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Totally,3 701 primiparous women in Shanghai were followed up for 15 months after delivery to assess their initial and subsequent changes in choice of contraceptive methods.Results showed that 15 months after delivery,95.46% of women had already used a contraceptive method.The leading first choice of contraceptive methodsamong urban women was the condom(50.72%) or IUD(29.09%),while the leading first choice among rural women was IUD(56.65%)or the condom(30.60%).Within 15 months after delivery,women whose first choice had been the condom tended to switch usually to an IUD.But fewer women whose first method was an IUD switched to other methods.At the 15th month follow-up,94.54% of women were all using a method,with 60.76% of urban women and 71.07% of rural women using IUDs.Multinominal logistic regression analysis suggests that women‘s characteristics influence the choice of methods.Urban, well-educated women were more likely to choose condom and rhythm,and less likely to choose OC.Older women tended to use condom and rhythm more often than younger women.Breast feeding women were less likely to use OC.Women who received recommendations regarding postpartum contraception from family planning workers were more likely to use IUD.It was concluded that family planning workers should increase women‘‘s awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of different methods,dispel myths and rumors about some methods and improve women‘‘s knowledge of informed choice.  相似文献   
<正> 一、引言分析宫内及节育器避孕效果最简单的方法为指数方法,它假设因种种原因退出试验的终止率不随时间而改变,即为恒率。如:一个妇女自放器后在某个月脱落的机遇,不因月份变化而变化。当然,恒率的假设需要实际数据进行证实。为了避免这种恒率假设,Tietze 和potter 把生命表分析改变为按月计算。他们提出的方法便于估计宫内节育器使用一定时间后(一年或二年)各种终止原因的比例。为了比较不同宫内节育器的避孕效果,Pool 提出了对这些比例作大样本标准误估计计算。Tietze 提出了简化估计方法,且在实际应用中最为常用。Tietze-Potter-Pool 提出的生命表是蒋氏(蒋庆明)的精确生命表分析方法的近似。以上方法有关标准误是以大样本为基础的。这里的样本数是指各种原因的终止数,并非指参加试验的妇女数。因各种原因的终止数不足够大的话,可能产生明显的误差。长时间观察后,这种误差可能会消逝。另一个次要的问题是:这些方法在确定的时间区间内(通常为一个月)假设率不变,这需要由实际数据作进一步证实。  相似文献   
产次递进比总和生育率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产次递进比总和生育率上海计划生育科学研究所高尔生,方可娟人们一直在研究量测育龄妇女生育水平的理想指标。出生率(CNR=B/P)是广为应用的人口学指标,简单易算,但分母为年平均人口数,包含了无生育能力的老人和孩子,故不能作为生育水平的量测指标。育龄妇女...  相似文献   
Data of “China Two-per-thousand Fertility and Contraception Survey‘, a project organized by the State Family Planning Commission in 1988, were applied to analyze the infertility rates in Chinese married women and its probable affectingfactors,The average infertility rate in firstly married Chinese women in 1976-1985 was 6.89%.The rates were gradually declining while calendar years in which Chinese women got married were close to 1985. Approximately 11.32percent of the women who were married in 1976 experienced infertility, whereas 3.89 percent of those did in 1985. The infertility rates in the women whose age of getting married were youhger than 20 years or elder than 29 years were apparently higher than those of the 20s. The rates were gradually going up while the age at women‘s menarche was increasing. The infertility rates were relatively lower in the developed economic regions of the eastern provinces and the metropolises in contrast to the western mountainous regions. The married women in rural area had slightly higher infertility rate than those in urban area. The infertility rates in women who used contraceptives before or immediately after their marriage showed no significant difference to those of nonuser.  相似文献   
目的:系统评估芙蓉(FR)Cu200C IUD的安全性、有效性和可接受性。方法:通过电子和手工检索查阅1988年4月~2006年5月国内外发表的相关文献,按照循证医学的原则进行筛选和评估。结果:共检索到22篇相关文献,按标准纳入5篇。纳入文献的结果显示。置器后1年,FRCu200C IUD的累积妊娠率略高于母体乐(ML)Cu375 IUD,因症取出率也趋向高于MLCu375 IUD;FRCu200C IUD的经量增多发生率低于MLCu375 IUD;置器后1、2、5年FRCu200C IUD的累积续用率均趋向低于MLCu375 IUD。结论:FRCu200C IUD的临床效果,尤其是有效性,接近或略差于MLCu375 IUD。建议在推广使用FRCu200C IUD前,对其开展多中心随机对照临床研究,进一步证实其安全性、有效性和可接受性;建议由非FRCu200C IUD研制单位主持临床试验,观察年限应≥5年。  相似文献   
对上海和青岛郊区已婚育龄妇女节育状况的调查发现,25岁以下的已婚妇女避孕现用率最低,有孩子的妇女现用率高.研究还发现给予宣教和引进新避孕方法进行干预后.避孕现用率比干预前提高(OR=1.4~1,5),干预后使用皮下埋植剂和新型IUD(T型)的妇女增多,提示干预性措施是有效果的.  相似文献   
不锈钢金属单环(金单)是目前我国普遍使用的宫内节育器(IUD),七十年代根据子宫形态设计的硅橡胶VCu200至今在全国已推广使用约二十多年,八十年代初,国外使用的TCu220c,我国引进生产线并使用多年。一九八三年国家计划生育委员会组织了全国十三省市共23个单位参加的多中心前瞻性临床研究,其一年、二年、三年和五年的资料已陆续发表。为了研究分析三种IUD远期使用效果,我们对其九省市17个临床单位继续进  相似文献   
我组从1987年7月1至1990年12月在上海市区及郊县36所医院中进行出生缺陷与药物及化学物联系的3218例对照调查研究,共收集缺陷病例组1609例,对照组3218例。经统计分析后发现孕期服用APC、安定、母亲孕期接触农药、有机溶剂、苯、合成树脂和噪声;父亲接触有害物(化学物及物理因素)及吸烟>20支/天,与出生缺陷间存在相关联系。同时也发现双亲家族遗传史、母亲孕次≥2次,母亲营养差,孕期患感冒、传染性肝炎、腹泻亦与出生缺陷之间存在联系。单因素与多因素分析结果的比数比(OR),反映了致畸因素与出生缺陷之间的联系与程度。结论认为环境因素中药物的致畸性明显低于工作中接触的化学物与物理因素。  相似文献   
刘宝  方可娟  高尔生 《中国公共卫生》2002,18(12):1487-1489
初次使用避孕措施者和要求更换避孕措施者都面临避孕措施的选择,由于每种避孕措施各有其优缺点,不存在一种可适用于所有使用者的避孕方法,而且实际上育龄妇女在不同环境、不同时期以及不同生理状态下也有选择不同避孕措施的要求.  相似文献   
阴道出血是避孕方法可接受性研究的重要问题。月经记录的统计方法是近年来许多临床医师,统计学和计算机专家悉心研究和讨论的一个课题。本文综述了参考时期(Reference Period)方法的基本要点和仍需探讨的问题。参考时期方法避免了以月经周期为基础的人为规定和定义;能较客观地进行描述和分析。  相似文献   
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