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心血管疾病是当前人类死亡的主要原因之一。但目前对大部分严重晚期心脏病患者,还缺少根治的方法,而只能依靠心脏置换包括心脏移植和全人工心脏植入(Total artificial heart,下称TAH)来挽救其生命,心脏移植由于存在一定的局限性,且远不能满足临床上心脏置换的需要,因而人们把注意力放到TAH的研究上。美国自60年代中期以  相似文献   
在全国外科学术会议上,提出外科医师的培养问题,恐怕还是第一次吧。提出这个培养问题,我感到很好,完全拥护。培养外科医师不是一件小事,而是一个战略性的问题。它关系到我们外科医师接班人和我国外科事业发展的重大问题。谨就青年外科医师的培养问题,提出一些设想。我讲的青年外科医师,是指毕业后  相似文献   
为了对我室研制的幼儿用气动隔膜泵今后的临床应用提供依据,进行了离体和在体两方面的评价。模拟实验表明,影响泵输出量的主要因素是驱动正压和频率,而驱动负压作用相对较小。在驱动正压150~220mmHg间,泵输出量随正压加大而提高;在一定的驱动频率范围内和驱动正压下,泵输出量随频率增加而提高;仅就驱动负压而言,在-40~-60mmHg间.泵输出量最大且无明显变化,因此较为合适的驱动负压是-40mmHg。动物实验结果显示,当心衰犬的主动脉平均压在65mmHg以下时,驱动正压仅150mmHg、负压-40mmHg、频率75bpm条件下,即可达到90%的辅助流率,这就提示在今后的临床应用中,无需采取过高的驱动正压。动物实验证明泵最大每搏量为15.5ml,达到了每搏量15ml的设计要求,如驱动频率在60bpm以上,可达900ml左右的辅助流量,因而能满足15公斤以下体重幼儿患者心脏辅助的需要。  相似文献   
This article presents some main advances in the management of arterial and venous diseases during the recent 35 years. In the treatment of arterial diseases, the manufacture and application of pure silk and dacron prosthesis in the late fifties has enlarged the scope of surgery for aneurysms. Even resections of huge complicated thoracoabdominal aneurysms have been performed with good results since the eighties. Embolectomy by means of a Fogarty catheter has been used with success since 1970. As to chronic arteriosus obliterans, including thromboangitis obliterans and arteriosclerosis, omental graft (1982) and staged arterio-venous reversal (1986) may produce good results. In the treatment of aortitis, nephrectomy is good for cases involving unilateral renal artery. Bypass, endarterectomy, patch graft or angioplasty for those cases with stenosis at the beginning of the main branches are very beneficial. In the management of portal hypertension, splenorenal shunt has been widely adopted since 1952. In 1964 pericardiac devasculization was first used, and in recent years there was an increasing trend in its practice. As to venous diseases in the lower extremity, a classification based on whether the lesion involves venous reflux or venous return disturbance has been suggested in recent years. Venous reflux diseases with valvular insuffciency of the saphenous vein has an incidence of 14%, valvular insufficiency of the deep femoral vein is even more common with an incidence as high as 55%. The operations for each category are mentioned. Diseases of venous return disturbance are mainly the sequel of thrombosis of the deep vein. The are two types i. e. whole extremity and segmental.  相似文献   
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我院曾于1958年与上海第一医学院合办过《上医学报》。七十年代初期,在广大师生医护员工的要求下,也曾单独办过《上海二医》。但在林彪、“四人帮”极“左”路线的干扰下,不久即告停刊。党的十一届三中全会给学术界迎来了一个群芳争艳的春天,我院广大师生医护员工纷纷要求《学报》早日复刊。经过积极筹备,《上海第二  相似文献   
自从1977年9月在长春市召开全国心血管外科经验交流会以来,心脏外科有了普遍而迅速的发展。目前,除西藏自治区开展心内闭式二尖瓣分离等手术外,其他各省、市、自治区包括部分专区医院和个别县医院都已恢复或开展了心内直视手术。  相似文献   
1954年2月9日~12月9日,上海第二医学院附属三个教学医院共施行了54例二尖瓣分离术,其中广慈医院宋祥明医师手术3例,仁济医院粱其琛、董方中和王一山等医师手术19例,宏仁医院本人手术32例.现分析报告于后.  相似文献   
门静脉高压症分肝内型和肝外型二种,前者为最常见,约占95%。形成肝内型病变的原因,因地区而有很大差别,例如统计病理切片报告较多的11个单位5,870例中,北方地区病例占1,086例,其中门脉性约占  相似文献   
1952年10月24日,在全国高等学校院系调整过程中,上海第二医学院由圣约翰大学医学院、震旦大学医学院和同德医学院合并而创建,至今已有三十年的历史。三十年前,上海第二医学院是由国家接管了教会学校和调整了私立学校,从而奠定了建  相似文献   
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