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正日前,能同时为400多名特勤官兵进行战创伤、训练伤康复治疗的大型综合性理体疗康复中心,在海军青岛第一疗养院落成并投入使用。该中心按照国家二级康复医院标准建设,集预防保健、康复医疗、技术研究、人才培训等多种功能于一体,总建筑面积12000平方米,是海军最大的现代化综合理体疗康复中心。该院单守勤院长告诉笔者,近年来,他们深入探索疗养院建设发展的客观规律,注重以理念创新为先导,以战斗力生成维护为主线,  相似文献   
Objective To study the current incidence of Keshan disease in Yunnan Province,and provide scientific basis for Keshan disease(KD) prevention and control. Methods Based on the Scheme of KD Surveillance, 16 villages in 11 counties were chosen as surveillance sites by the historical data. An survey was made to the residents in the 16 surveillance sites by filling in the questionnaire, inquiry medical history, clinical examination, electrocardiogram and 2 meters post-anterior chest X-ray for suspected cases. KD cases were diagnosed according to the Diagnostic Criteria for Keshan Disease(GB 17021-1997). The prevalence data of KD in the whole province were collected from the KD case report in 2007 and the trace surveys. Results There were 6877 residents in 16 surveillance sites of 11 surveillance counties and totally 39 KD cases were diagnosed with a detection ratio of 0.57% (39/6877). The detection ratio of latent and chronic KD were 0.41%(28/6877) and 0.16%(11/6877), respectively and no acute or subacute cases were found. The cases aged 5 to 14 years old accounting for 66.67% (26/39). Electrocardiogram examination of 6877 residents were made and 5.25% (361/6877) abnormal electrocardiograms were detected in the 16 surveillance sites. Fifty-five people were checked by chest X-ray and there were 31 cases with heart-chest ratio ≤0.50, 16 cases with heart-chest ratio from 0.51 to 0.55 and 8 cases with heart-chest ratio from 0.56 to 0.60. The prevalence rate and incidence rate of chronic KD were 4.24 per 100 000 and 0.50 per 100 000 in Yunnan. No acute or subacute cases were found and the latent cases were listed. The prevalence rate and incidence rate were 7.76 per 100 000 and 1.18 per 100 000 in the 16 surveillance sites. Conclusions The incidence of KD is low incidence in Yunnan Province. Higher ineidence of chronic KD was detected in the some areas and the corresponding control measures need to be adopted.  相似文献   
1978~2004年云南地方性暴发性心肌炎流行病学调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的寻找云南地方性暴发性心肌炎流行病学规律。方法回顾性调查和横断面调查相结合对1978~2004年疫情资料进行分析。结果(1)流行地区包括8个地、州、市,22个县区;(2)27年间共发生疫情86起,死亡267人;(3)病区特点:均为贫困山区或半山区,有67.6%的病区与克山病病区相重叠;(4)本病呈年度高发和季节高发,6~9月为主要流行季节;(5)发病人群以当地农民为主,青壮年为高发人群,女性略多于男性;(6)有明显的家庭聚集性。结论1991年后本病流行有明显的上升趋势;发病人群以青壮年为主,是家庭的主要劳动力;本病来势凶猛,发病突然,死亡突然,给救治带来了许多困难和问题,是病死率高的主要原因;监测防治不应只限于22个疫区县,应扩大防治范围。  相似文献   
云南省地理地貌复杂,气候多样,民族众多,生活习惯各异,是全国地方病流行较为严重的省份之一.2004年以来,为科学有效地防控地方病,实现《全国重点地方病防治规划(2004 - 2010年)》目标任务,在中央补助地方公共卫生地方病防治项目、卫生部地方病重点监测、卫生部碘缺乏病高危地区重点调查项目、中国与联合国儿童基金会合作项目(砷筛查、碘缺乏病综合干预)等项目的支持下,云南省委、省政府高度重视,各部门密切配合,积极响应,广泛开展重点地方病防治工作,取得了显著成效.为进一步落实各项防治措施,进一步健全地方病防治长效机制,巩固防治成果,作者对云南省地方病防治现状进行分析总结,提出今后防治对策.  相似文献   
Objective To study the current incidence of Keshan disease in Yunnan Province,and provide scientific basis for Keshan disease(KD) prevention and control. Methods Based on the Scheme of KD Surveillance, 16 villages in 11 counties were chosen as surveillance sites by the historical data. An survey was made to the residents in the 16 surveillance sites by filling in the questionnaire, inquiry medical history, clinical examination, electrocardiogram and 2 meters post-anterior chest X-ray for suspected cases. KD cases were diagnosed according to the Diagnostic Criteria for Keshan Disease(GB 17021-1997). The prevalence data of KD in the whole province were collected from the KD case report in 2007 and the trace surveys. Results There were 6877 residents in 16 surveillance sites of 11 surveillance counties and totally 39 KD cases were diagnosed with a detection ratio of 0.57% (39/6877). The detection ratio of latent and chronic KD were 0.41%(28/6877) and 0.16%(11/6877), respectively and no acute or subacute cases were found. The cases aged 5 to 14 years old accounting for 66.67% (26/39). Electrocardiogram examination of 6877 residents were made and 5.25% (361/6877) abnormal electrocardiograms were detected in the 16 surveillance sites. Fifty-five people were checked by chest X-ray and there were 31 cases with heart-chest ratio ≤0.50, 16 cases with heart-chest ratio from 0.51 to 0.55 and 8 cases with heart-chest ratio from 0.56 to 0.60. The prevalence rate and incidence rate of chronic KD were 4.24 per 100 000 and 0.50 per 100 000 in Yunnan. No acute or subacute cases were found and the latent cases were listed. The prevalence rate and incidence rate were 7.76 per 100 000 and 1.18 per 100 000 in the 16 surveillance sites. Conclusions The incidence of KD is low incidence in Yunnan Province. Higher ineidence of chronic KD was detected in the some areas and the corresponding control measures need to be adopted.  相似文献   
Objective To study the current incidence of Keshan disease in Yunnan Province,and provide scientific basis for Keshan disease(KD) prevention and control. Methods Based on the Scheme of KD Surveillance, 16 villages in 11 counties were chosen as surveillance sites by the historical data. An survey was made to the residents in the 16 surveillance sites by filling in the questionnaire, inquiry medical history, clinical examination, electrocardiogram and 2 meters post-anterior chest X-ray for suspected cases. KD cases were diagnosed according to the Diagnostic Criteria for Keshan Disease(GB 17021-1997). The prevalence data of KD in the whole province were collected from the KD case report in 2007 and the trace surveys. Results There were 6877 residents in 16 surveillance sites of 11 surveillance counties and totally 39 KD cases were diagnosed with a detection ratio of 0.57% (39/6877). The detection ratio of latent and chronic KD were 0.41%(28/6877) and 0.16%(11/6877), respectively and no acute or subacute cases were found. The cases aged 5 to 14 years old accounting for 66.67% (26/39). Electrocardiogram examination of 6877 residents were made and 5.25% (361/6877) abnormal electrocardiograms were detected in the 16 surveillance sites. Fifty-five people were checked by chest X-ray and there were 31 cases with heart-chest ratio ≤0.50, 16 cases with heart-chest ratio from 0.51 to 0.55 and 8 cases with heart-chest ratio from 0.56 to 0.60. The prevalence rate and incidence rate of chronic KD were 4.24 per 100 000 and 0.50 per 100 000 in Yunnan. No acute or subacute cases were found and the latent cases were listed. The prevalence rate and incidence rate were 7.76 per 100 000 and 1.18 per 100 000 in the 16 surveillance sites. Conclusions The incidence of KD is low incidence in Yunnan Province. Higher ineidence of chronic KD was detected in the some areas and the corresponding control measures need to be adopted.  相似文献   
到1986年12月8日止,美国的医师和卫生部门已报告了爱滋病(AIDS)病人28098名(其中包括成人27704名,儿童394名),他们符合向国家报告的该病病例定义.这些人中已死亡15757名(成人病死率占56%和儿童病死率占61%),其中包括了1985年1月前所确诊的79%以上的病例.自从1981年初AIDS的首批报告  相似文献   
女,2岁。以阵发性手足潮红,灼热,疼痛20余天就诊。发作时神志清,烦躁不安,双手掌、指,双足底、足趾潮红,局部温度升高,痒、痛,可持续1至数小时。夜间发作频繁且症状重。喜将手足裸露,以冷水洗手足。发病来无发热、关节肿痛等。大小便正常。否认药物、食物过敏史。无结核病史。无铅、砷等接触史。家族中无类似病人。体检:T37℃,神志清。双手掌、指,双足底、足趾呈充  相似文献   
男,8天。因呕吐8天,咳嗽,发热5天于1989年7月24日入院。第二胎第二产,足月顺产。每当吃奶后即出现呕吐,非喷射状,呕出乳汁,3天后出现刺激性咳嗽,伴发热40℃左右。食管碘油造影摄片:食管上段相当于第3胸椎平面造影剂受阻,该处食管呈盲端。透视见腹部胃及小肠内有积气。诊断:先天性食管闭锁伴  相似文献   
1 病历摘要女,12岁。因进行性面黄、少尿、酱油色尿7天,浮肿5天入院。发病前2周曾患上感、脓疱疮。体检:血压17.29/13.3kPa,重度贫血貌,四肢皮肤可见一处3cm×4cm大小紫瘢,颜面及眼睑浮肿,巩膜无黄染,心肺阴性,肝剑下2.5cm,肋下未及,牌未及,四肢无明显浮肿。实  相似文献   
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