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Objective To assess the radiological characteristics and therapeutic strategies of intracranial aneurysms in children. Methods From our dedicated neurovascular databank of patients, we reviewed 23 consecutive children who had 24 intracranial aneurysms. There were 14 boys and 9 girls with a mean age of 9.09 years ( range 1 - 14 years ). Results Intracranial aneurysms in children ≤ 14 years constituted 1.3% of all intracranial aneurysms. Internal Carotid artery (ICA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were the most frequent sites for aneurysms. About 58.3% of the aneurysms were complex, including dissecting, pseudoaneurysm, giant and fusiform aneurysm. 1/3 of all aneurysms were located in posterior circulation. Only 1 case had multiple aneurysms in this case series. Almost half of all cases presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage and others presented with mass effect. 14 cases underwent endovascular treatment. 4 patients received microsurgical therapy. 5 cases did not receive microsurgical or endovascular therapy, 2 of them whose aneurysms spontaneously thrombosed during follow up. One boy with left vertebral artery giant aneurysm died after endovascular therapy owing to gradual thrombosis in basilar artery. Another child had poor outcome because of rerupture of aneurysm before operation. Whereas the majority had a favorable outcome. Conclusions Intracranial aneurysms in children had many clinical and radiological characteristics different from those in adults : ( 1 ) remarkable male predominance; ( 2 ) ICA and MCA were the most common sites for aneurysms; (3) high incidence of large, traumatic, infectious, dissecting and fusiform aneurysms. (4)For pediatric intracranial aneurysms, both microsurgical approaches and endovascular treatment were effective. Endovaacular therapy was the best choice for complex aneurysms.  相似文献   
胸腰段椎间盘突出症罕见,约占椎间盘突出的0.6%~4%。随着CT及MRI的应用,其发病率有增加的趋势。因其发病率低,报道较少。但由于病变位于脊髓圆椎段,其发病较下腰段椎间盘突出有很大的特殊性,故有必要结合我院近年收治的21例对其作一回顾性分析。1 临床资料  相似文献   
五虫汤为主治疗血栓闭塞性脉管炎81例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饭富病院地处日本本州山黎县,远离大都市,地偏人稀,但环境优美,气候宜人,的确是疗养的好地方。饭富病院属公立医院,虽规模较小,但是一所综合性医院。我们在此院研修3个月,时间虽短,但期间的所见所闻,尤其护理方面给我们的启发和教益却是十分深刻的。现介绍几个片断,以飨读者。1  相似文献   
怀化市地处湘西南边远山区,社会经济属后发达地区。怀化市第三人民医院原为县级市属人民医院,1998年升格为地市级医院。六年来,医院以科学的发展观为指导,根据怀化及周边省区县的特点和医疗状况,结合自身实际,着力加强重点专科建设,打造医院特色品牌。几年来,开展新技术100余项,13项获省科技进步奖。建设了显微创伤外科、神经外科、腔镜技术、医学急救等一批重点学科“品牌”,有力地促进了医院的建设。  相似文献   
异位心是罕见的先天性畸形,以胸部型心异位最为常见。我们遇到1例胸腹型异位心,为明确心内畸形作了全面检查,现报告如下.患者,女,19岁,自幼发现心脏杂音,平时易受凉发烧,活动后气喘,一岁后逐渐出现紫绀,无蹲踞及晕厥史.发育营养较差,口唇、面部紫绀,杵状指趾。BP110/70mmHg,P88次/分。胸部对称,  相似文献   
影视明星的梳妆打扮一向受人关注,而且常常是一些年轻人仿效的榜样,比如:既是名模又是电影明星的伊莎贝拉,给人的印象总是明艳照人。日常生活中,她很注重肌肤的清洁,定期作面部按摩,尤其注重防晒,因而肌肤洁白细嫩。在拍片时她还特别讲究灯光的运用,因而上镜的效果也特好。  相似文献   
胡伦科 《临床放射学杂志》2007,26(11):1168-1168
患者 男,38岁。右侧腰痛1年,加重1天。体检:右侧腰部略见隆起,肾区明显叩痛。 腹部平片示:右肾区内“鹿角形”高密度影,边缘光滑锐利。拟诊右肾结石。静脉肾盂造影示:右侧肾脏未显影(图1)。CT平扫:右肾多发结石并重度肾积水,肾周炎性渗出改变,局部脓肿形成。右肾逆行造影示:右侧肾盂、肾盏明显扩张,肾盏边缘模糊、毛糙,右肾下极见细条带状影,粗细不均,并见对比剂外溢,继续注入对比剂约20ml,见升结肠显影,其肠袋显示清晰(图2)。X线拟诊:(右)肾一结肠瘘。  相似文献   
故障现象1 点片架不能升降. 故障分析开机发现无论操作spotup或spotdown,升降电机都不运转,但继电器RY5、RY6、与RY9都动作,用万用表测得RY9(32、42)触点提供给电机运转绕组的电压正常,但给电机启动绕组供电的继电器RY7不动,说明RY7的线圈没有得电.  相似文献   
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