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目的 评价舌象仪临床应用研究的随机对照试验(RCT)、病例系列研究的方法学及报告质量。方法 检索PubMed、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、维普数据库(VIP)和万方数据库(Wanfang database),从建库截至2018年12月开始检索,收集应用舌象仪观察临床疾病的RCT、病例系列研究和病例对照研究,分别参考Cochrane手册5.1.0版的偏倚风险评估工具和CONSORT 2010版的声明,对纳入的RCT研究进行方法学和报告质量进行评价;根据NICE和STROBE声明第四版进行方法学的报告质量评价研究。结果 初检出相关文献567篇,最终纳入59篇文献,包括2个RCT,57个病例系列研究。50%的RCT应用Cochrane偏倚风险工具评价后显示采用的随机分配方法比较合理,没有采用分配隐藏和盲法;均采用了意向性分析,遗憾的是并没有报告失访的情况;研究也缺乏选择性报告。NICE病例系列研究质量评价结果 病例系列研究中仅14.04%符合多中心研究;59.64%的研究纳入排除标准均不明确;数据未达到预期设定目标,未进行分层分析结局。CONSORT声明2010版评价结果显示:纳入的文献均不能从题目辨别出是否是随机临床试验,多项条目报告率为0;应用STROBE声明评价后结果显示:纳入的病例系列研究均未在题目中明确标明是病例系列研究,多项条目报告率为0。结论 舌象仪临床应用的RCT和病例系列研究报告质量不高,建议在设计和报告临床病例对照和随机对照试验时分别参考CONSORT声明、STROBE声明,纠正目前研究存在的方法学问题,进一步提高临床研究质量,增强舌象仪临床应用于疾病效用证据的强度,推进中医的客观化和现代化。  相似文献   


目的 分析医学研究报告规范在生物医学期刊中的采用情况及影响因素,以期为有效采用医学研究报告规范、提高研究报告质量提供参考。方法 采用目的抽样法,抽取我国生物医学期刊的编辑人员216例为调查对象。于2017年10月—2018年2月,在检索查阅文献、专家咨询的基础上,结合研究目的自行设计调查问卷。问卷主要内容包括:期刊的基本情况、编辑人员的基本情况、期刊对医学研究报告规范的采用情况及影响因素等。共发放问卷216份,回收有效问卷198份,问卷的有效回收率为91.7%。结果 198本期刊中,采用医学研究报告规范的期刊有78本,采用率为39.4%;采用CONSORT声明的期刊78本(39.4%),采用STROBE声明的期刊19本(9.6%),采用STARD声明的期刊18本(9.1%),采用PRISMA声明的期刊26本(13.1%)。不同数据库收录情况期刊的医学研究报告规范采用率、CONSORT声明采用率、PRISMA声明采用率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且核心期刊的采用率高于非核心期刊(P<0.016 7)。采用医学研究报告规范的78本期刊中,采用过程中遇到的主要问题/困惑为作者不能很好配合采用(66.7%,52/78)和要求严格、可能导致许多稿件无法发表而影响出版进度(64.1%,50/78)。在120本未采用医学研究报告规范的期刊中,未采用的主要可能原因为要求严格、可能导致许多稿件无法发表而影响出版进度(65.8%,79/120)和作者不能很好配合采用(55.8%,67/120)。结论 目前医学研究报告规范在生物医学期刊中的采用情况尚有待改善,核心期刊的采用率较非核心期刊高,影响期刊采用医学研究报告规范的主要因素为作者不能很好配合采用和要求严格可能导致很多稿件无法发表而影响出版进度。建议加强编辑人员和医学生医学研究报告规范的培训,以推动报告规范的采用,进一步提高医学研究报告的质量。  相似文献   


Reliable, clinically acceptable pressure measuring devices are important to accurately record interface pressure. The Pliance X is a device that may overcome previous device limitations (i.e. pressure garment distortion, temperature dependent sensors). This research aimed to identify the test–retest reliability and clinical utility of the Pliance X in children receiving pressure garment therapy post-burn.


Data was collected as part of a pilot longitudinal cohort study. Immediate test–retest reliability was investigated at baseline and analysed using Intra-Class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs). Clinical utility was evaluated at baseline using the criteria of appropriate, accessible, practicable and acceptable.


Thirty-one children completed baseline measurements. Participants had a median age of three years (IQR: 1.5, 7.5), and 61% were male. Test–retest reliability of the Pliance X was close to acceptable for clinical use for stationary interface pressure (ICC = 0.87, n = 27). The Pliance X was appropriate and acceptable for children of all ages who were not distressed.


Further reliability testing is required, including inter-rater reliability testing. The device’s clinical utility could be improved with alternate sensor styles and an instant mean pressure reading to enable immediately clinically useful information on the interface pressure.  相似文献   
The ability to conduct weight-of-evidence assessments to inform the evaluation of potential environmental neurotoxicants is limited by lack of comparability of study methods, data analysis, and reporting. There is a need to establish consensus guidelines for conducting, analyzing, and reporting neurodevelopmental environmental epidemiologic studies, while recognizing that consistency is likewise needed for epidemiology studies examining other health outcomes. This paper proposes a set of considerations to be used by the scientific community at-large as a tool for systematically evaluating the quality of proposed and/or published studies in terms of their value for weight-of-evidence assessments. Particular emphasis is placed on evaluating factors influencing the risk of incorrect conclusions at the level of study findings. The proposed considerations are the first step in what must be a larger consensus-based process and can serve to catalyze such a discussion. Achieving consensus in these types of endeavors is difficult; however, opportunities exist for further interdisciplinary discussion, collaboration, and research that will help realize this goal. Broad acceptance and application of such an approach can facilitate the expanded use of environmental epidemiology studies of potential neurodevelopmental toxicants in the protection of public health, and specifically children's health.  相似文献   
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