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目的探讨目标教学在前列腺超声诊断技术带教中的应用效果。方法选择2017年1月-2018年12月于我院进行前列腺超声诊断技术培训的影像学专业学生80例,根据入院时间先后顺序分为研究组与对照组,每组40例。对照组医学生采用常规教学法带教,研究组医学生采用目标教学法带教,比较两组带教效果。结果研究组医学生的超声诊断仪使用(94.12±2.73)分、超声扫查技巧(92.81±5.06)分、操作技能(90.83±5.11)分、超声图像表现掌握(91.96±3.67)分均高于对照组(P<0.05)。研究组医学生的总体满意度CEQ评分(8.22±0.24)分高于对照组的(5.25±0.30)分,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论目标教学在前列腺超声诊断技术带教中的应用效果良好,可有效提高医学生的操作能力,提高医学生对带教模式的肯定度。  相似文献   
杨晔  黄瑛 《现代肿瘤医学》2019,(15):2780-2783
超声引导下系统性活检为目前前列腺癌诊断的金标准,然而由于系统性穿刺难以定位病灶,因此阴性率较高。近年来,随着新技术的发展,前列腺靶向穿刺活检越来越多的应用于临床。本文就前列腺靶向活检的临床应用进展做一综述。  相似文献   
正开得轰轰烈烈的玉兰花,,如一场盛事般不可逆转地逐渐落幕。枝头的花不再光鲜润泽,清寂的花蕊在枝头显得有些突兀。即使残缺的花瓣努力以最好的姿态绽放在枝头,路人也不再驻足观赏,偶尔有抬头望一眼的,似乎摇摇头就匆匆而过。地上花瓣零落,仿佛失恋女子,鲜嫩的粉红褪落得苍  相似文献   
正芙蓉树繁枝成荫,花漫绿叶间。远望去若粉雪落枝。信步树下,仰慕一树花开,不禁驻足不前,那纤若细丝的花瓣,无风时,静如一幅淡定的水粉画;微风掠过,袅娜微摆,宛如翩若惊鸿的灵动,无须故作姿态却亦妩媚自生。俯身拾起一枚飘落的芙蓉花,这树上开的花果然与别花不同。尘世间的百花,哪个不是花瓣相拥,花蕊玉立。唯有这芙蓉,花  相似文献   
Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   
杨晔 《家庭医药》2013,(12):66-67
汉语里“比”字最残忍,因为是两把匕首并肩走,左边的藏在鞘里,暗藏杀机;右边的明晃晃地亮出来,让人不寒而栗。生活中,“比”这件事最残酷,它可以比掉人的自信,比丢人的幸福感。甚至因攀比不过,心生嫉恨,产生邪念。  相似文献   
眼肌痉挛——口下颌肌张力障碍综合征(Ble-pharopasm—ormandibular dytonia syndrome),亦称Meige氏综合征.在1910年由法国神经学家HenryMeige首先描述,其后陆续有所报道.目前国内见17例,部分误诊为神经症.现将我院1990~1992年诊治的3例报告如下.1 病例介绍例1女,54岁.2年前自觉颜面及口角紧涩,2个月后眼睑及口角痉挛性抽动,每次数秒钟缓解,每日20余次.紧张时加剧,安静时减轻.半年后发作频繁,眼睑不时抽动,舌体运动欠灵活,咀嚼肌痉挛性收缩,口角不自主内聚,咬牙、流涎,影响语言和进食.每次发作持续3~5分钟.每小时即有数次发作.舌经常被咬破,睡眠时消失.在外院用卡马西平、安坦等治疗无效.于1991年1月4日收住我院.既往无面瘫史.检查:可见阵发性双眼睑痉挛皱眉,口角不自主内聚,呈间歇性咬牙、锉牙,  相似文献   
Objective To study the strategy and process of out-hospital emergency care of acute cardiovascular events. Methods One hundred and eighty-three patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College were prospectively studied. The patients were divided into two groups according to the different ways of out-hospital care, one group consisted of patients who received first-aid care after calling " 120" (94 cases), another was self-aid group consisting of patients sent to hospital by relatives (89 cases). The proportion of persons with higher than high school education and better knowledge for emergency care of patients with heart disease in first-aid group was higher than self-aid group (50. 0% vs. 29. 2%, 83.0% vs. 60. 7%, both P<0. 05). When the patients were brought to the emergency room, they were all treated according to our standard procedure and then registered. All patients were followed up at the end of first and third month after illness. Results Cardiovascular events were mainly myocardial infarction (61.7%) among 183 patients. There were statistically significant differences between two groups in self-aid response time, first disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time [(32.3 ± 5.6) minutes vs. (89.6±8.4) minutes, (47.3±7.3) minutes vs. (149.8±13.5) minutes, (61.7±8.3) minutes vs. [(149.8±13.5) minutes, all P<0. 01], but no difference was found in in-hospital rescuing time [(29. 9±5.3) minutes vs. (31.1±4.5) minutes, P>0. 05]. Morbidity rate was lower in first-aid group than self-aid group in 1st and 3rd month, respectively (2.1% vs. 9. 0%, 4. 2% vs. 12.4%, both P<0. 05). Conclusion Excellent emergency system and procedure can shorten initial disposal time and out-hospital rescuing time, thus improve patients' prognosis. The education level and health knowledge of patients and their raletives directly affect their mode of arriving hospital and prognosis.  相似文献   
目的:观察某部官兵3km体能训练前后血尿酸(SUA)、肌酸激酶(CK)和肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)水平变化。方法:选择参加年度体能训练的某部官兵483例,检测前均至少3个月未进行长跑训练。分别于训练前、训练后即刻、训练后6h、训练后24h、训练后48h,取静脉血测定其SUA、CK和CK-MB水平,分析其变化趋势及与年龄、性别、体重的关系。结果:3km体能训练后即刻,SUA水平非常显著高于训练前(P<0.01);训练后即刻及训练后6h、24h,血CK水平显著或非常显著高于训练前(P<0.05,P<0.01);训练后即刻及训练后6h,血CK-MB水平显著或非常显著高于训练前(P<0.05,P<0.01),年龄、性别、体重亦是重要影响因素。结论:年度首次3km长跑体能训练对血SUA、CK和CK-MB水平有显著影响,应注意及时充分休息,避免引起肾、骨骼肌及心肌的持续损害。  相似文献   
目的了解迁移父母迁移后的生活现状,为其更好地适应迁移生活做出尝试性的探索。方法用自行设计的迁移父母生活现状调查问卷对采用便利法抽取的浙江省温州市9个社区279名迁移父母进行调查。结果迁移父母生活满意度较迁移前有所提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);迁移父母迁移最主要原因是为了照顾子孙的生活(74.9%);影响迁移父母生活的前3位因素为语言不通(63.4%)、饮食习惯改变(49.1%)和缺乏亲友(31.2%);迁移后生活中前3位的最大困难是生活方式改变(52.3%)、寂寞(22.6%)、经济困难(5.7%);60.6%的迁移父母表示在迁移地就医存在诸多不便。结论随子女迁移是一种较好的养老方式,迁移父母个人、家庭中子女、社会相关部门应共同努力,切实解决迁移父母的生活困难,使其更好地适应迁移生活。  相似文献   
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