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中成药大品种具有临床价值大、科学价值强、市场价值高的基本特征,中成药大品种不仅是中药产业发展的核心引擎,也是中医药学术发展的重要内容,事关中医药事业与产业,意义重大。本文以中医理论创新与中药大品种为切入,在回顾中医理论创新研究方法与模式的基础上,强调有效方药的创制是理论创新研究成果的集中体现,并以风咳理论与苏黄止咳胶囊、络病理论与通心络胶囊为例予以说明。提出以中成药大品种为载体,实现中医理论创新研究的思路与策略,即在梳理和分析中成药大品种组方规律与功能主治的基础上,深度挖掘其蕴含的理论内涵,不仅强调普遍的理论认识,更应关注应用独特的药物及其配伍;不仅仅满足揭示中药作用的现代科学内涵,更应通过中成药大品种作用机制研究,探索未知或可能的新靶点、新通路和新机制,从而促进科学发现,引领医学研究方向。  相似文献   
该研究通过本草考证及对我国植物志(含地方植物志)、历版《中国药典》及地方中药材标准、近现代文献记载情况进行整理,列出原植物和药材鉴定表,并对全国菟丝子商品药材进行收集和鉴定,结果发现本草中所描述的菟丝子植物应为菟丝子Cuscuta chinensis,以产于山东、河南为好。当今菟丝子商品药材经鉴定植物来源包括南方菟丝子C.australis、菟丝子C.chinensis和金灯藤C.japonica 3种,主要为南方菟丝子C.australis,古今菟丝子药材主流品种发生变化。许多近现代文献对菟丝子的原植物和药材性状、显微特征记载描述有出入,需进一步修改完善。南方菟丝子C.australis、菟丝子C.chinensis和金灯藤C.japonica三者种子有区别值得进一步研究。《中国药典》收载2物种,建议分开细化特征,以示区别。该研究为菟丝子药材的开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   
中药大品种质量标准提升研究是中药大品种二次开发研究的重要内容,通过质量标准提升研究,建立可溯源的、与临床疗效高度关联的全程质量控制体系和质量标准,并为中药质量控制提供可参照的模式和研究范例。本文以疏风解毒胶囊和元胡止痛滴丸为例,论述中药大品种质量标准提升研究的思路、方法与研究实践。从质量控制指标的发现和确定、样品测定和质量标准的确定角度论述了中药大品种质量标准提升研究的路径和方法。最后,结合研究实践,建立了中药质量标准研究新的集成模式。  相似文献   
通过查阅历代本草、医籍、方书及近现代文献资料,对经典名方中所用饴糖的名称、品种、原料及制作工艺进行了考证,为含有饴糖的经典名方开发利用提供依据。经考证可知,饴糖之名历代多源于其形态、质地、制法、原料及产地。古代所用饴糖根据质地不同,主要分为软、硬两类,湿软如蜜者称为“饴”或“胶饴”,质硬色白的则称为“饧”“糖”,现代则多称为麦芽糖,入药仅用胶饴,饧则多作食用;历代药用胶饴推崇糯米(来源于Oryza sativa var. glutinosa)为原料,以大麦Hordeum vulgare制蘖,经过发酵、煎煮、浓缩制备而成,而粟米(来源于Setaria italica var. germanicaPanicum miliaceum等其他谷物为原料制成的饴糖品质次之。2020年版《中华人民共和国药典》未收录饴糖,收载了药用辅料麦芽糖,为纯度较高的结晶粉;但国家食品标准与地方炮制规范中收录了饴糖。基于考证结果,建议经典名方开发中所用胶饴可参考GB/T 20883—2017中的麦芽糖浆,并明确以糯米大麦为原料。  相似文献   
Potatoes contain glycoalkaloids in varying levels depending upon variety, treatment and so on. Glycoalkaloids are potentially toxic at the natural levels in potatoes, and Nordic assessments recommend that the safety levels of total glycoalkaloids (TGA) in new potato varieties should not exceed 100 mg/kg. Thus the aim of this study was to make a survey of the distribution and contents of TGA in potatoes on the Danish market, including many different and relevant varieties during a 6-year period. A total of 386 samples of potato tubers were analysed for α-solanine and α-chaconine by extraction with acetic acid and determination by RP-HPLC with UV-detection at 202 nm. The results not only confirmed that contents above 100 mg TGA/kg in potato tubers frequently occurred in some years, but also showed the possibility of finding lower contents in the same varieties other years. This led to the cautious conclusion that by careful selection of varieties and environmental conditions, generally providing consumers with potatoes containing less than 100 mg TGA/kg would be possible.  相似文献   
Potatoes are part of the staple food of Andean populations. Although there are more than 200 Andean potato varieties, only a few are cultivated at present, which endangers the biodiversity of the region. The objective of this paper was to characterize seven varieties of Andean potatoes (Collareja, Runa, Churqueña, Señorita, Imilla Colorada, Imilla Negra and Revolución) and to determine their phenotypic, functional and nutritional properties. The different varieties of Andean potatoes show differences in their agronomic properties, such as area of production and altitude yield per hectare, pest resistance and sowing and harvesting seasons. They are adapted to different altitudes, which influence their agronomic characteristics. Yield varies between 8000 and 18,000 kg/ha according to the variety. They present a diversity of forms, sizes and colors. The energy content ranges from 315 to 424 kJ/100 g, with these values being higher than those of the reference variety (239 kJ/100 g). Vitamin C content ranges from 10.5 mg/100 g found in Revolución varieties to 15.6 mg/100 g in Collareja potatoes; the vitamin C content in Spunta lies within this range (13.3 mg/100 g of potato). Increased knowledge of the nutritional, agronomic and functional properties of Andean potato varieties will contribute to the preservation of a biodiversity that is part of Argentina's regional heritage.  相似文献   
A classical set of birational invariants of a variety are its spaces of pluricanonical forms and some of their canonically defined subspaces. Each of these vector spaces admits a typical metric structure which is also birationally invariant. These vector spaces so metrized will be referred to as the pseudonormed spaces of the original varieties. A fundamental question is the following: Given two mildly singular projective varieties with some of the first variety''s pseudonormed spaces being isometric to the corresponding ones of the second variety''s, can one construct a birational map between them that induces these isometries? In this work, a positive answer to this question is given for varieties of general type. This can be thought of as a theorem of Torelli type for birational equivalence.  相似文献   
本文选择了4种籼、粳、糯稻谷品种进行不同精度的加工,并对加工后的大米进行营养成分分析。结果表明:大米的几种主要营养成分,除碳水化合物以外,其他成分如必需氨基酸、维生素及矿物元素等随加工精度的提高而降低,精度愈高、损失愈大,基本上成线性相关。并找出合理的加工精度,为我国目前大米加工精度及碾米副产品利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
目的分析广东地产毒性中药材常用品种,研究预防中毒的措施,从而为临床救治提供理论依据。方法归纳及分析常用的广东地产毒性中药材的功效、中毒症状、毒性及预防方法。结果广东地产毒性中药以引起人体皮肤损伤、破坏血液循环、神经中枢损伤为主。广东地产毒性中药材主要具有清热解毒、消肿止痛等功效(即抗菌、抗病毒、抗癌),多用于治疗脊髓型颈椎病、腰椎间盘疾病、癌痛,促使白血病、前列腺癌等肿瘤细胞凋亡。结论对广东地产中毒性中药材药性研究进行更系统的分析,可促使中药材药用功能更加明确,利于临床医务人员了解中毒表现症状及相关作用。  相似文献   
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