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目的 探讨社区缺血性卒中后抑郁(PSD)与卒中再发及死亡的关系. 方法 于2003年1月-2006年12月,对北京5家二级医院所属的社区卫生服务机构就诊的首次或二次缺血性卒中急性期后3个月的患者进行登记和基线调查.共登记1087例患者,其中1074例符合入选标准并完成抑郁自评量表检查.每6个月随访一次患者卒中的再发和死亡情况,随访截止到2008年12月31日.采用COX比例风险模型分析PSD与卒中再发及死亡的关系. 结果 ①基线调查时PSD患病率为49.9%(536/1074).轻度和中、重度PSD的构成比分别是52.2%(280/536)、47.8%(256/536).②在平均3.5年的随访中,卒中累积再发率和总死亡率分别为12.9%和7.6%.③在对年龄、性别、文化程度、吸烟、饮酒、高血压、糖尿病、心脏病史、卒中病史、血脂代谢异常、体质量超标或肥胖进行调整后,COX比例风险模型分析显示,PSD患者死亡的风险比(HR值)为1.66(95%CI:1.04~2.68),卒中再发的HR值为1.41(95%CI:0.99 ~2.01).轻度PSD是卒中再发的独立危险因素(HR=1.67,95%CI:1.02~2.24),而中、重度PSD是死亡的独立危险因素(HR=2.68,95%CI:1.61 ~4.46). 结论 社区卫生服务机构就诊的缺血性卒中患者有较高的PSD患病率,PSD患者卒中再发和死亡的风险增加.  相似文献   
目的:评价社区缺血性脑卒中患者降压药物使用情况和血压达标率。方法:2003年1月至2006年12月,在北京市5个区各选一家二级医院,对在上述医院所属的社区卫生服务中心(站)就诊的缺血性卒中患者进行一次横断面调查,登记高血压患病及治疗情况。结果:共调查1 087例缺血性脑卒中患者,合并高血压者874例,接受降压治疗者736例,其中357例(48.5%)患者使用常用五类降压药,215例(29.2%)患者使用其他降压药,164例(22.3%)患者同时使用常用和其他类药物。接受降压治疗患者的血压达标率为30.8%。无合并症患者、合并不同心血管危险因素患者选择不同常用降压药时的血压达标率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);选择常用药物单药降压或联合降压时,以及选择常用药物或其他药物时的血压达标率同样差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论:社区缺血性脑卒中患者的血压达标率有待提高,伴糖尿病的患者血压控制更不理想。对于合并多种心脑血管危险因素的患者,应遵循指南优化降压治疗。  相似文献   
目的 探讨社区就诊的缺血性卒中患者认知功能障碍(PSCI)患病情况及其危险因素。方法在北京市5个城区各选一家二级医院所管辖的社区卫生服务站,对在此就诊的2003年1月-2004年12月首发或二次复发的缺廊性卒中患者进行横断面调查。应用简易智能状态检测量表(MMSE)评估患者的认知功能,同时收集了卒中发病情况、PSCI危险因素等资料。结果共有993例患者完成MMSE评估,PSCI为7.9%(78/993)。卒中后6个月内、6个月〈卒中〈12个月、12~24个月的PSCI患病率分别为8.5%、10.1%和4.9%。〈60岁者的PSCI患病率为3.9%,60~、65~、≥70岁患者的患病率分别为5.1%、8.1%和11.4%,趋势检验,,=12.521,P〈0.0001。大专学历以上者PSCI患病率为3.6%,中学、小学和文盲卒中患者PSCI的患病危险分别是大专以上者的1.72、3.94、4.04倍(趋势检验,X^2=13.694,P〈0.0001)。影响PSCI的因素有多病灶卒中(OR=4.53,95%CI:2.26~9.06)、抑郁状态(OR=9.13,95%CI:3.35~24.83)、日常生活能力障碍(OR=2.53,95%CI:1.73~3.71)和非腔隙性梗死,其中前三项为PSCI患病的独立危险因素。结论社区就诊的缺血性卒中患者的PSCI与病程、文化程度、患病年龄等多种因素有关,多病灶卒中、抑郁状态和日常生活能力障碍为PSCI患病的独立危险因素。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the association between metabolic syndrome (MS) and risk of cardiovascular disease events (CVD) in patients with ischemic stroke. Method A total of 1087 patients with ischemic stroke were enrolled from 5 community-based medical centres and underwent baseline evaluation on risk factors of stroke during the period of Jar. 2003 to Dec. 2006. After baseline survey, all patients were followed up until Dec 31, 2008 and new CVD events were recorded. MS was defined using CDS criteria. Proportional hazard models were used to assess the HRus and 95% CI of CVD events associated with MS and other components. Results The prevalence of MS was 40. 4% at baseline. During an average follow-up of 3.5 years, 178 patients developed new CVD events. After adjusted for age, gender, smoking,drinking, marriage status, education level, hospitalization, recurrence of stroke, stroke duration,depression, cognition impairment and ADL, MS remains the independent predictor for the risk of CVD events. Compared with patients with non-MS, the risk of CVD events increased by 44% (HR:1.44, 95%CI:1.06-1.95 ). The risk of CVD also increased with the number of MS components. Compared with patients with 1 or less than 1 components of MS, the risk of CVD events increased by 30% (HR:1. 30,95%CI:0.83-2.04) in those with 2 components and by 69% ( HR: 1.69,95% CI: 1.11-2.56) in those with 3or more components of MS. Hypertension and hyperglycemia and impaired fasting glucose also served as independent risk factors for CVD event ( all P < 0. 001 ) . Conclusions MS was independently associated with increased risk of CVD events in patients with ischemic stroke. There was a dose-response relationship between the numbers of MS components and the risk of CVD event.  相似文献   
目的 调查社区卒中患者卒中后抑郁(PSD)的患病率及其相关影响因素. 方法在北京市城区选择五家二级医院所属社区卫生服务中心,登记2003年1月至2006年12就诊的缺血性脑卒中患者.采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)评价脑卒中患者PSD患病情况,同时还收集了脑卒中起病情况、脑卒中危险因素等资料. 结果共登记1089例脑卒中患者,其中1074例符合入选标准并有完整资料,平均年龄(65.0±8.9)岁,脑卒中病程中位数为13.0个月.PSD总患病率为49.9%(536/1074),其中轻、中、重度PSD分别占52.2%、36.0%和11.8%.不同脑卒中病程的PSD患病率差别不大,脑卒中后6个月内、7~18个月、18个月以上的PSD患病率分别是51.3%、47.1%和53.2%.PSD患病与文化程度、日常生活依赖、认知功能情况、脑卒中发作次数、文化程度独立相关. 结论在社区卫生服务机构就诊的缺血性脑卒中患者中有较高的PSD患病率,但是以轻中度为主,积极采取有效的早期干预,可以有效控制PSD的发生和发展,促进患者神经功能的康复,改善预后,提高生活质量.
Objective To estimate the prevalence and related risk factors of post-stroke depression (PSD) in ischemic stroke survivors from community-based medical centers in urban areas of Beijing.Methods Five community-based medical centers in urban areas of Beijing were selected.Patients with first-ever or recurrent ischemic stroke were evaluated from January 2003 to December 2006. The prevalence of PSD was evaluated by Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), and the information on the onset of stroke, vascular risk factors and living style was also collected.Results Totally 1089 stroke patients were registered, 1074 cases among which had complete information and met inclusion criteria. The mean age of the patients was (65.0 ± 8.9) years with a median stroke course of 13.0 months. The overall prevalence of PSD was 49.9% (536/1074), and the proportions of mild, moderate and major PSD were 52.2%, 36.0% and 11.8%, respectively. There were no significant differences in prevalence of PSD among different stages of stroke and the prevalence of PSD was 51.3% within 6 months after stroke onset, 47. 1% during 6-18 months and 53.2% after 18months. Low education, activities of Daily Living (ADL) dependence, cognition impairment and recurrence of stroke were independent risk factors for PSD.Conclusions The prevalence of PSD among ischemic stroke patients is higher in community-based medical centers, but most of PSD patients are mild or moderate. More effective early intervention should be adopted to decrease PSD,promote the recovery of neural function and improve their quality of life.  相似文献   
目的:调查在北京市城区基层医疗单位就诊的缺血性脑卒中患者残疾情况及其影响因素。方法:在北京市东城区、宣武区、崇文区、海淀区、石景山区各选一家二级医院,对在这5家医院及其所属的社区卫生服务中心/站就诊的首次或二次缺血性脑卒中急性起病后3个月以上的患者进行横断面调查,采用Barthel指数(BI)量表进行残疾评估,定义BI<95为残疾。结果:入选并完成BI评估的缺血性脑卒中患者1071例,总残疾率为21.76%(233/1071),轻度和重度残疾分别占78.11%(182/233)和21.89%(51/233)。脑卒中残疾率随年龄增加、文化程度降低而上升(P<0.01),男性患者、脑卒中复发、伴有糖尿病、认知功能障碍、抑郁患者的残疾率明显增加(P<0.05),脑血栓形成患者的残疾率明显高于腔隙性脑梗死患者(P<0.05)。结论:残疾为脑卒中后常见并发症之一,在社区病情稳定的恢复期缺血性脑卒中患者中有20%患有残疾,年龄增加、脑卒中复发、合并糖尿病、认知功能障碍是脑卒中后残疾的独立危险因素。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the association between metabolic syndrome (MS) and risk of cardiovascular disease events (CVD) in patients with ischemic stroke. Method A total of 1087 patients with ischemic stroke were enrolled from 5 community-based medical centres and underwent baseline evaluation on risk factors of stroke during the period of Jar. 2003 to Dec. 2006. After baseline survey, all patients were followed up until Dec 31, 2008 and new CVD events were recorded. MS was defined using CDS criteria. Proportional hazard models were used to assess the HRus and 95% CI of CVD events associated with MS and other components. Results The prevalence of MS was 40. 4% at baseline. During an average follow-up of 3.5 years, 178 patients developed new CVD events. After adjusted for age, gender, smoking,drinking, marriage status, education level, hospitalization, recurrence of stroke, stroke duration,depression, cognition impairment and ADL, MS remains the independent predictor for the risk of CVD events. Compared with patients with non-MS, the risk of CVD events increased by 44% (HR:1.44, 95%CI:1.06-1.95 ). The risk of CVD also increased with the number of MS components. Compared with patients with 1 or less than 1 components of MS, the risk of CVD events increased by 30% (HR:1. 30,95%CI:0.83-2.04) in those with 2 components and by 69% ( HR: 1.69,95% CI: 1.11-2.56) in those with 3or more components of MS. Hypertension and hyperglycemia and impaired fasting glucose also served as independent risk factors for CVD event ( all P < 0. 001 ) . Conclusions MS was independently associated with increased risk of CVD events in patients with ischemic stroke. There was a dose-response relationship between the numbers of MS components and the risk of CVD event.  相似文献   
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