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整形美容外科是用手术的方法塑造人体的形态美,手术效果不是以单纯的症状解除、功能改善为标准,而是与就医者的心理因素密切相关。医师顺利完成每1例手术,不仅要面临个体解剖结构的差异、审美情趣不同以及临床经验、手  相似文献   
患儿男 ,2个月。因腹胀 ,下肢及阴囊水肿 2 0d入院。足月产 ,出生体重 34 0 0 g ,无窒息及黄疸史。生后半个月口周、臀部及下肢出现红色斑丘疹。 2 0d前开始腹胀 ,阴囊及下肢水肿。其父有冶游史 ,5个月前其父母均出现过外生殖器溃疡。体检 :体温 38°C ,呼吸 40次 /min ,脉搏 130次 /min ;神清 ,双眼睑水肿 ,口周及肛周黏膜有瘢痕 ,下肢皮肤有银屑样脱屑 ,心肺 (- ) ,腹胀 ,移动浊音 ( ) ,肝肋下4.5cm ,边钝 ,质中 ,脾肋下 4cm ,质中 ,双下肢及阴囊水肿。实验室检查 :血红蛋白 90 g/L ,白细胞16 .7× 10 9/L ,中性粒细胞 0…  相似文献   
目的探讨安普贴薄膜外贴治疗新生儿尿布皮炎的效果。方法将79例确诊为尿布皮炎的新生儿按入院顺序号的奇偶数分为观察组39例和对照组40例。观察组清洗患处皮肤后贴上剪裁合适的安普贴薄膜,每天更换1次;对照组清洗患处皮肤后予TDP神灯照射患处皮肤1次/8h,每次15min,照射后予鞣酸软膏外涂。比较两组患儿治疗5d后的效果。结果两组尿布皮炎患儿治疗5d后效果比较,差异有统计学意义(Z=4.032,P〈0.05),观察组效果明显优于对照组。结论安普贴薄膜外贴治疗新生儿尿布皮炎效果明显,简便易行、安全、省时、能减轻换药时的疼痛,从而促进患儿睡眠,值得临床推广。  相似文献   
Objective To study the clinical effective durations of a medical injected collagenous products, a high-purity medical injectable collagen filling agents extracted from bovine leather (Fumeida Produced by Changchun Botai Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Co, Ltd). Methods 30 subjects (60 sides) with moderate to severe nasolabial fold wrinkles were selected to perform a clinical observation, in which 49 sides with moderate and 11 sides with severe labial fold wrinkles, and the average age of subjects were (41. 80 ± 8. 03) years. 1 ml of medical collagen was injected into the subjects wrinkle on each side by surgeons. The follow-up was made immediately, 7, 30, 90, 150 and 360 days after injection. The photograph was taken, and the image data and the validity were analyzed. Results The follow-up rate of immediate to 150 days after injection was 100 %, and 93. 3 % after 350 days. At the each follow-up points, the total effective rates were as follows: 100. 0 %, 100. 0 % , 96. 7 %, 90. 0 %, 83. 3 % and 44. 6 % .respectively. There were dry lips with herpes simplex in two cases of subjects at 7 d and 90 d after injection, no redness, induration, exudate, ulceration or other abnormal performance on collagen injection zone in the other subjects at each follow-up time point. Conclusion In this study, there is the longer clinical effective duration of injected collagen used in filling wrinkles with satisfactory results.  相似文献   
目的探讨早产儿转运途中的护理。方法通过转运系统将基层医院早产儿转运至我院NICU治疗,包括现场处理、途中监护。结果转运早产儿267例,258例治愈好转出院,放弃治疗7例,死亡2例。结论宫内转运、加强转运途中监护与护理,是降低早产儿病死率、改善预后的重要措施。  相似文献   
陈永梅 《健康天地》2010,4(3):51-51
目的:先天性腭裂患者手术后,语音训练无疑是达到语音基本康复的最佳方法。方法:将60例腭裂术后患者随即分成两组各30例,分别采用语图仪和常规语音康复方法进行腭裂术后语音康复治疗,4周后进行语言效果评价。结果:采用语图仪进行腭裂术后语音康复效果明显优于常规方法,低龄患者易于接受,积极配合,既减轻了患者家长的负担,也提高了语音功能康复的效果,有一定的临床使用价值。结论:用语图仪对腭裂术后语音不清的原因进行分类分析,同时探讨把语图仪作为对患者进行语音康复的一种手段。  相似文献   
Objective To study the clinical effective durations of a medical injected collagenous products, a high-purity medical injectable collagen filling agents extracted from bovine leather (Fumeida Produced by Changchun Botai Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Co, Ltd). Methods 30 subjects (60 sides) with moderate to severe nasolabial fold wrinkles were selected to perform a clinical observation, in which 49 sides with moderate and 11 sides with severe labial fold wrinkles, and the average age of subjects were (41. 80 ± 8. 03) years. 1 ml of medical collagen was injected into the subjects wrinkle on each side by surgeons. The follow-up was made immediately, 7, 30, 90, 150 and 360 days after injection. The photograph was taken, and the image data and the validity were analyzed. Results The follow-up rate of immediate to 150 days after injection was 100 %, and 93. 3 % after 350 days. At the each follow-up points, the total effective rates were as follows: 100. 0 %, 100. 0 % , 96. 7 %, 90. 0 %, 83. 3 % and 44. 6 % .respectively. There were dry lips with herpes simplex in two cases of subjects at 7 d and 90 d after injection, no redness, induration, exudate, ulceration or other abnormal performance on collagen injection zone in the other subjects at each follow-up time point. Conclusion In this study, there is the longer clinical effective duration of injected collagen used in filling wrinkles with satisfactory results.  相似文献   
陈永梅  朱坤仪 《中国妇幼保健》2007,22(13):1752-1753
目的:探讨卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿发病率、发病因素、临床表现和术式的选择。方法:对本院2004年1月~2006年12月妇科住院32例经手术和病理确诊的卵巢子宫内膜异位症患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:卵巢子宫内膜异位症患者主要症状为盆腔包块、进行性痛经、腹痛和不孕,多伴有子宫腺肌症、子宫肌瘤和盆腔粘连。结论:无临床症状者可通过妇科检查早发现,妇科门诊就诊者多有症状,经妇科检查及超声辅助检查可协助诊断,超声诊断符合率为81·25%(26/32)。手术根据患者的年龄、症状程度、病变轻重,婚姻和妊娠要求及过去的治疗情况综合分析,做到治疗个体化。开腹手术或腹腔镜手术都是较好的方法,其选择要依照病情、患者的意愿和医者自己的经验而定。  相似文献   
遗传性肾炎一家系王英荣,刘泽英,肖秀珍,陈永梅先证者男,9岁,因头痛、腰痛10余天,血尿4天入院。10天前无明显诱因诉头痛、腰痛,6天后出现肉眼血尿,尿量减少,间断恶心,呕吐,浮肿不明显。既往无类似症状,6岁时发现耳聋以左侧为甚。父母非近亲婚配,其家...  相似文献   
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