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Background: Few studies have explored changing patterns of alcohol consumption among young females and differences based on race/ethnicity. Objective: This study examined differences in alcohol consumption between black and white undergraduate females and compared trends in three different measures of alcohol consumption over a 10-year period from 2004 to 2014. Methods: The CORE Alcohol and Drug Survey was used to collect data from female undergraduates attending a public university in the northeastern USA. Classes were randomly selected into the sample; class acceptance was 68% and student participation was 96%. The chi-square test examined differences between groups and the Cochrane Armitage Test for Trend assessed changes over time. Results: In 2014, for every measure of alcohol consumption examined, a significantly larger percentage of white females engaged in the behavior compared to black females. Trend analysis from 2004 to 2014 demonstrated a narrowing of this gap. Controlling for age, any alcohol use in past 30 days and binge drinking in the past 2 weeks increased significantly for black females 21 years or older. Any alcohol use in the past 30 days decreased significantly for white females under 21 years. Conclusion: These findings introduce many questions which should be explored through additional research.  相似文献   
目的:了解延边地区朝鲜族和汉族居民的脂肪分布特征及其与血压、血脂及血糖的关系。方法:于2006-08-8/17在延边地区九龙和翁声社区随机选择40~60岁朝鲜族和汉族常住居民2378名进行内脏脂肪率和体脂肪率以及血压、血脂、血糖等生化指标的检测。调查以健康体检形式进行,①内脏脂肪和体脂肪率测定采用日本TANITA株式会社生产的BC-600型体成分计测定,并且按其判定标准确定超过标准者[内脏脂肪率≥15%(男)、≥10%(女),体脂肪率(40~59岁)≥23%(男)、≥36%(女),体脂肪率(≥60岁)≥25%(男)、≥37%(女)]。②取清晨空腹(禁食12h)静脉血,采用日立-7600-010全自动生化分析仪测量血清总胆固醇、三酰甘油、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、空腹血糖等指标。③高血压的诊断标准:收缩压≥140mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)及或舒张压≥90mmHg。④血脂异常的诊断标准:总胆固醇≥5.72mmol/L,三酰甘油≥1.7mmol/L,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇<0.90mmol/L(男)、<1.0mmol/L(女)。⑤高血糖的诊断标准:空腹血糖≥6.1mmol/L。结果:①汉族男性的内脏脂肪率和体脂肪率均值分别为(10.51±3.66)%和(22.70±4.85)%,朝鲜族男性分别为(9.16±3.81)%和(20.28±5.02)%,汉族均高于朝鲜族(P<0.01);汉族女性的内脏脂肪率和体脂肪率分别为(6.22±2.27)%和(35.31±5.65)%,朝鲜族女性分别为(5.88±2.19)%和(34.00±5.72)%,汉族均高于朝鲜族(P<0.01)。②汉族男性的内脏脂肪率和体脂肪率超标率分别为12.1%和45.8%,朝鲜族男性分别为7.8%和28.6%,汉族均高于朝鲜族(P<0.05);汉族女性的内脏脂肪率和体脂肪率超标率分别为6.7%和47.9%,朝鲜族女性分别为3.8%和37.3%,汉族均高于朝鲜族(P<0.05)。③Logistic逐步回归分析结果表明,内脏脂肪率与民族、性别、年龄、高血压、高三酰甘油血症和高血糖有密切关系;体脂肪率与民族、性别、高血压、高三酰甘油血症、低高密度脂蛋白血症和高血糖有密切的关系。结论:①延边地区汉族居民内脏脂肪率和体脂肪率平均水平及其超标率明显高于朝鲜族。②内脏脂肪率和体脂肪率均与民族、性别、年龄(体脂肪率除外)、高血压、高三酰甘油血症和高血糖相关。  相似文献   
Previous studies of platelet membrane glycoproteins during blood bank storage have reported conflicting results. This study assessed two major plasma membrane glycoproteins (GP Ib and GP IIb), an alpha-granule membrane protein (GMP-140), and the concentration of platelet membrane microparticles in cell-free plasma during routine hospital blood bank platelet storage. 125I-monoclonal antibody binding was used to measure membrane glycoproteins on the surface of intact platelets and to measure the concentration of membrane microparticles in cell-free plasma. Platelet concentrates were stored at room temperature in polyolefin bags for 7 days. In this blood bank, two types of rotators are routinely used for platelet concentrate storage: a 2-rpm circular tumbler rotator and a 6-rpm elliptical rotator. Different results were obtained with the rotators. With the tumbler rotator, there was no loss of platelets and antibody binding to GP Ib remained normal. With the elliptical rotator, one third of platelets were lost into clumps during storage, and a 50 percent decrease of antibody binding to GP Ib occurred in the remaining single platelets. There was no loss of antibody binding to GP IIb with either rotator. Antibody binding to GMP-140 increased equally in both rotators indicating that the remaining single platelets had secreted about 16 percent of their alpha-granule contents. The plasma concentration of platelet membrane microparticles was greater in the bags stored in the elliptical rotator. These results indicate that it is possible to maintain the normal concentration of platelet membrane glycoproteins Ib and IIb during 7 days of room-temperature blood bank storage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
患儿,女,4岁,体质量19kg。生后4个月开始进行性面色苍白伴巩膜黄染,血红蛋白65g/L,白细胞和血小板均正常,血红蛋白电泳血红蛋白A48.1%、血红蛋白A24.2%、抗碱血红蛋白47.7%,基因型为β地贫纯合子,诊断为重型β地中海贫血,以间断大量输血维持生命。于2005-12-09在厦门大学附属中山医院血液科接受非亲缘性外周血干细胞移植。预处理方案采用常规氟达拉滨、白消胺、环磷酰胺三药联合方案,以环孢菌素A、霉酚酸酯、抗胸腺淋巴细胞免疫球蛋白联合预防移植物抗宿主病,供受者人类白细胞抗原高分辨全相合,ABO血型次要不合(O-A),输入CD34 干细胞11.4×106/kg。植入成功,移植后12d中性粒细胞>0.5×109L-1,移植后37d血小板>50×109L-1,移植后35d患者血型检测转变为供者血型,患儿血红蛋白达到100g/L的时间是28d,移植后患儿未再输血,血红蛋白维持130g/L以上,整个移植过程顺利,未出现严重感染和移植物抗宿主反应,随访18个月,患儿生活正常,发育良好。  相似文献   
目的:在缝合的基础上局部应用纤维蛋白胶治疗损伤的周围神经,观察纤维蛋白胶对周围神经再生的影响。方法:实验于2005-03/07在大连医科大学中心实验室完成。实验材料:纤维蛋白胶(广州倍绣生物技术有限公司,主要成分:纤维蛋白原50~70mg/支和凝血酶400U/支,从哺乳动物血中提纯,经过灭菌消毒,冻干制成,不含致热源)。实验分组:选择健康SD大鼠48只,按随机数字表法分为两组,每组24只:单纯缝合 纤维蛋白胶组、单纯缝合组。实验方法:大鼠麻醉后,于左大腿后外侧做2cm纵切口,显露坐骨神经。距梨状肌下缘远侧约1.5cm处切断坐骨神经,切除远端1~2mm,采用10-0无创伤线缝合神经外膜,使远近端保留约1~2mm间隙。单纯缝合 纤维蛋白胶组:对称缝合2针,将纤维蛋白胶注入缝合周围在神经对合端生成凝胶环,混合物固化形成再生室。单纯缝合组:单纯外膜缝合。实验评估:①术后连续观察动物行为学:手术侧后肢及足趾的运动情况,有无溃疡形成,足趾、趾甲的溃疡愈合情况,观察展爪反射。②术后8周两组各取4只大鼠行神经电生理检查,检测神经传导速度、潜伏期。③术后2,4,6,8周两组各取2只大鼠行苏木精-伊红染色后光镜下观察神经再生情况。④术后8周两组各取4只大鼠采用LUZEX-F彩色图像分析仪对甲苯胺蓝染色神经组织切片中轴突数目及轴突直径进行分析。⑤术后8周两组各取4只大鼠行醋酸铀枸橼酸铅染色,Phlip-10型透射电镜下观察轴突再生情况。⑥术后8周两组各取4只大鼠行辣根过氧化物酶标记观察脊髓前角运动神经元情况。结果:纳入大鼠48只,均进入结果分析。①术后大鼠行为学观察:术后8周单纯缝合 纤维蛋白胶组大鼠除足趾略见下垂、屈曲现象外,步态基本正常,展爪反射基本正常,下肢活动已接进正常,单纯缝合组下肢活动略差。②神经电生理检查:术后8周单纯缝合 纤维蛋白胶组神经传导速度快于单纯缝合组[分别为(11.13±0.37),(9.26±0.44)m/s],潜伏期短于单纯缝合组[分别为(1.83±0.18),(2.17±0.19)ms],差异有显著性意义(F=27.78,5.53,P<0.05)。③光镜下神经再生情况:单纯缝合 纤维蛋白胶组再生的有髓神经纤维髓鞘较厚、直径较大、数量多、排列规则,再生良好。单纯缝合组再生的有髓神经纤维髓鞘较薄、直径较小、数量少、排列不规则,再生较差。④轴突数目及轴突直径:单纯缝合 纤维蛋白胶组在轴突数目、轴突直径大于单纯缝合组[分别为(2187±107),(1847±96)个/400倍视野;(2.79±0.15),(2.05±0.17)μm],差异有显著性意义(F=80.70,42.92,P<0.05)。⑤透射电镜下轴突再生情况:术后8周单纯缝合 纤维蛋白胶组大鼠再生轴突发育良好,排列有序,轴突直径大小相差小,髓鞘厚薄一致,轴突染色均匀,雪旺细胞核呈卵圆型。单纯缝合组大鼠轴突发育差,排列不规则,髓鞘薄,可见扩张血管,部分区域有出血水肿。⑥辣根过氧化物酶标记观察脊髓前角运动神经元情况:单纯缝合 纤维蛋白胶组在实验侧腰骶段前角可见辣根过氧化物酶标记的大型运动神经元,且数目较多。单纯缝合组标记的数量较少。结论:在修复神经过程中应用纤维蛋白胶,可明显促进损伤的周围神经修复与再生,优于单纯缝合的效果。  相似文献   
A group of unique Epstein-Barr virus-containing cell lines was derived from the bone marrow of three patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia. Efforts to obtain cell lines from the peripheral blood of these patients were uniformly unsuccessful. Immunofluorescence analyses as well as biosynthetic studies with [(35)S]methionine indicated unusual patterns of Ig synthesis in many of these bone marrow derived lines. Seven of the lines were of particular interest in that two produced no Ig of any type; two others showed no Ig by fluorescence but small amounts by [(35)S]methionine labeling; one expressed only cytoplasmic μ chains without any evidence of light chain synthesis, and two produced primarily μ chains with only slight amounts of light chains. One of the lines without membrane or cytoplasmic Ig studied in detail grew like a typical lymphoid line and was carried in intermittent culture over a period of 2 yr without Ig expression. One line grew quite differently and resembled the round cell type described previously, which has been obtained from a variety of sources. The cell line with cytoplasmic μ chains and no light-chain expression had the characteristic properties of pre-B cells. Three normal type Ig-producing cell lines also were obtained from the patients. The accumulated evidence obtained in the present study indicates that these unusual cell lines represent normal precursor cells of the B-cell lineage; these grew out in these cases because of the virtual absence of mature B cells that ordinarily overgrow the culture system. However, the possibility that in certain instances they reflect abnormal Ig synthesis characteristic of the disease has not been ruled out.  相似文献   
A medicoeconomic evaluation of continuous intrathecal baclofen (Lioresal®) infusion for symptomatic treatment of severe spinal spasticity was realised using a monocentric, comparative, retrospective approach where subjects were their own controls (n = 22). Study results confirm the efficacy of baclofen on symptoms, functional status of patients and on a non specific quality of life scale. Conversely, use of baclofen lead to a 67% increase of average annual costs of care for these patients and reaches around 173,500 French francs (~29,000 US$)/year. Such a cost seems to be acceptable with respect to clinical benefits. © 1998 Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
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