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Abstract: The main aim of the present investigation was to study systematically the passive and stimulation-evoked release of 3H-5-hydroxytryptamine (3H-5-HT) from rabbit isolated aorta. This was accomplished by preloading rings of aorta with 3H-5-HT (10–6M) and then monitoring by fractional collection the basal 3H-outflow and stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow. The basal 3H-outflow from aorta preloaded with 10–6M of either 3H-5-HT or (-)-3H-noradrenaline (3H-NA) leveled off about 100 min. after the onset of wash-out and remained almost constant thereafter (100–240 min.). The basal 3H-outflow from tissue preloaded with 3H-5-HT was almost 3-fold higher (70–240 min.) than that seen after preloading with 3H-NA. Cocaine (3x10–5M) did not alter the basal 3H-outflow (15–240 min.) from tissue preloaded with 3H-5-HT, while pargyline (5X10–4M) decreased it by about 66% (100–240 min.). Electrical-field stimulation (S1S7, 200 mA, 600 pulses, 0.5 msec, 3 Hz) were applied to the tissue. The initial stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow from aorta preloaded with 3H-5-HT was higher than the subsequent ones (S1-S7: 100, 35, 35, 35, 35, 37, and 40%). Similar results to these were obtained with tissues preloaded with 3H-NA. The stimulation (S1-S7; 200 mA; 600 pulses, 0.5 msec, 3 Hz)-evoked 3H-overflow increased in an apparent linear manner with the amount of current used (50–200 mA). This was also the case for number of pulses (100–900) in the stimulus. The stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow depended in part on the stimulation frequency: unchanged at 2–4 Hz; small increase at 8 Hz; and a 15-fold increase at 16 Hz relative to 2 Hz. Tetrodotoxin (10–6M) decreased the stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow from aorta preloaded with 3H-5-HT (S2-S6) by about 60%, while S1 was not affected. The inhibitory effect of tetrodotoxin was fully reversed by washing the aorta with drug-free salt solution. Omission of Ca2+ from the salt solution reduced the stimulation 3H-overflow by 47–57% (S2-S6) while S1 was unaffected. 6-Hydroxydopamine markedly increased the stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow from 3H-5-HT preloaded rings (180–323% of control). Pargyline (5x10–4M), cocaine (3x10–5M) and removal of endothelium did not alter the stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow evoked by stimulation (S1-S6) of aorta preloaded with 3H-5-HT. It is concluded that 3H-5-HT can be released by electrical-field stimulation as a “false transmitter'’from rabbit isolated aorta. Most of the release is probably of neuronal origin. However, some of the stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow is derived from extraneuronal sites.  相似文献   
We have used the patch-clamp technique to characterize three anion channels in the ventricular membrane of the choroid plexus epithelium from Necturus. The most frequently occurring channel had a nonlinear IV-curve. The conductance in excised patches with 112 mM chloride at both sides was 28 pS at 0 mV, increasing towards positive membrane potentials. The selectivity ratios were P NaP Cl 0.1 and . SITS and furosemide (1 mM) on the inside reduces chloride flux to 0.15 and 0.37 times the control value. In attached patches, the most commonly observed channel had a conductance of 7.5 pS. The single-channel current for this channel reversed direction at 15 mV hyperpolarization, indicating accumulation of chloride to a factor of 1.8 above equilibrium. External stimulation of the tissue by theophylline, IBMX and dbcAMP, or by hypotonic shock did not increase the activity of this channel. In very few excised patches, we have observed a chloride channel with a conductance of 7 pS with 112 mM chloride at both sides. The 7 pS channel appears to be identical to a 2 pS channel found in attached patches. The 2 pS channel was not normally active in attached patches but was activated in 28% of the patches by external stimulation. Finally, in few excised patches we have found a 375 pS channel which inactivates within seconds when membrane potential is stepped from 0 mV to a value that differs more than 10–20 mV from zero. The channel did not conduct gluconate but and P NaP Cl 0.1. Internal SITS and furosemide (1 mM) reduced chloride flux to 0.3 and 0.5 times the control value. The channel was never seen in attached patches. The current carried through these channels can not account for the transepithelial steady state Cl-flux measured by microelectrodes. KCl exit from the cell is suggested to be carried by KCl-cotransport or by channels that are too small to be seen in patch-clamp experiments.  相似文献   
Summary The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of adrenaline on presynaptic adrenoceptors by recording the release of 3H-noradrenaline evoked by electrical-field stimulation. Adrenaline (10–103 × 10–9 mol/l) had no effect on the 3H-overflow evoked by stimulation of aorta preloaded with 3H-noradrenaline. At 10–8 and 3 × 10–8 mol/l, the 3H-overflow was decreased by up to 47%. The maximum decrease was more marked in the presence of either cocaine (3 × 10–5 mol/l) plus corticosterone (4 × 10–5 mol/l), cocaine (3.3 × 10–6 mol/l) plus normetanephrine (4 × 10–5 mol/l), or desipramine (10–6 mol/l) plus normetanephrine (10–5 mol/l). The relationship between adrenaline-induced decrease and stimulation-frequency was dependent on the experimental design: either the decrease was the same at all frequencies (1–16 Hz) or it was more marked, the lower the frequency (1 > 3 > 8 Hz). Phentolamine and rauwolscine (both 10–6 mol/l) antagonized the inhibitory effect of adrenaline (10 – 8–10–6 mol/l). Phenoxybenzamine (10–6 mol/l), prevented the inhibitory effect. No enhancing effect of adrenaline (10–9–10–6 mol/l) was observed in the presence of these three -adrenoceptor antagonists. Our results suggest that adrenaline activates inhibitory 2-adrenoceptors, but not facilitatory -adrenoceptors on postganglionic sympathetic nerve terminals in rabbit aorta. Send offprint requests to J. Abrahamsen at the above address  相似文献   
The effect of culture medium from fibroblast cultures of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and healthy controls on the elemental composition of fibroblasts was investigated by X-ray microanalysis. Exposure of normal fibroblasts to culture medium from CF fibroblasts caused an increase in calcium level. Exposure of CF fibroblasts to culture medium from normal cells caused an increase of the sodium content of CF cells to approximately normal levels; the calcium level of the CF fibroblasts, however, remained abnormally high. The results may indicate that CF fibroblasts lack a factor needed for the regulation of sodium transport. CF fibroblast medium apparently contains a factor that interferes with the regulation of calcium transport.  相似文献   
Oocytes collected in stimulated cycles are more readily fertilizedafter preincubation than are oocytes inseminated immediatelyafter collection. It has not been ascertained, however, whetherthis increase in the fertilization rate is due to extrusionof the first polar body (meiotic maturation) during this period,or to some conclusive cytoplasmic maturation subsequent to thepolar body extrusion. When analysing oocytes with a polar body(n = 14) by transmission electron microscopy, differences wereobserved in the appearance of cytoplasmic features which werecorrelated to the total durations both of systemic human chorionicgonadotrophin influence before collection and of oocyte culture.These differences were manifested as a delayed formation inaggregates of the smooth endoplamic reticulum in the ooplasmof oocytes having a polar body and might have signified a cytoplasmicmaturation. The degree of synchrony in the oocytes varied andthis could explain why some oocytes can be fertilized when inseminatedshortly after collection and others not until 8 h or even moreafter collection. Thus, although meiotic and cytoplasmic maturationis likely to be synchronized at ovulation of an oocyte in anatural cycle, they appear to be mainly asynchronous in oocytescollected in stimulated cycles.  相似文献   
The effects of cystic fibrosis (CF) serum and culture medium from CF fibroblasts on ion distribution in rat submandibular gland cells were investigated by X-ray microanalysis. These effects were compared to the effects of normal serum and culture medium from normal fibroblasts, of cholinergic and adrenergic agonists, and of the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol.

Incubation of gland tissue with CF serum or normal serum caused a significant decrease in potassium and calcium concentrations and an increase in sodium in mucous acinar and serous granular duct cells. CF serum gave a significantly larger decrease of the potassium level than normal serum.

Culture medium from CF fibroblasts altered the cellular ion content in a way similar to CF serum. Exposure to medium from cultured normal fibroblasts did not affect the elemental composition of the gland cells significantly, compared to incubation with fresh medium or buffer. Hence, fibroblast culture medium is more suitable than serum to test specific effects of CF-associated factors.

The changes in elemental composition of gland eelIs caused by CF serum or CF fibroblast culture medium mimic some of the effects of the agonist car-bachol. They could, however, also in part result from nonspecific changes in membrane permeability.  相似文献   
Progression rates of Alzheimer's disease (AD) vary considerably, and they are particularly difficult to predict in patients with mild cognitive impairment. We performed a prospective multicenter cohort study in 186 patients with possible or probable AD, mostly with presenile onset. In a cross-sectional analysis at entry, impairment of glucose metabolism in temporoparietal or frontal association areas measured with positron emission tomography was significantly associated with dementia severity, clinical classification as possible versus probable AD, presence of multiple cognitive deficits and history of progression. A prospective longitudinal analysis showed a significant association between initial metabolic impairment and subsequent clinical deterioration. In patients with mild cognitive deficits at entry, the risk of deterioration was up to 4.7 times higher if the metabolism was severely impaired than with mild or absent metabolic impairment. Copyrightz1999S.KargerAG, Basel  相似文献   
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is common in elderly individuals; it causes distress for the patients and their relatives as well as large costs for the society. With the advent of symptomatic treatment at present and probable etiology-based cures in the future, it will be possible to relieve and put an end to these negative effects. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the disease as early as possible. In this review, we briefly summarize the state-of-the-art concerning various available clinical and biochemical methods for identifying AD. Increasing age, heritage, and presence of ApoE e4 allele have been confirmed as risk factors for AD as well as some putative factors (e.g., low education, hypertension, hypotension) based on epidemiological recent research. Selective impairment of episodic memory has been found to be a preclinical marker for future development of AD based on convergent data from asymptomatic AD-related mutation carriers, longitudinal studies of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and epidemiological studies of incident AD cases. Neurophysiological methods are inexpensive and useful for the identification of changes in brain dysfunction in AD and new promising methods are under development. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRT), structural measurements of brain atrophy and specific brain structures such as the hippocampus have been reported to detect dementia development early in the course of disease. Similarly, functional measurements of brain activity (e.g., blood flow) have revealed that hypometabolism in bilateral parietotemporal brain areas early in the disease course. Finally, biochemical studies have demonstrated that certain proteins (e.g., tau the Aβ1-42/43 metabolite of the amyloid precursor protein) may be associated with the disease process in AD, although the specificity of these markers remains to be established. It is concluded that still no single marker of AD exists, which makes it necessary to rely on data from multiple sources in order to arrive at the best possible diagnosis of AD.  相似文献   
Summary The aim of the present investigation was to examine whether or not presynaptic facilitatory -adrenoceptors are detectable on the postganglionic nerves in the rabbit isolated ear artery. Strips of rabbit central ear artery were incubated with 3H-noradrenaline (10–7 mol/l; 30 min or 10–6 mol/l; 60 min). Subsequently, they were washed repeatedly with physiological salt solution. The strips were subjected to electrical-field stimulation (S1–S8) and the resultant 3H-overflow was determined.When the ear artery was stimulated with 150 pulses (0.5 ms; 3 Hz; 225 mA), isoprenaline (10–9–10–6 mol/l) either alone or in the presence of either rauwolscine (10–6 mol/l) or phentolamine (10–6 mol/l) did not alter the stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow. This was also the case in the presence of rauwolscine (10–6 mol/l) plus either the selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor ICI 63 197 (3 × 10–5 mol/l) or forskolin (10–6 mol/l). When the ear artery was stimulated with 300 pulses (1 ms; 5 Hz; 225 mA), isoprenaline had no effect on the stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow. This was also the case when phentolamine (10–6 mol/l) was present. Propranolol (10–7–10–5 mol/l) did not alter the stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow. In some experiments, the stimulation current was reduced to 175 mA in order to obtain similar reference release (S3) values despite the presence of rauwolscine (150 pulses; 0.5 ms; 3 Hz). Even then, isoprenaline (10–9–10–6 mol/l) did not change stimulation-evoked 3H-overflow. The results suggest that postganglionic sympathetic nerves in rabbit central ear artery do not possess presynaptic facilitatory -adrenoceptors. Send offprint requests to J. Abrahamsen at the above address  相似文献   
Mice in experimental delay of implantation were injected intravenously with 75 g · g–1 body weight of lead chloride, corresponding to a dose of lead of about 56 g · g–1 body weight. Delay of implantation was obtained by ovariectomy 3 days after mating followed by a depot dose of progesterone every fifth day. Electron microscopy showed that the uterine lumen, which was closed in control mice, was opened in lead-injected mice. This morphology suggested that lead caused an increase in uterine secretion. X-ray microanalysis of pyroantimonate precipitates in the uterine epithelium of injected mice demonstrated lead in the precipitates, suggesting that lead could have a direct effect on the function of the uterine epithelium and that lead also could be secreted into the uterine lumen and affect the blastocysts.  相似文献   
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