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Objective To assess the radiological characteristics and therapeutic strategies of intracranial aneurysms in children. Methods From our dedicated neurovascular databank of patients, we reviewed 23 consecutive children who had 24 intracranial aneurysms. There were 14 boys and 9 girls with a mean age of 9.09 years ( range 1 - 14 years ). Results Intracranial aneurysms in children ≤ 14 years constituted 1.3% of all intracranial aneurysms. Internal Carotid artery (ICA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were the most frequent sites for aneurysms. About 58.3% of the aneurysms were complex, including dissecting, pseudoaneurysm, giant and fusiform aneurysm. 1/3 of all aneurysms were located in posterior circulation. Only 1 case had multiple aneurysms in this case series. Almost half of all cases presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage and others presented with mass effect. 14 cases underwent endovascular treatment. 4 patients received microsurgical therapy. 5 cases did not receive microsurgical or endovascular therapy, 2 of them whose aneurysms spontaneously thrombosed during follow up. One boy with left vertebral artery giant aneurysm died after endovascular therapy owing to gradual thrombosis in basilar artery. Another child had poor outcome because of rerupture of aneurysm before operation. Whereas the majority had a favorable outcome. Conclusions Intracranial aneurysms in children had many clinical and radiological characteristics different from those in adults : ( 1 ) remarkable male predominance; ( 2 ) ICA and MCA were the most common sites for aneurysms; (3) high incidence of large, traumatic, infectious, dissecting and fusiform aneurysms. (4)For pediatric intracranial aneurysms, both microsurgical approaches and endovascular treatment were effective. Endovaacular therapy was the best choice for complex aneurysms.  相似文献   
循证医学的本质就是批判精神。因它的核心思想是:任何医疗决策都应建立在新近最佳临床科学研究证据、临床经验和患者选择三方面恰当结合的基础上,以保证决策的科学化。证据评价的要求是:在明确研究对象的纳入条件和排除条件的前提下,  相似文献   
目的评价内听道后壁磨除对于处理前庭神经鞘瘤内听道内肿瘤的效果。方法回顾性分析自2003年1月至2006年12月,经内听道入路连续显微手术治疗的103例前庭神经鞘瘤。结果术后CT显示部分内听道后壁磨除组从内听道底平均内听道后壁缩短至4.6mm±1.0mm(n=48);55例内听道后壁广泛磨除组,内听道后壁平均残留1.9mm±0.5mm(从内听道底起)。迷路的解剖位置位于S-F线外侧者52例,位于S-F线上者23例,位于S-F线内侧者28例。术后没有出现与手术有关的永久性并发症,死亡率为0%。结论显微内听道(IAM)后壁磨除在前庭神经鞘瘤切除过程中可提供更好的外科手术入路。  相似文献   
目的分析面肌痉挛(hemifacial spasm,HFS)患者颅内责任血管与面神经之间的解剖关系,为HFS显微血管减压术(microsurgical neumvascular decompression,MVD)提供解剖学依据。方法回顾性分析106例经显微血管减压术治疗的面肌痉挛患者的临床资料。术前均行三维时间飞越法磁共振血管造影(3D-TOF-MRA)检查,了解面神经受压迫是否存在责任血管及其来源与走向。采用枕下乙状窦后小脑下外侧入路显露面神经脑干段,仔细观察责任血管及其来源后将其推移,在责任血管与脑干之间放置Teflon减压垫棉。结果3D-TOF-MRA检查显示面神经被微小血管压迫的阳性率达92%。术中发现全部病例均有明确的责任血管,其中小脑前下动脉占66%(70/106)。34例患者中发现面神经根区(root exit zone,REZ)存在明显的压迫切迹。术后104例抽搐症状立即完全消失;2例抽搐症状明显好转,3个月内延迟治愈,总有效率为100%。结论血管压迫可能是面肌痉挛的主要病因。术中REZ的显露、准确判断责任血管、面神经REZ的充分减压,以及垫棉的大小和放置的位置等,是影响手术疗效的重要因素。  相似文献   
目的 探讨选择性血管结扎法对大鼠脑动脉瘤形成的影响.方法 SD大鼠50只,随机分为3组:(1)A组20只:结扎左侧颈总动脉+两侧肾动脉后支(各侧1支);(2)B组20只:"8"字形结扎左侧颈内、外动脉+电凝并切断两侧肾动脉(各侧只留1个分支);(3)C组为假手术组10只.术后喂养含0.9%的盐及0.12%β-氨基丙腈的饲料.4周后处死,取大鼠脑动脉Willis环,在光镜下观察其病理的变化.结果 A组大鼠ACA/OA分叉处均未见有进展期动脉瘤,仅3个早期动脉瘤样改变.B组大鼠中发现12个进展期动脉瘤和2个早期动脉瘤样改变.C组中未见动脉瘤形成.结论 血管壁结构的破坏或变弱和高血液动力学压力是动脉瘤形成的主要因素.  相似文献   
EGFR、PCNA、N-myc和P16基因蛋白产物在髓母细胞瘤中的表达   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨EGFR、Nmyc、PCNA和P16基因在髓母细胞瘤发生中的作用,以及上述基因蛋白检测对髓母细胞瘤的诊断、病理分型和年龄的临床意义。方法用免疫组织化学LSAB法检测四种基因蛋白的产物在41例人脑髓母细胞瘤中的表达,分析与髓母细胞瘤病理分型和年龄间的关系。结果EGFR、Nmyc和PCNA蛋白在髓母细胞瘤中高度表达,P16蛋白有明显的缺失,分别为56.10%、60.98%、65.89%、58.54%。EGRF蛋白在两种主要病理类型中的表达差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),P16蛋白在两组不同年龄组间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论上述四种基因在髓母细胞瘤的发生中可能起重要作用,EGFR和P16蛋白的检测对病理分型和预后判断有临床实际应用意义。  相似文献   
Objective To assess the radiological characteristics and therapeutic strategies of intracranial aneurysms in children. Methods From our dedicated neurovascular databank of patients, we reviewed 23 consecutive children who had 24 intracranial aneurysms. There were 14 boys and 9 girls with a mean age of 9.09 years ( range 1 - 14 years ). Results Intracranial aneurysms in children ≤ 14 years constituted 1.3% of all intracranial aneurysms. Internal Carotid artery (ICA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were the most frequent sites for aneurysms. About 58.3% of the aneurysms were complex, including dissecting, pseudoaneurysm, giant and fusiform aneurysm. 1/3 of all aneurysms were located in posterior circulation. Only 1 case had multiple aneurysms in this case series. Almost half of all cases presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage and others presented with mass effect. 14 cases underwent endovascular treatment. 4 patients received microsurgical therapy. 5 cases did not receive microsurgical or endovascular therapy, 2 of them whose aneurysms spontaneously thrombosed during follow up. One boy with left vertebral artery giant aneurysm died after endovascular therapy owing to gradual thrombosis in basilar artery. Another child had poor outcome because of rerupture of aneurysm before operation. Whereas the majority had a favorable outcome. Conclusions Intracranial aneurysms in children had many clinical and radiological characteristics different from those in adults : ( 1 ) remarkable male predominance; ( 2 ) ICA and MCA were the most common sites for aneurysms; (3) high incidence of large, traumatic, infectious, dissecting and fusiform aneurysms. (4)For pediatric intracranial aneurysms, both microsurgical approaches and endovascular treatment were effective. Endovaacular therapy was the best choice for complex aneurysms.  相似文献   
3D-CTA在颅内动脉瘤诊治中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的探讨3D-CTA在颅内动脉瘤诊断和治疗中的应用价值。方法采用3D-CTA检查疑似颅内动脉瘤病人52例,根据造影结果决定直接手术或进一步行3D-DSA检查。术后均复查3D-CTA。结果共发现58个动脉瘤,6例查3D-CTA及3D-DSA均未发现动脉瘤。3D-CTA对颅内动脉瘤诊断的敏感度、特异度、阴性似然比分别是94.8%、100%、0.052。诊断颅内动脉瘤病人的敏感度、特异度、阴性似然比分别是97.8%、100%、0.022。术前3D-CTA在估计动脉瘤大小及形态方面与术中所见 3D-CTA结果相似。3D-CTA清晰显示了动脉瘤的自身形态和周边的关系。结论3D-CTA是诊治颅内动脉瘤的一种快捷、安全、操作简便的方法,为制定手术方案提供了详细的资料,具有很高的临床实用价值。  相似文献   
1 病例报告男性,36岁.因间歇性头痛3年,加重3个月入院.7年前曾有头颅外伤史.3年前出现右后枕、右颞区及右眼眶区间歇性疼痛.入院前3个月发展为持续性疼痛,且程度加重,对症治疗无明显效果.查体:神志清楚,头颅无畸形,未闻及颅内血管杂音.脑神经(-).全身感觉对称,四肢肌张力正常.肌力V级.双侧深反射均为2十,双侧病理征(-),脑膜刺激征(-),拟诊:①丛集性头痛;②神  相似文献   
立体定向下摘除颅内异物1例郭怀荣,柳琛,鲍遇海,苏来曼,张庭荣(第一附属医院神经外科)贺晓晔(第一附属医院放射科)颅内异物多是火器伤引起颅脑损伤,以往是开颅取出颅内金属异物,我科在放射科、麻醉科、手术室配合下利用立体定向原理取出一位患儿颅内金属异物(...  相似文献   
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