪那木日松赞时,从祖国内地传来了  相似文献   
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