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Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   
颌面部小细胞癌的临床与病理-附3例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:报告3例颌面部罕见的神经内分泌小细胞癌,提高临床诊断和治疗水平。方法:结合文献讨论,分析3例颌面部小细胞癌临床病人的诊断、治疗、病理特征和预后。结果:原发于腮腺1例术后4个月死亡。前列腺癌颌下区转移1例术后11个月死亡。肺部小细胞癌右颌下区、颈部转移1例,放疗后随访5个月至今仍存活。结论:颌面部小细胞癌罕见,但恶性程度极高,常由其他部位转移而来,应提高警惕。  相似文献   
Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   
目的 研究健康人下颌骨与全身骨密度的相关性.方法 选择中国北方健康志愿者221名,分别将不同性别的志愿者按年龄分为6组,即≥20岁(男21人、女23人)、≥30岁(男20人、女21人)、≥40岁(男21人、女22人)、≥50岁(男20人、女21人)、≥60岁(男16人、女15人)、≥170岁(男11人、女10人).从每人下颌骨颏部及双侧下颌角各选10个感兴趣区,用双能X线骨密度仪测量骨密度值,同时测量腰椎(L2-L4);并行统计学分析.结果 该人群的下颌骨颏部的骨密度值为(1.310 9±0.035 5)g/cm2,左下颌角的骨密度值(1.048 9±0.013 7)g/cm2,右下颌角的骨密度值(1.054 7±0.014 1)g/cm2,腰椎(L2-L4)的骨密度值(1.1211±0.0172)g/cm2.男女之间下颌角、腰椎的骨密度比较,差异有统计学意义(t(左)=2.017 5,t(右)=2.446 9,P<0.05).50岁以后下颌角、腰椎的骨密度明显减低.结论 下颌骨与腰椎的骨密度密切相关,下颌骨可以作为测量全身骨密度的一个敏感部位进行骨质疏松的预测.  相似文献   
目的利用口腔全颌曲面断层片测量分析发育正常的、发育性下颌偏斜畸形患者下颌骨硬组织的特征性变化。方法选择成人颞颌关节病变患者78例,正常无颞颌关节病患者115例,比较颞颌关节病变患者、正常无颞颌关节病患者的左右两侧在垂直向上线距、角度的差异。结果颞颌关节病的下颌骨双侧在垂直方向上的线距测量和角度测量均出现明显的不对称,髁状突前后径、下颌骨升支高度、髁状突至下颌平面高度、下颌角点成角、髁突顶点成角双侧比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);正常无颞颌关节病变的双侧对应比较差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论下颌骨不对称发育是引起颞颌关节病变的一个重要因素,应予以注意。  相似文献   
目的探讨口腔颌面部犬咬伤的最佳治疗方案。方法主要通过1例严重犬咬伤患者的治疗并结合其他犬咬伤患者的治疗,总结治疗经验。结果所有病例治愈。结论口腔颌面部犬咬伤Ⅰ期缝合可行。  相似文献   
目的分析影响齿槽嵴裂髂骨移植修复术效果的临床因素。方法对48例齿槽嵴裂髂骨移植修复的术后X线影像进行分析,评价临床效果。结果齿槽嵴裂的植骨成活率为95.83%,临床成功率为91.62%.结论用髂骨修复唇腭裂患者齿槽嵴裂是一种有效的治疗方法。恰当处理与骨移植手术相关的环节,可提高手术成功率。  相似文献   
我国北方成年人下颌骨骨密度的测量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   
Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   
涎腺腺样囊性癌组织中神经生长因子及其受体的表达   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 研究涎腺腺样囊性癌 (adenoidcysticcarcinoma ,ACC)组织中NGF及其受体 (p75 ,TrKA)的表达 ,旨在探讨调节ACC浸润生长及分化的机理。方法 应用免疫组织化学方法检测了 42例ACC标本及周围正常腺体的NGF、p75与TrKA的表达 ,并对不同病理类型ACC中NGF及其受体的表达进行统计学分析。结果 NGF及 p75在筛状型ACC和管状型ACC中的表达明显高于在实性型ACC的表达 ,差异有高度统计学意义 ,而筛状型ACC与管状型ACC中NGF及 p75的表达差异无统计学意义 ;TrKA在筛状型ACC和管状型ACC中的表达也高于其在实性型ACC中的表达 ,差异有统计学意义 ,筛状型ACC与管状型ACC间TrKA表达无显著差异。NGF在正常涎腺闰管细胞 ,排泄管上皮细胞均有高效表达。结论 ①ACC可能通过自泌和旁泌NGF机制调节分化 ;②ACC组织中p75和NGF间相互作用可能是ACC高浸润性的生物学基础 ,同时可能也是ACC嗜神经生长机理。  相似文献   
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