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<正>胰腺副神经节瘤是一种非常罕见的副神经节瘤,目前为止,文献报道不足35例[1]。副神经节瘤是一种起源于神经嵴细胞的罕见肿瘤[2]。其中恶性肿瘤占其中的1/10,而诊断为恶性肿瘤的患者5年生存率为50%。很多情况下,患者若未发现恶变的指标或者症状,该副神经节瘤可视为良性。手术治疗是该病的首选治疗措施,发现副神经节瘤后应尽早行手术切除治疗。1病例资料患者女性,50岁,自述近1年偶有上腹部疼痛不适,未重  相似文献   
The retinoblastoma (RB) gene was the first tumor suppressor gene identified.It encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein which is differentially phosphorylated during the cell cycle.And the RB gene apparently plays a key role in cell growth regulation.Mutations in RB are seen in virtually all cases of retinoblastoma,and loss of RB gene function has been implicated in the progression of many common human cancers.A number of studies have indicated that replacement of the normal RB gene in RB-defective tumor cells could suppress their tumorigenic activity in nude mice.Preclinical studies also demonstrated that treatment of established human xenograft tumors in nude mice by recombinant adenovirus vectors expressing RB protein resulted in regression of the treated tumor.These studies make the emerging RB gene therapy even more attraction.  相似文献   
近十年来,随着细胞遗传学和分子遗传学的发展,对导致生物体遗传变化的途径有了更多的了解。在生物进化过程中,遗传信息的扩散,不但有不同基因组同源区间的合法重组,还有非同源区间的非法重组。这个非法重组过程,也叫遗传转座(Genetic Transposition),相当于染色体的重排,并允许某些遗传信息(转座子)在基因组之间流动,以检验新的基因组合是否具有生存优势。  相似文献   
InhibitionofvascularsmoothmusclecelproliferationbyintroductionofretinoblastomageneviaarecombinantadenovirusvectorLiJian黎健,Xia...  相似文献   
<正>1病例资料病例1:患者女性,56岁,因"发现皮肤巩膜黄染3 d"于2017年4月入本院。查体:皮肤巩膜黄染,腹软。入院后查肝功能示:AST 262. 4 U/L、ALT 449. 4 U/L、GGT 958. 0 U/L、ALP344. 8 U/L、TBil 191. 0μmol/L、DBil 121. 3μmol/L。肿瘤标志物检测示:CA19-9 702. 85 U/ml、神经元特异性烯醇化酶53. 99 ng/ml、CA242 44. 4 U/ml。腹部CT平扫及增强示:肝门区见团块样软组织密度影,大小约9. 3 cm×6. 6 cm,动脉期强化不均匀,静脉期及平衡期强化程度略减低,与胆囊、胃窦分界  相似文献   
根据电泳测量限制酶酶解片段长度的结果,绘制了伯基特氏林巴瘤Blym-1癌基因的精细结构图谱。HuBlym-1癌基因含4个Alul位点,1个AvaI位点和1个PstI位点。Diamond等曾在他们最初获得的λ-克隆HuBlym-1基因区定位了一个BamHI位点,但我们的图谱表明,HuBlym-1基因不含任何BamHI识别位点。  相似文献   
WildtypeP53negativelyregulatesthegrowthoftumorcels,andisthereforeconsideredatumorsuppresorgene.1MutationsofP53genearereporte...  相似文献   
Theretinoblastoma(Rb)geneencodingaproteinof928aminoacidscaninhibittumorformationThedeficientandinactivationofRbgeneisrelate...  相似文献   
抑癌基因控制细胞的生长,它的失活在人类癌症的发生发展中起重要作用[’]。目前已分离克隆的抑癌基因很多,包括:RB、Wtp53、DCC、Wt.l、NF-l、MTS等,总数可能超过50种I‘]。研究证明:与多种基因改变有关的肿瘤,只要修正其中一种抑癌基因的缺陷就能使肿瘤的恶性表型逆转,这一发现使人们看到了肿瘤基因治疗的希望I’]。RB基因是第一个被确证的抑癌基因,它诱发遗传性视网膜母细胞瘤。多年广泛研究证明:RB抑癌基因疗法有望成为肿瘤治疗的有效手段。现就RB抑癌基因治疗肿瘤的原理及策略作一综述。IRB抑癌基因用于基因治…  相似文献   
For the research on the structure and function of the HDL apoproteins, we have successfully constructed a complete genomic library, in self-prepared EMBL3 lambda vector and the packaging extracts of lysogenic strains BHB2688, BHB2690, from a Chinese fetal liver, which will be widely used in the research on the structure and function of apoproteins. In this study, a DNA sequence polymorphism, revealed by digestion of human DNA with the restriction endonuclease Sst1 and hybridization with an apoprotein AI cDNA probe, has been shown to be located at apoAI/CIII gene-loci. Three gene related fragments (5.7 Kb, 4.0 Kb and 3.0 Kb) were detected. The 5.7 Kb fragment is common and the polymorphism is demonstrated by the presence of either a 4.0 Kb fragment (S1 allele) or the 3.0 Kb fragment (S2 allele). Individuals were genotyped S1S1 or S1S2. Our result showed that the frequency of genotype S1S2 was higher in hypertriglyceridemic subjects than that in normolipidemic subjects.  相似文献   
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