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目的 探讨应用掌背星状皮瓣指/趾蹼成形矫正并指/趾畸形的临床疗效.方法 自2018年3月至2020年5月,海军第九七一医院手外科应用星状皮瓣指/趾蹼成形治疗并指/趾畸形患者17例,其中先天性手指并指畸形7例,外伤皮瓣修复术后并指畸形4例,足并趾畸形6例.术中应用掌背星状皮瓣重建指/趾蹼,指/趾体间采用连续Z形皮瓣分离术...  相似文献   
Objective: To explore the synergistic protection of Danhong Injection (丹红注射液,DHI) and ischemic postconditioning on myocardial reperfusion injury in minipigs.Methods: Acute myocardial infarction model was made by balloon occlusion in left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) of minipigs,and then postconditioning was simulated through inflation/deflation of the angioplasty balloon.Minipigs were divided into four groups: the sham operation group (SH group),the ischemia/reperfusion group (I/R group),the ischemic postconditioning group (POC group) and DHI combined with ischemic postconditioning group (PAD group,DHI 20 mL through ear vein),six in each group.After 24-h continuous observation,myocardial infarction size was assessed by triphenyltetrazolium staining (TTC).Morphological changes of ischemic myocardium were observed by light microscopy,and cardiomyocyte ultrastructure was studied with electron microscopy.The superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) activity in heart homogenates were measured by a biochemical method.Results: The myocardial infarction size was smaller in the POC group than in the I/R group (0.26±0.02 vs.0.37±0.09,P0.05),and the PAD group (0.14±0.08) displayed a significantly reduced infarction size relative to the I/R group (P0.01) and POC group (P0.05).The damage of myocardial tissue was severe in the I/R group shown by light and electron microscopy: myocardial fibers disorder,sarcoplasmic dissolution,myofilament fracture,mitochondria swelling and even vacuolization formation and a large number of inflammatory cell infiltrations.Compared with the I/R group,reduction of reperfusion injury in the PAD group included more orderly arranged myocardial fibers,less infiltration of inflammatory cells and maintenance of mitochondrial integrity.Compared with the I/R group,the damage of myocardial tissue in the POC group was improved,but not as significant as that in the PAD group.SOD levels in the POC group and the PAD group were significantly higher than those in the I/R group (96.96±13.43,112.25±22.75 vs.76.32±10.63,P0.05),and MDA was significantly lower in the POC group and the PAD group compared to the I/R group (1.27±0.19,1.09±0.21 vs.1.47±0.16,P0.05).Conclusion: DHI and ischemic postconditioning show a synergistic cardioprotection on myocardial reperfusion injury in minipigs.  相似文献   
目的探讨应用指掌侧固有动脉穿支(关节支)皮瓣联合掌背动脉皮瓣接力修复手指末节背侧软组织缺损的手术方法和疗效。方法 2019年1月-2022年6月,青岛大学附属医院手足显微外科共收治9例手指末节背侧软组织缺损伴伸肌腱止点撕脱患者,缺损面积为1.0 cm×1.0 cm~2.5 cm×2.0 cm,钢丝重建伸肌腱止点,采用近节指掌侧固有动脉穿支(关节支)皮瓣修复创面,掌背动脉皮瓣接力修复近节皮瓣供区,术后门诊、微信等方式随访,评估近、远期皮瓣成活情况、皮瓣外形、瘢痕情况及指骨间关节、掌指关节功能。结果指掌侧固有动脉穿支(关节支)皮瓣和掌背动脉穿支筋膜皮瓣全部成活,术后1例指掌侧固有动脉穿支(关节支)皮瓣出现发紫、张力性水疱,皮瓣蒂部在术后36~48 h给予部分缝线拆除,术后7 d皮瓣颜色红润,指体末节关节及甲床伤口愈合良好,未见红肿及感染。术后随访时间为5~12个月,平均9个月,指体末节皮肤与近节背侧及掌背皮肤外形、色泽、质地相似,感觉恢复良好,均超过S3,TPD为8~10 mm,平均9.5 mm。按照中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评定,结果优7例,良2例。结论指掌侧固有动脉穿...  相似文献   
目的探讨应用以旋股外侧动脉降支为蒂的股前外侧穿支皮瓣(ALTPF)串联修复下肢大面积软组织缺损的临床疗效。方法选取2018年6月-2023年1月青岛大学附属医院手足显微外科治疗的下肢大面积软组织缺损患者9例,男6例,女3例;年龄18~57岁;伤因:车祸伤4例,碾压伤2例,高处坠落2例,爆炸伤1例;小腿并足背软组织缺损5例,小腿胫前、胫后软组织缺损伴胫骨骨折4例。所有患肢均存在不同程度的组织坏死、感染,合并肌腱、神经、骨、关节等深部组织缺损或植入物外露, 软组织缺损面积30 cm×14 cm~42 cm×14 cm, 均采用以双侧旋股外侧动脉降支为蒂的ALTPF串联修复,近端皮瓣大小25 cm×8 cm~33 cm×13 cm, 远端皮瓣大小20 cm×7 cm~29 cm×13 cm。术后定期随访,观察移植皮瓣成活情况及小腿及足部功能恢复情况,参照英国医学研究会(BMRC)标准评定皮瓣感觉恢复, 并按照Puno评分标准来评价功能恢复情况, 分析其临床效果。结果 9例皮瓣均成活,切口愈合良好,1例术后24 h内出现血管危象,及时手术探查后好转,皮瓣远端发生小面积的坏死,经二期植皮创面愈合...  相似文献   
<正>1病例介绍 患者女,64岁。因“双足踝肿物伴疼痛不适4年,肿物进行性长大伴行走困难”于2021年3月入院。患者有高脂血症家族史。入院检查:左、右侧跟腱处可分别扪及大小为10.0 cm×2.5 cm×2.0 cm及12.0 cm×3.0 cm×2.0 cm肿物,右侧足底跖筋膜处可扪及一大小为4.0 cm×3.0 cm×2.0 cm肿物、腓骨肌腱走行可触及大小为8.0 cm×2.0 cm×1.0 cm条索状肿物,均质韧且轻压痛;左、右足活动后疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)分别为1、5分,美国矫形足踝外科协会(AOFAS)评分分别为65、100分。  相似文献   
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