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随着健康体检的普及,超声检查已成为体检中不可或缺的项目,很多疾病在超声检查下常被"逮个正着",其中胆囊结石和胆囊息肉就是其中最常被发现的两种疾病. 胆囊结石 胆囊结石是怎么形成的 胆汁的主要成分有胆固醇、胆汁酸、卵磷脂、胆红素等,正常状态下,它们的比例适当,呈黏稠的液态,颜色是墨绿色,无固体成分出现.当胆汁的某些成分增...  相似文献   
我们总结了一套新方法 ,使操作过程简单化、准确化 ,以提高导管的成功率。1 资料与方法在 1997年 4月~ 1999年 12月间我们研究了 2 6例有配偶的不孕症患者 ,并且通过腹腔镜 ,X线引导下及彩色超声引导下输卵管造影术 ,已经明确了不孕症的病因及输卵管的解剖结构。导管装置包括一根 5F ,2 9cm长的外导管和一根 3F ,尖端为 2F的内导管及一根直径 0 0 18inch的导丝。彩色超声仪为美国GE公司生产的LOGIQ 40 0MD ,配以频率为 5MHz的阴式探头。术前给患者适量的镇静剂和镇痛药。首先 ,消毒阴道及宫颈 ,把 5F外导管在直视…  相似文献   
目的比较双氧水与声诺维三维输卵管超声造影(3D-Hy Co Sy)对输卵管通畅度的诊断价值。方法回顾分析我院经阴道超声引导下行输卵管造影检查的24例不孕症患者(共47条输卵管)的影像资料,所有病例均行双氧水造影和3D-Hy Co Sy。3D-Hy Co Sy检查前行子宫输卵管碘油造影(HSG),以HSG检查结果作为评估输卵管通畅度的金标准,对比两种超声造影诊断输卵管通畅度的优缺点。结果 1与HSG诊断结果比较,3D-Hy Co Sy对输卵管通畅度的诊断符合率为80.9%,双氧水造影对输卵管通畅度的诊断符合率为59.6%,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。3D-Hy Co Sy的假阳性率为5.3%,低于双氧水造影(47.4%);3D-Hy Co Sy的假阴性率为14.3%,高于双氧水造影(3.6%)。23D-Hy Co Sy判断近端输卵管狭窄及梗阻部位结果与HSG高度一致(Kappa值分别为0.77、0.90),双氧水造影为基本一致(Kappa值分别为0.40、0.45)。3D-Hy Co Sy判断中远端输卵管狭窄及梗阻部位结果与HSG高度一致(Kappa值分别为0.70、0.80),双氧水造影与HSG一致性差(Kappa值分别为0.31、0.31)。结论双氧水造影与3D-Hy Co Sy检查安全无创、操作简便,但双氧水造影较3D-Hy Co Sy假阴性率低,3D-Hy Co Sy可更清晰地显示输卵管立体形态结构,准确评估输卵管的通畅度及确定梗阻部位;两者结合有望提高输卵管超声造影的诊断准确率。  相似文献   
<正>我们每天都用淋浴花洒洗澡,但很少有人想过给它也"洗洗澡"。花洒使用一段时间后,不仅会发生堵塞、出水不畅现象,还藏匿了大量细菌。所以,定期清洁花洒很有必要。美国科罗拉多大学的研究人员曾对5个州的45个花洒进行了取样化验。结果发现,几乎每个花洒中都藏匿着数万个细菌,其中三成检测出可导致肺病的鸟分枝杆菌,它喜欢在  相似文献   
超声引导下射频治疗子宫肌瘤是近年来发展起来的一种微创技术,我院自2002年行超声引导下射频治疗子宫肌交加患者328例,现总结如下。  相似文献   
本文报道29例门静脉海绵状变性简称CTPV病人彩色Doppler超声(简称彩超)的检查结果,目的是检验被kauzlaric等称为CTPV超声诊断“三联征”的实用价值。  相似文献   
超声造影在肾透明细胞癌检出和诊断中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Background Renal clear cell carcinoma (RCCC) is the most common malignant renal tumor. It is highly malignant, does not cause clinical symptoms in its early stages, and cannot be diagnosed using conventional ultrasound. This study was aimed to investigate the contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) mode and characteristics of the time-intensity curve for RCCC and its pathological basis.
Methods Forty-two patients with pathologically diagnosed RCCC underwent CEUS examination before surgery. The patients' kidneys were visualized after injection of contrast agents using the Technos MPX DU8. We analyzed the CEUS mode, time-intensity curve, and pathological findings.
Results The detection rate of RCCC with conventional ultrasound was about 71%, while the rate using CEUS was 100%. Larger tumors (33 cases) showed non-uniform enhancement with defective filling. CEUS modes were divided into 4 types: type Ⅰ, "quick in and out" (26.19%, 11/42); type Ⅱ, "quick in and slow out" (40.48%, 17/42); type Ⅲ, "Simultaneous in and out" (16.67%, 7/42); and type Ⅳ "slow in and out" (16.67%, 7/42). All types had a close correlation to the pathological basis. Time-intensity curve of CEUS consisted of 3 phases, the perfusion phase, regression phase, and lag phase. Cases of types Ⅰ and Ⅲ only had a perfusion and regression phase, those of type Ⅱ and Ⅳ had a perfusion phase, regression phase, and lag phase. Quantitative analysis of the time-intensity curve showed that the time-to-peak (FTP) of the lesions was shorter than that of normal renal parenchyma (P 〈0.0001), the mean value of the up slope rate of the absolute value of lesions was higher than that of the ipsilateral normal renal parenchyma (P 〈0.0001), and that the mean value of descent slope rate of the absolute value of lesions was lower than that of the ipsilateral normal renal parenchyma (P 〈0.0001).
Conclusions CEUS is useful in detecting small vessels in tumors. Although there are several different CEUS modes, type Ⅰ "quick in and out" and type Ⅱ "quick in and slow out" accounted for the most cases that had a close correlation to pathologic angiogenesis. Time-intensity curves also showed some special characteristics. These data could provide valuable information for the clinical diagnosis of RCCC.  相似文献   
后3个月梗死周边心肌应变率明显增加及梗死面积明显减少(P<0.01),术后6个月梗死周边心肌应变率明显增加梗死面积明显减少(P<0.01).结论 SRI可以无创定量评价冠状动脉支架置入术后左室局部功能的变化.  相似文献   
<正>全世界每年有500万出生缺陷婴儿降生,其中,85%出生在发展中国家。出生缺陷不仅严重影响了人口素质的提高,而且对社会和经济发展造成了极大的障碍,已成为大多数发展中国家乃至全世界面临的极其严峻的公共卫生问题,我国从20世纪80  相似文献   
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