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目的研究并比较不同规格怀牛膝不同极性部位的HPLC指纹图谱,探索其内部质量差异,为该药材的规格标准完善及临床用药提供参考。方法将怀牛膝用体积分数75%乙醇水浴回流提取,得体积分数75%乙醇回流提取物,用40 mL水溶解后,依次用石油醚、三氯甲烷、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇进行萃取,得到各萃取相及萃取后的水相,浓缩至浸膏,采集各部位HPLC指纹图谱;运用相似度、综合聚类法进行数据分析,同时对其不同部位的指纹图谱进行比对分析。结果石油醚、氯仿部位均标定了11个共有峰,乙酸乙酯部位标定了10个共有峰,正丁醇部位标定了19个共有峰,水部位标定8个共有峰;氯仿部位指纹图谱相似度差异较大,其他部位指纹图谱相似度差异较小,均在0.9以上;石油醚部位指纹图谱差异主要体现在峰高,乙酸乙酯部位、氯仿部位、水部位的化学成分种类及峰高均存在差异;综合聚类分析能将不同规格怀牛膝区分开。结论不同规格怀牛膝内部质量存在差异;实验中所建立的HPLC指纹图谱可以全面反映不同规格怀牛膝的化学成分分布,为不同规格怀牛膝的整体质量评价提供参考。  相似文献   
基于临床流程功能需求的生理监测仪配置评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病人生理监测仪是临床医学的主要仪器之一,由于所涉及的技术流程定位不同,功能需求也就不同,其功能配置也应有所不同。本文从分解分析生理监测仪相关应用领域的技术定位功能需求出发,讨论卫生技术装备管理的功能配置评估。  相似文献   
义齿PMMA基托表面粗糙度影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究技工操作因素对义齿树脂基托表面粗糙度的影响。方法:在不同粉液比、充填时期、聚合温度、混合方式以及出盒温度成型的上颌半口义齿基托上选取1.5cm^2范围,按照统一的打磨顺序,由粗到细打磨抛光完成,浸入冷水中,7天后进行粗糙度测试,所得数据经t检验统计处理。结果:在单体含量降低组、丝状期充填组.热处理时直接放入70℃水中维持9h组与对照组相比,均存在显著差异(P〈0.05)。结论:影响PMMA树脂表面粗糙度的制作工艺因素有单体含量降低、丝状期充填和未经100℃高温热处理。  相似文献   
中专学生的自杀态度与自杀行为的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨不同民族、年级和性别的中专学生对自杀态度的认识;对不同的自杀态度的认识对自杀意念、自杀计划和自杀企图的影响.方法:以某市两所中专学校共2032名中专学生作为调查对象进行现况调查.自杀行为的定义与问卷设计与美国CDC青年危险行为监测系统(YRBSS)相同.结果:不同民族、性别和年级的中专生对自杀态度有所不同;中专生对自杀行为性质的认识和对安乐死的态度影响自杀行为的发生.结论:加强中专生对自杀的认识有助预防中专生自杀行为的发生.  相似文献   
The ascidian tadpole larva represents the basic body plan of all chordates in a relatively small number of cells and tissue types. Although it had been considered that ascidians develop largely in a determinative way, whereas vertebrates develop in an inductive way, recent studies at the molecular and cellular levels have uncovered several similarities in the way developmental fates are specified. In this review, we describe ascidian embryogenesis and its cell lineages, introduce several characteristics of ascidian embryos, describe recent advances in understanding of the mechanisms of cell fate specification, and discuss them in the context of what is known in vertebrates and other organisms. Developmental Dynamics 236:1748–1757, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
病人生理监测仪是临床医学的主要仪器,由于涉及技术流程的功能定位不同,功能需求也就不同,其功能配置也就有所不同。从生理监测仪相关应用领域的分解技术功能定位出发,讨论装备管理的功能配置问题。  相似文献   
SUMMARY. This study compared plateletpheresis on the Haemonetics PCS Plus (PCS Plus) and the Baxter Autopheresis C (Auto C) using the same 100 selected donors. The number of packs meeting UK BTS/NIBSC specification (>2.2 times 1011 platelets per pack) was achieved by 99% of PCS Plus and 82% of Auto C procedures. The positive correlation found between donor precount and final platelet yield was better for the PCS Plus. Both machines met U.K. specification for white-cell contamination but this was significantly greater for the Auto C. Plasma yields were similar.
As a result of this study we chose to use the PCS Plus for routine plateletpheresis in our unit. This has enabled us not only to comply with UK BTS/NIBSC specifications for apheresis platelets easily and cost effectively but also to meet our own higher specification (2.75 times 1011 platelets per pack) using existing staff and without extending the working day.  相似文献   
This paper considers a pole assignment problem to cluster all poles of a closed-loop system into some specified regions by introducing the complex state for systems having an isotropic property and by using the Riccati equation. The algebraic relations for the distribution of the eigenvalues of a complex matrix are used in order to cluster the poles into specified regions, which guarantees the relative stability margin, e.g. uniform damping or uniform damping ratio. The proposed scheme is essentially a combination of the pole assignment approach and linear quadratic design, taking the advantages of both. A block modal control method—an extension of recursive pole assignment—is also developed for the vibration control of rotating systems by clustering the forward and backward modes in order. Vibration control simulations with an isotropic rotor—bearing system, a magnetic bearing system and a rotating circular disc are treated in order to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   
Although Hedgehog (HH) signaling plays a critical role in patterning the ventral midbrain, its role in early midbrain specification is not known. We examined the midbrains of sonic hedgehog (Shh) and smoothened (Smo) mutant mice where HH signaling is respectively attenuated and eliminated. We show that some ventral (Evx1+) cell fates are specified in the Shh-/- mouse in a Ptc1- and Gli1-independent manner. HH-independent ventral midbrain induction was further confirmed by the presence of a Pax7-negative ventral midbrain territory in both Shh-/- and Smo-/- mice at and before embryonic day (E) 8.5. Midbrain signaling centers are severely disrupted in the Shh-/- mutant. Interestingly, dorsal markers are up-regulated (Wnt1, Gdf7, Pax7), down-regulated (Lfng), or otherwise altered (Zic1) in the Shh-/- midbrain. Together with the increased cell death seen specifically in Shh-/- dorsal midbrains (E8.5-E9), our results suggest specific regulation of dorsal patterning by SHH, rather than a simple deregulation due to its absence.  相似文献   
Early stages of chick somite development   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
We report on the formation and early differentiation of the somites in the avian embryo. The somites are derived from the mesoderm which, in the body (excluding the head), is subdivided into four compartments: the axial, paraxial, intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm. Somites develop from the paraxial mesoderm and constitute the segmental pattern of the body. They are formed in pairs by epithelialization, first at the cranial end of the paraxial mesoderm, proceeding caudally, while new mesenchyme cells enter the paraxial mesoderm as a consequence of gastrulation. After their formation, which depends upon cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, the somites impose segmental pattern upon peripheral nerves and vascular primordia. The newly formed somite consists of an epithelial ball of columnar cells enveloping mesenchymal cells within a central cavity, the somitocoel. Each somite is surrounded by extracellular matrix material connecting the somite with adjacent structures. The competence to form skeletal muscle is a unique property of the somites and becomes realized during compartmentalization, under control of signals emanating from surrounding tissues. Compartmentalization is accompanied by altered patterns of expression of Pax genes within the somite. These are believed to be involved in the specification of somite cell lineages. Somites are also regionally specified, giving rise to particular skeletal structures at different axial levels. This axial specification appears to be reflected in Hox gene expression. MyoD is first expressed in the dorsomedial quadrant of the still epithelial somite whose cells are not yet definitely committed. During early maturation, the ventral wall of the somite undergoes an epithelio-mesenchymal transition forming the sclerotome. The sclerotome later becomes subdivided into rostral and caudal halves which are separated laterally by von Ebner's fissure. The lateral part of the caudal half of the sclerotome mainly forms the ribs, neural arches and pedicles of vertebrae, whereas within the lateral part of the rostral half the spinal nerve develops. The medially migrating sclerotomal cells form the peri-notochordal sheath, and later give rise to the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. The somitocoel cells also contribute to the sclerotome. The dorsal half of the somite remains epithelial and is referred to as the dermomyotome because it gives rise to the dermis of the back and the skeletal musculature. The cells located within the lateral half of the dermomyotome are the precursors of the muscles of the hypaxial domain of the body, whereas those in the medial half are precursors of the epaxial (back) muscles. Single epithelial cells at the cranio-medial edge of the dermomyotome elongate in a caudal direction, beneath the dermomyotome, and become anchored at its caudal margin. These post-mitotic and muscle protein-expressing cells form the myotome. At limb levels, the precursors of hypaxial muscles undergo an epithelio-mesenchymal transition and migrate into the somatic mesoderm, where they replicate and later differentiate. These cells express the Pax-3 gene prior to, during and after this migration. All compartments of the somite contribute endothelial cells to the formation of vascular primordia. These cells, unlike all other cells of the somite, occasionally cross the midline of the developing embryo. We also suggest a method for staging somites according to their developmental age.  相似文献   
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