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Summary The Aspergillus nidulans acetamidase gene (amdS) has been used to transform Penicillium chrysogenum at low frequency. Several transformants were tested and shown to be mitotically stable. Southern blot analysis indicated that transforming DNA had integrated into the chromosomal DNA, possibly at multiple sites.  相似文献   
用玻璃纤维处理BALB/C3T3细胞,使细胞发生转化,从转化细胞中抽提DNA用以转染NIH3T3细胞,结果被转染的细胞亦发生转化。用~(32)P标记的Ha-ras癌基因作探针,通过斑点杂交,征明玻璃纤维诱发的BALB/3T3转化细胞中,Ha—ras的原癌基因被激活。  相似文献   
Transformation of human cells, both induced and spontaneous, is an extremely rare event, whereas rodent cells are relatively easily transformed when treated with a single carcinogenic agent. The present review addresses the question of why human cells are resistant to malignant transformation in vitro. To facilitate understanding of the problem, the process of transformation is divided operationally into two phases, i.e. phase I, immortalization; and phase II, malignant transformation. In human cells, one-phase transformation, i.e., the consecutive occurrence of phases I and II due to the action of a single carcinogenic agent, is observed only rarely. Once human cells are immortalized, however, malignant transformation by chemical carcinogens or oncogenes proceeds, suggesting that for human cells, phase I immortalization is a prerequisite for such transformation to take place. To date, about 20 papers have been published describing protocols for the two-phase transformation of a variety of human epithelial cells and fibroblasts. In most experiments, SV40, human papilloma viruses and their transforming genes are utilized for induction of phase I (immortalization) followed by the use of chemical carcinogens or activated oncogenes for induction of phase II (malignant transformation). Possible mechanisms that would render human cells refractory to transformation are discussed below.  相似文献   
A wireless recording system was developed to study the electroencephalogram (EEG) in unrestrained, male Landrace piglets. Under general anesthesia, ball-tipped silver/silver chloride electrodes for EEG recording were implanted onto the dura matter of the parietal and frontal cortex of the piglets. A pair of miniature preamplifiers and transmitters was then mounted on the surface of the skull. To examine whether other bioelectrical activities interfere with the EEG measurements, an electrocardiogram (ECG) or electromyogram (EMG) of the neck was simultaneously recorded with the EEG. Next, wire electrodes for recording movement of the eyelid were implanted with EEG electrodes, and EEG and eyelid movements were simultaneously measured. Power spectral analysis using a Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) algorithm indicates that EEG was successfully recorded in unrestrained piglets, at rest, during the daytime in the absence of interference from ECG, EMG or eyelid movements. These data indicate the feasibility of using our radiotelemetry system for measurement of EEG under these conditions.  相似文献   
Summary A pyrG mutant of Trichoderma viride, a very efficient cellulase producer, was isolated from among 5-fluoroorotic acid-resistant mutants. The mutation was complemented with the pyr4 gene of Neurospora crassa and used as a selection marker for the transformation of T. viride. A plasmid vector, pDJB1-Taa, carrying both the pyr4 gene and a gene encoding Taka-amylase A from Aspergillus oryzae, was constructed and introduced into protoplasts of T. viride pyrG-. The transformation frequency was 1–10 transformants (3 on average) per g DNA. One transformant showed highly elevated -amylase production (about 17 times higher than the recipient level) and the integration of more than one copy of the Taka-amylase gene.  相似文献   
Signaling via the T cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 complex of pre-activated T cells induces apoptosis. Such an activation-induced cell death (AICD) is thought to play an important role in the regulation of cellular immune responses. In this study we analyzed pathways of AICD by using human T cells transformed by Herpesvirus saimiri. These growth-transformed T cells show the phenotype of activated mature T cells and continue to express a functionally intact TCR. We show that human H. saimiri-transformed T cell clones readily undergo cell death upon signaling via the TCR/CD3 complex or via phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) + ionomycin. The AICD in H. saimiri-transformed T cells was detectable a few hours after activation and it was not affected by the presence of interleukin (IL)-2 or by anti-CD4 cross-linking. However, AICD required tyrosine phosphorylation, since it could be blocked by herbimycin A. Cyclosporin A (CsA) did not block the development of AICD, but other consequences of activation in H. saimiri-transformed T cells like the production of interferon-γ. Surprisingly, the development of AICD was not reduced by neutralizing antibodies to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α or blocking antibodies directed to CD95 (Fas, APO-1), although H. saimiri-transformed T cells were sensitive to CD95 ligation. To confirm that this form of AICD is really independent of CD95, we have established an H. saimiri-transformed T cell line from a patient with a homozygous deletion in the CD95 gene. This CD95-deficient T cell line was as sensitive to AICD as other CD95-expressing H. saimiri-transformed T cells. In conclusion, we describe here a type of AICD in H. saimiri-transformed T cells that is independent of CD95 and TNF-α, not sensitive to CsA, but requires tyrosine phosphorylation. This system should be useful for the investigation of CD95-independent forms of AICD.  相似文献   
A high frequency transformation system has been developed for Penicillium paxilli using pAN7-1. Up to 44% of the primary transformants were heterokaryons. Loss of hygromycin resistance was observed in primary transformants that were sub-cultured on non-selective media, but single spores of these primary transformants were mitotically stable on both selective and non-selective media. A molecular analysis of the transformants generated showed that 78% had single-site integrations, with half of these containing a single copy of pAN7-1. CHEF-gel electrophoresis showed that P. paxilli has at least six chromosomes with a total genome size of about 23.4 Mb.  相似文献   
In Hypocrea jecorina (anamorph: Trichoderma reesei) multiple gene deletions are limited by the number of readily available selection markers. We have therefore constructed a blaster cassette which enables successive gene knock-outs in H. jecorina. This 3.5 kb pyr4 blaster cassette contains the H. jecorina pyr4 marker gene encoding orotidine-5′-monophosphate (OMP) decarboxylase flanked by two direct repeats of the Streptoalloteichus hindustanus bleomycin gene (Sh ble), which facilitate the excision of the blaster cassette by homologous recombination after each round of deletion. Functionality of this pyr4 blaster cassette was demonstrated by deletion of the glk1 encoding glucokinase and hxk1 encoding hexokinase. 1.4–1.8 kb of the non-coding flanking regions of both target genes were cloned into the respective blaster cassettes and transformation of a pyr4 negative H. jecorina strain with the two cassettes resulted in 10–13% of the transformants in the deletion of one of the two kinase genes. For excision of the pyr4 blaster cassettes, Δglk1 strains were selected for growth in the presence of 5-fluoroorotic acid. Recombination between the two Sh ble elements resulted in uridine auxotrophic strains which retained their respective glucokinase negative phenotype. Subsequent transformation of one of these auxotrophic Δglk1 strains with the hexokinase blaster cassette resulted in pyr4 prototrophic strains deleted in both glk1 and hxk1. Δglk1 strains showed reduced growth on d-glucose and d-fructose whereas Δhxkl strains showed reduced compact growth on d-glucose but were unable to grow on d-fructose as carbon source. The double Δglk1Δhxk1 deletion strain was completely unable to grow on either d-glucose or d-fructose. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers DQ068384 (H. jecorina glk1) and DQ068385 (H. jecorina hxk1).  相似文献   
Summary The Escherichia coli aspartase gene aspA has been expressed in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans using the powerful constitutive gpdA promoter and trpC terminator, both from A. nidulans. Multiple, but not single, copies of aspA overcome nutritional deficiencies resulting from the loss of catabolic NAD-linked glutamate dehydrogenase. They also circumvent certain nutritional deficiencies resulting from loss of the positive-acting regulatory gene product mediating nitrogen metabolite repression. Both of these cases of physiological suppression involve the aspartase-catalyzed catabolism of aspartate to ammonium plus fumarate. No physiological evidence for the opposite reaction leading to aspartate synthesis was obtained as multiple copies of aspA did not affect the phenotype resulting from the loss of anabolic NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenase. The use of vectors containing aspA and recipients lacking NAD-linked glutamate dehydrogenase is an efficient means of selecting multicopy transformants in A. nidulans and also offers the possibility to select strains having increased aspartase levels from original transformants.  相似文献   
Summary [2 m+ and [2m°] yeast were transformed to stable leucine prototrophy with the hybrid yeast — E. coli plasmid, pJDB219. This plasmid contains the entire sequence of the endogenous 2 m yeast DNA plasmid in addition to the yeast nuclear LEU2 + gene and the Co1E1 derivative, pMB9. In the [2 m+] transformants, a new wholly yeast LEU2 + plasmid, pYX, was generated, probably by a recombination event between pJDB219 and 2 m DNA. The plamid, pYX, in the absence of 2 m DNA, was found to exist in equimolar amounts of two forms, A and B, which probably arise by intramolecular recombination across the inverted repeat sequences of the 2 m DNA portion of the plasmid. pJDB219 was found to require the presence of 2 m DNA to undergo this intramolecular recombination. The results suggest that 2, m DNA and pYX code for a gene product required in this recombination event which pJDB219 cannot produce.  相似文献   
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